import { Operation, RelationshipType, RenameColumn, Table, TableRequest, ViewV2, } from "@budibase/types" import { context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { buildExternalTableId } from "../../../../integrations/utils" import { foreignKeyStructure, hasTypeChanged, setStaticSchemas, } from "../../../../api/controllers/table/utils" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp" import { FieldTypes } from "../../../../constants" import { makeTableRequest } from "../../../../api/controllers/table/ExternalRequest" import { isRelationshipSetup, cleanupRelationships, generateLinkSchema, generateManyLinkSchema, generateRelatedSchema, } from "./utils" import { getTable } from "../getters" import { populateExternalTableSchemas } from "../validation" import datasourceSdk from "../../datasources" import * as viewSdk from "../../views" export async function save( datasourceId: string, update: Table, opts?: { tableId?: string; renaming?: RenameColumn } ) { let tableToSave: TableRequest = { type: "table", _id: buildExternalTableId(datasourceId,, sourceId: datasourceId, ...update, } const tableId = opts?.tableId || update._id let oldTable: Table | undefined if (tableId) { oldTable = await getTable(tableId) } if (hasTypeChanged(tableToSave, oldTable)) { throw new Error("A column type has changed.") } for (let view in tableToSave.views) { const tableView = tableToSave.views[view] if (!tableView || !viewSdk.isV2(tableView)) continue tableToSave.views[view] = viewSdk.syncSchema( oldTable!.views![view] as ViewV2, tableToSave.schema, opts?.renaming ) } const db = context.getAppDB() const datasource = await datasourceSdk.get(datasourceId) if (!datasource.entities) { datasource.entities = {} } // GSheets is a specific case - only ever has a static primary key tableToSave = setStaticSchemas(datasource, tableToSave) const oldTables = cloneDeep(datasource.entities) const tables: Record<string, Table> = datasource.entities const extraTablesToUpdate = [] // check if relations need setup for (let schema of Object.values(tableToSave.schema)) { if (schema.type !== FieldTypes.LINK || isRelationshipSetup(schema)) { continue } const schemaTableId = schema.tableId const relatedTable = Object.values(tables).find( table => table._id === schemaTableId ) if (!relatedTable) { continue } const relatedColumnName = schema.fieldName! const relationType = schema.relationshipType if (relationType === RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY) { const junctionTable = generateManyLinkSchema( datasource, schema, tableToSave, relatedTable ) if (tables[]) { throw new Error( "Junction table already exists, cannot create another relationship." ) } tables[] = junctionTable extraTablesToUpdate.push(junctionTable) } else { const fkTable = relationType === RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY ? tableToSave : relatedTable const foreignKey = generateLinkSchema( schema, tableToSave, relatedTable, relationType ) if (fkTable.schema[foreignKey] != null) { throw new Error( `Unable to generate foreign key - column ${foreignKey} already in use.` ) } fkTable.schema[foreignKey] = foreignKeyStructure(foreignKey) if (fkTable.constrained == null) { fkTable.constrained = [] } if (fkTable.constrained.indexOf(foreignKey) === -1) { fkTable.constrained.push(foreignKey) } // foreign key is in other table, need to save it to external if (fkTable._id !== tableToSave._id) { extraTablesToUpdate.push(fkTable) } } generateRelatedSchema(schema, relatedTable, tableToSave, relatedColumnName) schema.main = true } cleanupRelationships(tableToSave, tables, oldTable) const operation = tableId ? Operation.UPDATE_TABLE : Operation.CREATE_TABLE await makeTableRequest( datasource, operation, tableToSave, tables, oldTable, opts?.renaming ) // update any extra tables (like foreign keys in other tables) for (let extraTable of extraTablesToUpdate) { const oldExtraTable = oldTables[] let op = oldExtraTable ? Operation.UPDATE_TABLE : Operation.CREATE_TABLE await makeTableRequest(datasource, op, extraTable, tables, oldExtraTable) } // make sure the constrained list, all still exist if (Array.isArray(tableToSave.constrained)) { tableToSave.constrained = tableToSave.constrained.filter(constraint => Object.keys(tableToSave.schema).includes(constraint) ) } // remove the rename prop delete tableToSave._rename // store it into couch now for budibase reference datasource.entities[] = tableToSave await db.put(populateExternalTableSchemas(datasource)) // Since tables are stored inside datasources, we need to notify clients // that the datasource definition changed const updatedDatasource = await datasourceSdk.get(datasource._id!) return { datasource: updatedDatasource, table: tableToSave } } export async function destroy(datasourceId: string, table: Table) { const db = context.getAppDB() const datasource = await datasourceSdk.get(datasourceId) const tables = datasource.entities const operation = Operation.DELETE_TABLE if (tables) { await makeTableRequest(datasource, operation, table, tables) cleanupRelationships(table, tables) delete tables[] datasource.entities = tables } await db.put(populateExternalTableSchemas(datasource)) // Since tables are stored inside datasources, we need to notify clients // that the datasource definition changed const updatedDatasource = await datasourceSdk.get(datasource._id!) return { datasource: updatedDatasource, table } }