## Dev Environment on Debian 11 ### Install Node Budibase requires a recent version of node (14+): ``` curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo bash - apt -y install nodejs node -v ``` ### Install npm requirements ``` npm install -g yarn jest lerna ``` ### Install Docker and Docker Compose ``` apt install docker.io pip3 install docker-compose ``` ### Clone the repo ``` git clone https://github.com/Budibase/budibase.git ``` ### Check Versions This setup process was tested on Debian 11 (bullseye) with version numbers show below. Your mileage may vary using anything else. - Docker: 20.10.5 - Docker-Compose: 1.29.2 - Node: v16.15.1 - Yarn: 1.22.19 - Lerna: 5.1.4 ### Build ``` cd budibase yarn setup ``` The yarn setup command runs several build steps i.e. ``` node ./hosting/scripts/setup.js && yarn && yarn bootstrap && yarn build && yarn dev ``` So this command will actually run the application in dev mode. It creates .env files under `./packages/server` and `./packages/worker` and runs docker containers for each service via docker-compose. The dev version will be available on port 10000 i.e.