import * as setup from "./utilities" import { CreateViewRequest, Datasource, FieldSchema, FieldType, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, PermissionLevel, QuotaUsageType, Row, SaveTableRequest, SortOrder, SortType, StaticQuotaName, Table, TableSourceType, UpdateViewRequest, ViewV2, SearchResponse, BasicOperator, CalculationType, RelationshipType, TableSchema, RenameColumn, BBReferenceFieldSubType, NumericCalculationFieldMetadata, ViewV2Schema, ViewV2Type, JsonTypes, EmptyFilterOption, JsonFieldSubType, UISearchFilter, LegacyFilter, SearchViewRowRequest, ArrayOperator, UILogicalOperator, SearchFilters, } from "@budibase/types" import { generator, mocks } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import { DatabaseName, getDatasource } from "../../../integrations/tests/utils" import merge from "lodash/merge" import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { db, roles, features, context } from "@budibase/backend-core" describe.each([ ["lucene", undefined], ["sqs", undefined], [DatabaseName.POSTGRES, getDatasource(DatabaseName.POSTGRES)], [DatabaseName.MYSQL, getDatasource(DatabaseName.MYSQL)], [DatabaseName.SQL_SERVER, getDatasource(DatabaseName.SQL_SERVER)], [DatabaseName.MARIADB, getDatasource(DatabaseName.MARIADB)], [DatabaseName.ORACLE, getDatasource(DatabaseName.ORACLE)], ])("/v2/views (%s)", (name, dsProvider) => { const config = setup.getConfig() const isSqs = name === "sqs" const isLucene = name === "lucene" const isInternal = isSqs || isLucene let table: Table let rawDatasource: Datasource | undefined let datasource: Datasource | undefined let envCleanup: (() => void) | undefined function saveTableRequest( ...overrides: Partial>[] ): SaveTableRequest { const req: SaveTableRequest = { name: generator.guid().replaceAll("-", "").substring(0, 16), type: "table", sourceType: datasource ? TableSourceType.EXTERNAL : TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: datasource ? datasource._id! : INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, }, } return merge(req, ...overrides) } function priceTable(): SaveTableRequest { return saveTableRequest({ schema: { Price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "Price", constraints: {}, }, Category: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "Category", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, }, }) } beforeAll(async () => { await features.testutils.withFeatureFlags("*", { SQS: isSqs }, () => config.init() ) envCleanup = features.testutils.setFeatureFlags("*", { SQS: isSqs, }) if (dsProvider) { rawDatasource = await dsProvider datasource = await config.createDatasource({ datasource: rawDatasource, }) } table = await }) afterAll(async () => { setup.afterAll() if (envCleanup) { envCleanup() } }) beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() }) describe("view crud", () => { describe("create", () => { it("persist the view when the view is successfully created", async () => { const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, }, } const res = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) expect(res).toEqual({ ...newView, id: expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`${table._id!}_`)), version: 2, }) }) it("can persist views with all fields", async () => { const newView: Required> = { name:, tableId: table._id!, primaryDisplay: "id", queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], }, ], }, sort: { field: "fieldToSort", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, }, } const res = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) const expected: ViewV2 = { ...newView, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, }, query: { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, $and: { conditions: [ { $and: { conditions: [ { equal: { field: "value", }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, id: expect.any(String), version: 2, } expect(res).toEqual(expected) }) it("can create a view with just a query field, no queryUI, for backwards compatibility", async () => { const newView: Required> = { name:, tableId: table._id!, primaryDisplay: "id", query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], sort: { field: "fieldToSort", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, }, } const res = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) const expected: ViewV2 = { ...newView, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, }, queryUI: { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, groups: [ { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], }, ], }, id: expect.any(String), version: 2, } expect(res).toEqual(expected) }) it("persist only UI schema overrides", async () => { const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.NUMBER, visible: true, }, Price: { name: "Price", type: FieldType.NUMBER, visible: true, order: 1, width: 100, }, Category: { name: "Category", type: FieldType.STRING, visible: false, icon: "ic", }, } as ViewV2Schema, } const createdView = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) expect(createdView).toEqual({ ...newView, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, order: 1, width: 100, }, Category: { visible: false, icon: "ic", }, }, id:, version: 2, }) }) it("will not throw an exception if the schema is 'deleting' non UI fields", async () => { const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.NUMBER, autocolumn: true, visible: true, }, Price: { name: "Price", type: FieldType.NUMBER, visible: true, }, Category: { name: "Category", type: FieldType.STRING, }, } as ViewV2Schema, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 201, }) }) it("does not persist non-visible fields", async () => { const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, primaryDisplay: "id", schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true }, Category: { visible: false }, }, } const res = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) expect(res).toEqual({ ...newView, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true }, Category: { visible: false }, }, id: expect.any(String), version: 2, }) }) it("throws bad request when the schema fields are not valid", async () => { const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, nonExisting: { visible: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Field "nonExisting" is not valid for the requested table', }, }) }) describe("readonly fields", () => { it("readonly fields are persisted", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, description: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, } const res = await config.api.viewV2.create(newView) expect(res.schema).toEqual({ id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, description: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }) }) it("required fields cannot be marked as readonly", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 400, body: { message: 'You can\'t make "name" readonly because it is a required field.', status: 400, }, }) }) it("readonly