{#each schemaProperties as [key, value]}
{#if key !== "fields"}
{value.title || (key === "row" ? "Table" : key)}
{/if} {#if value.type === "string" && value.enum}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} options={value.enum} getOptionLabel={(x, idx) => (value.pretty ? value.pretty[idx] : x)} /> {:else if value.customType === "column"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} options={Object.keys(table?.schema || {})} /> {:else if value.customType === "filters"}
Define filters
saveFilters(key)}> Save
(tempFilters = e.detail)} />
{:else if value.customType === "password"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} /> {:else if value.customType === "email"} {#if isTestModal}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} fillWidth updateOnChange={false} /> {:else}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} allowJS={false} updateOnChange={false} drawerLeft="260px" /> {/if} {:else if value.customType === "query"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} /> {:else if value.customType === "cron"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} /> {:else if value.customType === "queryParams"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} {bindings} /> {:else if value.customType === "table"}
onChange(e, key)} /> {:else if value.customType === "row"}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} {isTestModal} /> {:else if value.customType === "webhookUrl"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} /> {:else if value.customType === "fields"}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} {isTestModal} /> {:else if value.customType === "triggerSchema"}
onChange(e, key)} value={inputData[key]} /> {:else if value.customType === "code"}
(codeBindingOpen = !codeBindingOpen)} quiet icon={codeBindingOpen ? "ChevronDown" : "ChevronRight"} >
{#if codeBindingOpen}
{JSON.stringify(bindings, null, 2)}
{ // need to pass without the value inside onChange({ detail: e.detail.value }, key) inputData[key] = e.detail.value }} value={inputData[key]} />
{:else if value.customType === "loopOption"}
onChange(e, key)} autoWidth value={inputData[key]} options={["Array", "String"]} defaultValue={"Array"} /> {:else if value.type === "string" || value.type === "number" || value.type === "integer"} {#if isTestModal}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} updateOnChange={false} /> {:else}
onChange(e, key)} {bindings} updateOnChange={false} placeholder={value.customType === "queryLimit" ? queryLimit : ""} drawerLeft="260px" />
{/if} {/if}
{#if stepId === TriggerStepID.WEBHOOK}
webhookModal.show()}>Set Up Webhook