fields must be visible", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: false, readonly: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Field "name" must be visible if you want to make it readonly', status: 400, }, }) }) it("readonly fields can be used on free license", async () => { mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 201, }) }) }) it("display fields must be visible", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: false, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 400, body: { message: 'You can\'t hide "name" because it is the display column.', status: 400, }, }) }) it("display fields can be readonly", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const newView: CreateViewRequest = { name:, tableId: table._id!, primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.create(newView, { status: 201, }) }) it("can create a view with calculation fields", async () => { let view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, }, }) expect(Object.keys(view.schema!)).toHaveLength(1) let sum = view.schema!.sum as NumericCalculationFieldMetadata expect(sum).toBeDefined() expect(sum.calculationType).toEqual(CalculationType.SUM) expect(sum.field).toEqual("Price") view = await config.api.viewV2.get( sum = view.schema!.sum as NumericCalculationFieldMetadata expect(sum).toBeDefined() expect(sum.calculationType).toEqual(CalculationType.SUM) expect(sum.field).toEqual("Price") }) it("cannot create a view with calculation fields unless it has the right type", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Calculation fields are not allowed in non-calculation views", }, } ) }) it("cannot create a calculation view with more than 5 aggregations", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, field: "Price", }, min: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.MIN, field: "Price", }, max: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.MAX, field: "Price", }, avg: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.AVG, field: "Price", }, sum2: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Calculation views can only have a maximum of 5 fields", }, } ) }) it("cannot create a calculation view with duplicate calculations", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, sum2: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "Price", }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Duplicate calculation on field "Price", calculation type "sum"', }, } ) }) it("finds duplicate counts", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, }, count2: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Duplicate calculation on field "*", calculation type "count"', }, } ) }) it("finds duplicate count distincts", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, distinct: true, field: "Price", }, count2: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, distinct: true, field: "Price", }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Duplicate calculation on field "Price", calculation type "count"', }, } ) }) it("does not confuse counts and count distincts in the duplicate check", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, }, count2: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, distinct: true, field: "Price", }, }, }) }) !isLucene && it("does not get confused when a calculation field shadows a basic one", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, }, }) ) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [{ age: 1 }, { age: 2 }, { age: 3 }], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { age: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "age", }, }, }) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].age).toEqual(6) }) // We don't allow the creation of tables with most JsonTypes when using // external datasources. isInternal && it("cannot use complex types as group-by fields", async () => { for (const type of JsonTypes) { const field = { name: "field", type } as FieldSchema const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { field } }) ) await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { field: { visible: true }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: `Grouping by fields of type "${type}" is not supported`, }, } ) } }) isInternal && it("shouldn't trigger a complex type check on a group by field if field is invisible", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { field: { name: "field", type: FieldType.JSON, }, }, }) ) await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { field: { visible: false }, }, }, { status: 201, } ) }) }) describe("update", () => { let view: ViewV2 let table: Table beforeEach(async () => { table = await view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, }, }) }) it("can update an existing view data", async () => { const tableId = table._id! await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "thatValue", }, ], }) const expected: ViewV2 = { ...view, query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "thatValue", }, ], // Should also update queryUI because query was not previously set. queryUI: { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, groups: [ { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "thatValue", }, ], }, ], }, schema: expect.anything(), } expect((await config.api.table.get(tableId)).views).toEqual({ []: expected, }) }) it("can update all fields", async () => { const tableId = table._id! const updatedData: Required< Omit > = { version: view.version, id:, tableId, name:, primaryDisplay: "Price", query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "newValue", }, ], sort: { field: generator.word(), order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Category: { visible: false, }, Price: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, } await config.api.viewV2.update(updatedData) const expected: ViewV2 = { ...updatedData, // queryUI gets generated from query queryUI: { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, groups: [ { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "newValue", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { ...table.schema, id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, }), Category: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, }), Price: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), }, } expect((await config.api.table.get(tableId)).views).toEqual({ []: expected, }) }) it("can update an existing view name", async () => { const tableId = table._id! const newName = generator.guid() await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, name: newName }) expect(await config.api.table.get(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ views: { [newName]: { ...view, name: newName, schema: expect.anything() }, }, }) ) }) it("cannot update an unexisting views nor edit ids", async () => { const tableId = table._id! await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...view, id: generator.guid() }, { status: 404 } ) expect(await config.api.table.get(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ views: { []: { ...view, schema: expect.anything(), }, }, }) ) }) it("cannot update views with the wrong tableId", async () => { const tableId = table._id! await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...view, tableId: generator.guid(), query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "thatValue", }, ], }, { status: 404 } ) expect(await config.api.table.get(tableId)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ views: { []: { ...view, schema: expect.anything(), }, }, }) ) }) isInternal && it("cannot update views v1", async () => { const viewV1 = await{ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), filters: [], schema: {}, }) await config.api.viewV2.update(viewV1 as unknown as ViewV2, { status: 400, body: { message: "Only views V2 can be updated", status: 400, }, }) }) it("cannot update the a view with unmatching ids between url and body", async () => { const anotherView = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, }, }) const result = await config .request!.put(`/api/v2/views/${}`) .send(view) .set(config.defaultHeaders()) .expect("Content-Type", /json/) .expect(400) expect(result.body).toEqual({ message: "View id does not match between the body and the uri path", status: 400, }) }) it("updates only UI schema overrides", async () => { const updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, schema: { ...view.schema, Price: { name: "Price", type: FieldType.NUMBER, visible: true, order: 1, width: 100, }, Category: { name: "Category", type: FieldType.STRING, visible: false, icon: "ic", }, } as ViewV2Schema, }) expect(updatedView).toEqual({ ...view, schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, order: 1, width: 100, }, Category: { visible: false, icon: "ic" }, }, id:, version: 2, }) }) it("will not throw an exception if the schema is 'deleting' non UI fields", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...view, schema: { ...view.schema, Price: { name: "Price", type: FieldType.NUMBER, visible: true, }, Category: { name: "Category", type: FieldType.STRING, }, } as ViewV2Schema, }, { status: 200, } ) }) it("cannot update view type after creation", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, }, }) await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...view, type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Cannot update view type after creation", }, } ) }) isInternal && it("updating schema will only validate modified field", async () => { let view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, Price: { visible: true, }, Category: { visible: true }, }, }) // Update the view to an invalid state const tableToUpdate = await config.api.table.get(table._id!) ;(tableToUpdate.views![] as ViewV2).schema!.id.visible = false await db.getDB(config.appId!).put(tableToUpdate) view = await config.api.viewV2.get( await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...view, schema: { ...view.schema, Price: { visible: false, }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'You can\'t hide "id" because it is a required field.', status: 400, }, } ) }) it("can update queryUI field and query gets regenerated", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], }, ], }, }) let updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( let expected: SearchFilters = { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, $and: { conditions: [ { $and: { conditions: [ { equal: { field: "value" }, }, ], }, }, ], }, } expect(updatedView.query).toEqual(expected) await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...updatedView, queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "newField", value: "newValue", }, ], }, ], }, }) updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expected = { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, $and: { conditions: [ { $and: { conditions: [ { equal: { newField: "newValue" }, }, ], }, }, ], }, } expect(updatedView.query).toEqual(expected) }) it("can delete either query and it will get regenerated from queryUI", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], }) let updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView.queryUI).toBeDefined() await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...updatedView, query: undefined, }) updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView.query).toBeDefined() }) // This is because the conversion from queryUI -> query loses data, so you // can't accurately reproduce the original queryUI from the query. If // query is a LegacyFilter[] we allow it, because for Budibase v3 // everything in the db had query set to a LegacyFilter[], and there's no // loss of information converting from a LegacyFilter[] to a // UISearchFilter. But we convert to a SearchFilters and that can't be // accurately converted to a UISearchFilter. it("can't regenerate queryUI from a query once it has been generated from a queryUI", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.update({ ...view, queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "field", value: "value", }, ], }, ], }, }) let updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView.query).toBeDefined() await config.api.viewV2.update( { ...updatedView, queryUI: undefined, }, { status: 400, body: { message: "view is missing queryUI field", }, } ) }) !isLucene && describe("calculation views", () => { let table: Table let view: ViewV2 beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, country: { name: "country", type: FieldType.STRING, }, age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, }, }) ) view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { country: { visible: true, }, age: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "age", }, }, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { name: "Steve", age: 30, country: "UK", }, { name: "Jane", age: 31, country: "UK", }, { name: "Ruari", age: 32, country: "USA", }, { name: "Alice", age: 33, country: "USA", }, ], }) }) it("returns the expected rows prior to modification", async () => { const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(2) expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { country: "USA", age: 65, }, { country: "UK", age: 61, }, ]) ) }) it("can remove a group by field", async () => { delete view.schema!.country await config.api.viewV2.update(view) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { age: 126, }, ]) ) }) it("can remove a calculation field", async () => { delete view.schema!.age await config.api.viewV2.update(view) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(4) // Because the removal of the calculation field actually makes this // no longer a calculation view, these rows will now have _id and // _rev fields. expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ country: "UK" }), expect.objectContaining({ country: "UK" }), expect.objectContaining({ country: "USA" }), expect.objectContaining({ country: "USA" }), ]) ) }) it("can add a new group by field", async () => { view.schema!.name = { visible: true } await config.api.viewV2.update(view) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(4) expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { name: "Steve", age: 30, country: "UK", }, { name: "Jane", age: 31, country: "UK", }, { name: "Ruari", age: 32, country: "USA", }, { name: "Alice", age: 33, country: "USA", }, ]) ) }) it("can add a new group by field that is invisible, even if required on the table", async () => { view.schema!.name = { visible: false } await config.api.viewV2.update(view) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(2) expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { country: "USA", age: 65, }, { country: "UK", age: 61, }, ]) ) }) it("can add a new calculation field", async () => { view.schema!.count = { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, } await config.api.viewV2.update(view) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(2) expect(rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { country: "USA", age: 65, count: 2, }, { country: "UK", age: 61, count: 2, }, ]) ) }) }) }) describe("delete", () => { let view: ViewV2 beforeAll(async () => { view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, }, }) }) it("can delete an existing view", async () => { const tableId = table._id! const getPersistedView = async () => (await config.api.table.get(tableId)).views![] expect(await getPersistedView()).toBeDefined() await config.api.viewV2.delete( expect(await getPersistedView()).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe.each([ ["from view api", (view: ViewV2) => config.api.viewV2.get(], [ "from table", async (view: ViewV2) => { const table = await config.api.table.get(view.tableId) return table.views![] as ViewV2 }, ], ])("read (%s)", (_, getDelegate) => { let table: Table let tableId: string beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { one: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "one", }, two: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "two", }, three: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "three", }, }, }) ) tableId = table._id! }) it("retrieves the view data with the enriched schema", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) expect(await getDelegate(view)).toEqual({ ...view, schema: { id: { ...table.schema["id"], visible: true }, one: { ...table.schema["one"], visible: true }, two: { ...table.schema["two"], visible: true }, three: { ...table.schema["three"], visible: false }, }, }) }) it("does not include columns removed from the table", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const table = await config.api.table.get(tableId) const { one: _, ...newSchema } = table.schema await{ ...table, schema: newSchema }) expect(await getDelegate(view)).toEqual({ ...view, schema: { id: { ...table.schema["id"], visible: true }, two: { ...table.schema["two"], visible: true }, three: { ...table.schema["three"], visible: false }, }, }) }) it("does not include columns hidden from the table", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const table = await config.api.table.get(tableId) await{ ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, two: { ...table.schema["two"], visible: false }, }, }) expect(await getDelegate(view)).toEqual({ ...view, schema: { id: { ...table.schema["id"], visible: true }, one: { ...table.schema["one"], visible: true }, three: { ...table.schema["three"], visible: false }, }, }) }) it("should be able to fetch readonly config after downgrades", async () => { const res = await config.api.viewV2.create({ name:, tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }) mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() const view = await getDelegate(res) expect(view.schema?.one).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true }) ) }) it("should fill in the queryUI field if it's missing", async () => { const res = await config.api.viewV2.create({ name:, tableId: tableId, query: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "one", value: "1", }, ], schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, }, }) const table = await config.api.table.get(tableId) const rawView = table.views![] as ViewV2 delete rawView.queryUI await context.doInAppContext(config.getAppId(), async () => { const db = context.getAppDB() if (!rawDatasource) { await db.put(table) } else { const ds = await config.api.datasource.get(datasource!._id!) ds.entities![] = table const updatedDs = { ...rawDatasource, _id: ds._id, _rev: ds._rev, entities: ds.entities, } await db.put(updatedDs) } }) const view = await getDelegate(res) const expected: UISearchFilter = { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, groups: [ { logicalOperator: UILogicalOperator.ALL, filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "one", value: "1", }, ], }, ], } expect(view.queryUI).toEqual(expected) }) }) describe("updating table schema", () => { describe("existing columns changed to required", () => { beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.NUMBER, autocolumn: true, }, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) }) it("allows updating when no views constrains the field", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create({ name: "view a", tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true }, }, }) table = await config.api.table.get(table._id!) await { ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: { allowEmpty: false } }, }, }, }, { status: 200 } ) }) it("rejects if field is readonly in any view", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create({ name: "view a", tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true, readonly: true, }, }, }) table = await config.api.table.get(table._id!) await { ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { status: 400, message: 'To make field "name" required, this field must be present and writable in views: view a.', }, } ) }) it("rejects if field is hidden in any view", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create({ name: "view a", tableId: table._id!, schema: { id: { visible: true } }, }) table = await config.api.table.get(table._id!) await { ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { status: 400, message: 'To make field "name" required, this field must be present and writable in views: view a.', }, } ) }) }) describe("foreign relationship columns", () => { const createAuxTable = () => saveTableRequest({ primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER }, }, }) ) const createMainTable = async ( links: { name: string tableId: string fk: string }[] ) => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: {}, }) ) await{ ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, ...links.reduce((acc, c) => { acc[] = { name:, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: c.tableId, fieldName:, constraints: { type: "array" }, } return acc }, {}), }, }) return table } const createView = async (tableId: string, schema: ViewV2Schema) => await config.api.viewV2.create({ name: generator.guid(), tableId, schema, }) const renameColumn = async (table: Table, renaming: RenameColumn) => { const newSchema = { ...table.schema } newSchema[renaming.updated] = { ...table.schema[renaming.old], name: renaming.updated, } delete newSchema[renaming.old] await{ ...table, schema: newSchema, _rename: renaming, }) } it("updating a column will update link columns configuration", async () => { let auxTable = await createAuxTable() const table = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux" }, ]) // Refetch auxTable auxTable = await config.api.table.get(auxTable._id!) const view = await createView(table._id!, { aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, age: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, }) await renameColumn(auxTable, { old: "age", updated: "dob" }) const updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ schema: expect.objectContaining({ aux: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), name: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), dob: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), }, }), }), }) ) }) it("handles multiple fields using the same table", async () => { let auxTable = await createAuxTable() const table = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux" }, { name: "aux2", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux2" }, ]) // Refetch auxTable auxTable = await config.api.table.get(auxTable._id!) const view = await createView(table._id!, { aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, age: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, aux2: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, age: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, }) await renameColumn(auxTable, { old: "age", updated: "dob" }) const updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ schema: expect.objectContaining({ aux: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), name: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), dob: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), }, }), aux2: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), name: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), dob: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), }, }), }), }) ) }) it("does not rename columns with the same name but from other tables", async () => { let auxTable = await createAuxTable() let aux2Table = await createAuxTable() const table = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux" }, { name: "aux2", tableId: aux2Table._id!, fk: "fk_aux2" }, ]) // Refetch auxTable auxTable = await config.api.table.get(auxTable._id!) const view = await createView(table._id!, { aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, aux2: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, }) await renameColumn(auxTable, { old: "name", updated: "fullName" }) const updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ schema: expect.objectContaining({ aux: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), fullName: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), age: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), }, }), aux2: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), name: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), age: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), }, }), }), }) ) }) it("updates all views references", async () => { let auxTable = await createAuxTable() const table1 = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux_table1" }, ]) const table2 = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux_table2" }, ]) // Refetch auxTable auxTable = await config.api.table.get(auxTable._id!) const viewSchema = { aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, age: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, } const view1 = await createView(table1._id!, viewSchema) const view2 = await createView(table1._id!, viewSchema) const view3 = await createView(table2._id!, viewSchema) await renameColumn(auxTable, { old: "age", updated: "dob" }) for (const view of [view1, view2, view3]) { const updatedView = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(updatedView).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ schema: expect.objectContaining({ aux: expect.objectContaining({ columns: { id: expect.objectContaining({ visible: false, readonly: false, }), name: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), dob: expect.objectContaining({ visible: true, readonly: true, }), }, }), }), }) ) } }) }) }) !isLucene && describe("calculation views", () => { it("should not remove calculation columns when modifying table schema", async () => { let table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, }, }) ) let view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "age", }, }, }) table = await config.api.table.get(table._id!) await{ ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, }, }) view = await config.api.viewV2.get( expect(Object.keys(view.schema!).sort()).toEqual([ "age", "id", "name", "sum", ]) }) describe("bigints", () => { let table: Table let view: ViewV2 beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { bigint: { name: "bigint", type: FieldType.BIGINT, }, }, }) ) view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "bigint", }, }, }) }) it("should not lose precision handling ints larger than JSs int53", async () => { // The sum of the following 3 numbers cannot be represented by // JavaScripts default int53 datatype for numbers, so this is a test // that makes sure we aren't losing precision between the DB and the // user. await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { bigint: "1000000000000000000" }, { bigint: "123" }, { bigint: "321" }, ], }) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].sum).toEqual("1000000000000000444") }) it("should be able to handle up to 2**63 - 1 bigints", async () => { await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [{ bigint: "9223372036854775806" }, { bigint: "1" }], }) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].sum).toEqual("9223372036854775807") }) }) }) }) describe("row operations", () => { let table: Table, view: ViewV2 beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { one: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "one" }, two: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "two" }, default: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "default", default: "default", }, }, }) ) view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) }) describe("create", () => { it("should persist a new row with only the provided view fields", async () => { const newRow = await, { tableId: table!._id, _viewId:, one: "foo", two: "bar", default: "ohnoes", }) const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!) expect( expect(row.two).toEqual("bar") expect(row.default).toEqual("default") }) it("can't persist readonly columns", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true, readonly: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const row = await, { tableId: table!._id, _viewId:, one: "foo", two: "bar", }) expect( expect(row.two).toEqual("bar") }) it("should not return non-view view fields for a row", async () => { const newRow = await, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) expect( expect(newRow.two).toEqual("bar") }) it("should not be possible to create a row in a calculation view", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, }, }) await, { one: "foo" }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Cannot insert rows through a calculation view", status: 400, }, } ) }) }) describe("patch", () => { it("should not return non-view view fields for a row", async () => { const newRow = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) const row = await config.api.row.patch(, { tableId: table._id!, _id: newRow._id!, _rev: newRow._rev!, one: "newFoo", two: "newBar", }) expect( expect(row.two).toEqual("newBar") }) it("should update only the view fields for a row", async () => { const newRow = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await config.api.row.patch(, { tableId: table._id!, _id: newRow._id!, _rev: newRow._rev!, one: "newFoo", two: "newBar", }) const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!) expect("foo") expect(row.two).toEqual("newBar") }) it("can't update readonly columns", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true, readonly: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const newRow = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await config.api.row.patch(, { tableId: table._id!, _id: newRow._id!, _rev: newRow._rev!, one: "newFoo", two: "newBar", }) const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!) expect("foo") expect(row.two).toEqual("newBar") }) it("should not be possible to modify a row in a calculation view", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, }, }) const newRow = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await config.api.row.patch(, { tableId: table._id!, _id: newRow._id!, _rev: newRow._rev!, one: "newFoo", two: "newBar", }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Cannot update rows through a calculation view", }, } ) }) }) describe("destroy", () => { const getRowUsage = async () => { const { total } = await config.doInContext(undefined, () => quotas.getCurrentUsageValues( QuotaUsageType.STATIC, StaticQuotaName.ROWS ) ) return total } const assertRowUsage = async (expected: number) => { const usage = await getRowUsage() expect(usage).toBe(expected) } it("should be able to delete a row", async () => { const createdRow = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.bulkDelete(, { rows: [createdRow] }) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 1 : rowUsage) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, createdRow._id!, { status: 404, }) }) it("should be able to delete multiple rows", async () => { const rows = await Promise.all([!, {}),!, {}),!, {}), ]) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.bulkDelete(, { rows: [rows[0], rows[2]] }) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 2 : rowUsage) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[0]._id!, { status: 404, }) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[2]._id!, { status: 404, }) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, rows[1]._id!, { status: 200 }) }) it("should not be possible to delete a row in a calculation view", async () => { const row = await!, {}) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, }, }) await config.api.row.delete(, { _id: row._id! }, { status: 400, body: { message: "Cannot delete rows through a calculation view", status: 400, }, } ) }) }) describe("read", () => { let view: ViewV2 let table: Table beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { Country: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "Country", }, Story: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "Story", }, }, }) ) view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, Country: { visible: true, }, }, }) }) it("views have extra data trimmed", async () => { let row = await, { Country: "Aussy", Story: "aaaaa", }) row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(row.Story).toBeUndefined() expect(row.Country).toEqual("Aussy") }) }) !isLucene && describe("search", () => { it("returns empty rows from view when no schema is passed", async () => { const rows = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, {}) ) ) const response = await expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10) expect(response).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => ({ _viewId:, tableId: table._id, id:, _id: r._id, _rev: r._rev, ...(isInternal ? { type: "row", updatedAt: expect.any(String), createdAt: expect.any(String), } : {}), })) ), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, }), }) }) it("searching respects the view filters", async () => { await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) const two = await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "two", value: "bar2", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: false }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const response = await expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining([ { _viewId:, tableId: table._id, id:, two: two.two, _id: two._id, _rev: two._rev, ...(isInternal ? { type: "row", createdAt: expect.any(String), updatedAt: expect.any(String), } : {}), }, ]), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, }), }) }) it("views filters are respected even if the column is hidden", async () => { await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) const two = await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "two", value: "bar2", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: false }, two: { visible: false }, }, }) const response = await expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ _id: two._id }), ]) }) it("views without data can be returned", async () => { const response = await expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(0) }) it("respects the limit parameter", async () => { await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, {}) ) ) const limit = generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 8 }) const response = await, { limit, query: {}, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(limit) }) it("can handle pagination", async () => { await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, {}) ) ) const rows = (await const page1 = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, query: {}, countRows: true, }) expect(page1).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(0, 4)), hasNextPage: true, bookmark: expect.anything(), totalRows: 10, }) const page2 = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, bookmark: page1.bookmark, query: {}, countRows: true, }) expect(page2).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(4, 8)), hasNextPage: true, bookmark: expect.anything(), totalRows: 10, }) const page3 = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, bookmark: page2.bookmark, query: {}, countRows: true, }) const expectation: SearchResponse = { rows: expect.arrayContaining(rows.slice(8)), hasNextPage: false, totalRows: 10, } if (isLucene) { expectation.bookmark = expect.anything() } expect(page3).toEqual(expectation) }) const sortTestOptions: [ { field: string order?: SortOrder type?: SortType }, string[] ][] = [ [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "name", }, ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }, ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"], ], [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.NUMBER, }, ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }, ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.NUMBER, }, ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"], ], ] describe("sorting", () => { let table: Table const viewSchema = { id: { visible: true }, age: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true }, } beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ type: "table", schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, surname: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "surname", }, age: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "age", }, address: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "address", }, jobTitle: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "jobTitle", }, }, }) ) const users = [ { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 30 }, { name: "Charly", age: 27 }, { name: "Danny", age: 15 }, ] await Promise.all( =>!, { tableId: table._id, ...u, }) ) ) }) it.each(sortTestOptions)( "allow sorting (%s)", async (sortParams, expected) => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), sort: sortParams, schema: viewSchema, }) const response = await expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4) expect(response.rows).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining({ name })) ) } ) it.each(sortTestOptions)( "allow override the default view sorting (%s)", async (sortParams, expected) => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), sort: { field: "name", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, schema: viewSchema, }) const response = await, { sort: sortParams.field, sortOrder: sortParams.order, sortType: sortParams.type, query: {}, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(4) expect(response.rows).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining({ name })) ) } ) }) it("can query on top of the view filters", async () => { await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const three = await!, { one: "foo3", two: "bar3", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.NOT_EQUAL, field: "one", value: "foo2", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: true }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const response = await, { query: { [BasicOperator.EQUAL]: { two: "bar3", }, [BasicOperator.NOT_EMPTY]: { two: null, }, }, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response.rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ _id: three._id }), ]) ) }) it("can query on top of the view filters (using or filters)", async () => { const one = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const three = await!, { one: "foo3", two: "bar3", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.NOT_EQUAL, field: "one", value: "foo2", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: false }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const response = await, { query: { allOr: true, [BasicOperator.NOT_EQUAL]: { two: "bar", }, [BasicOperator.NOT_EMPTY]: { two: null, }, }, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(2) expect(response.rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ _id: one._id }), expect.objectContaining({ _id: three._id }), ]) ) }) !isLucene && it.each([true, false])( "can filter a view without a view filter", async allOr => { const one = await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: false }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const response = await, { query: { allOr, equal: { two: "bar", }, }, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ _id: one._id }), ]) } ) !isLucene && it.each([true, false])("cannot bypass a view filter", async allOr => { await!, { one: "foo", two: "bar", }) await!, { one: "foo2", two: "bar2", }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "two", value: "bar2", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { id: { visible: true }, one: { visible: false }, two: { visible: true }, }, }) const response = await, { query: { allOr, equal: { two: "bar", }, }, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(0) }) describe("foreign relationship columns", () => { let envCleanup: () => void beforeAll(() => { envCleanup = features.testutils.setFeatureFlags("*", { ENRICHED_RELATIONSHIPS: true, }) }) afterAll(() => { envCleanup?.() }) const createMainTable = async ( links: { name: string tableId: string fk: string }[] ) => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { title: { name: "title", type: FieldType.STRING } }, }) ) await{ ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, ...links.reduce((acc, c) => { acc[] = { name:, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: c.tableId, fieldName:, constraints: { type: "array" }, } return acc }, {}), }, }) return table } const createAuxTable = (schema: TableSchema) => saveTableRequest({ primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { ...schema, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, }, }) ) it("returns squashed fields respecting the view config", async () => { const auxTable = await createAuxTable({ age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER }, }) const auxRow = await!, { name:, age: generator.age(), }) const table = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux" }, ]) await!, { title: generator.word(), aux: [auxRow], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { title: { visible: true }, aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: false, readonly: false }, age: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, }, }) const response = await expect(response.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ aux: [ { _id: auxRow._id, primaryDisplay:, age: auxRow.age, }, ], }), ]) }) it("enriches squashed fields", async () => { const auxTable = await createAuxTable({ user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, constraints: { presence: true }, }, }) const table = await createMainTable([ { name: "aux", tableId: auxTable._id!, fk: "fk_aux" }, ]) const user = config.getUser() const auxRow = await!, { name:, user: user._id, }) await!, { title: generator.word(), aux: [auxRow], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), schema: { title: { visible: true }, aux: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true, readonly: true }, user: { visible: true, readonly: true }, }, }, }, }) const response = await expect(response.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ aux: [ { _id: auxRow._id, primaryDisplay:, name:, user: { _id: user._id, email:, firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName, primaryDisplay:, }, }, ], }), ]) }) }) !isLucene && describe("calculations", () => { let table: Table let rows: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { quantity: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "quantity", }, price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "price", }, }, }) ) rows = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, { quantity: generator.natural({ min: 1, max: 10 }), price: generator.natural({ min: 1, max: 10 }), }) ) ) }) it("should be able to search by calculations", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, name: generator.guid(), schema: { "Quantity Sum": { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "quantity", }, }, }) const response = await, { query: {}, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response.rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ "Quantity Sum": rows.reduce( (acc, r) => acc + r.quantity, 0 ), }), ]) ) // Calculation views do not return rows that can be linked back to // the source table, and so should not have an _id field. for (const row of response.rows) { expect("_id" in row).toBe(false) } }) it("should be able to group by a basic field", async () => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { quantity: { visible: true, field: "quantity", }, "Total Price": { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "price", }, }, }) const response = await, { query: {}, }) const priceByQuantity: Record = {} for (const row of rows) { priceByQuantity[row.quantity] ??= 0 priceByQuantity[row.quantity] += row.price } for (const row of response.rows) { expect(row["Total Price"]).toEqual( priceByQuantity[row.quantity] ) } }) it.each([ CalculationType.COUNT, CalculationType.SUM, CalculationType.AVG, CalculationType.MIN, CalculationType.MAX, ])("should be able to calculate $type", async type => { const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { aggregate: { visible: true, calculationType: type, field: "price", }, }, }) const response = await, { query: {}, }) function calculate( type: CalculationType, numbers: number[] ): number { switch (type) { case CalculationType.COUNT: return numbers.length case CalculationType.SUM: return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) case CalculationType.AVG: return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / numbers.length case CalculationType.MIN: return Math.min(...numbers) case CalculationType.MAX: return Math.max(...numbers) } } const prices = => row.price) const expected = calculate(type, prices) const actual = response.rows[0].aggregate if (type === CalculationType.AVG) { // The average calculation can introduce floating point rounding // errors, so we need to compare to within a small margin of // error. expect(actual).toBeCloseTo(expected) } else { expect(actual).toEqual(expected) } }) it("should be able to do a COUNT(DISTINCT)", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, distinct: true, field: "name", }, }, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { name: "John", }, { name: "John", }, { name: "Sue", }, ], }) const { rows } = await expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].count).toEqual(2) }) it("should not be able to COUNT(DISTINCT ...) against a non-existent field", async () => { await config.api.viewV2.create( { tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { count: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.COUNT, distinct: true, field: "does not exist oh no", }, }, }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Calculation field "count" references field "does not exist oh no" which does not exist in the table schema', }, } ) }) it("should be able to filter rows on the view itself", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { quantity: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "quantity", }, price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "price", }, }, }) ) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "quantity", value: 1, }, ], }, ], }, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "price", }, }, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { quantity: 1, price: 1, }, { quantity: 1, price: 2, }, { quantity: 2, price: 10, }, ], }) const { rows } = await, { query: {}, }) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].sum).toEqual(3) }) it("should be able to filter on group by fields", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { quantity: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "quantity", }, price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "price", }, }, }) ) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { quantity: { visible: true }, sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "price", }, }, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { quantity: 1, price: 1, }, { quantity: 1, price: 2, }, { quantity: 2, price: 10, }, ], }) const { rows } = await, { query: { equal: { quantity: 1, }, }, }) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].sum).toEqual(3) }) it("should be able to sort by group by field", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { quantity: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "quantity", }, price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "price", }, }, }) ) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { quantity: { visible: true }, sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "price", }, }, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { quantity: 1, price: 1, }, { quantity: 1, price: 2, }, { quantity: 2, price: 10, }, ], }) const { rows } = await, { query: {}, sort: "quantity", sortOrder: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }) expect(rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ quantity: 2, sum: 10 }), expect.objectContaining({ quantity: 1, sum: 3 }), ]) }) it("should be able to sort by a calculation", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { quantity: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "quantity", }, price: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "price", }, }, }) ) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { quantity: 1, price: 1, }, { quantity: 1, price: 2, }, { quantity: 2, price: 10, }, ], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { quantity: { visible: true }, sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "price", }, }, }) const { rows } = await, { query: {}, sort: "sum", sortOrder: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }) expect(rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ quantity: 2, sum: 10 }), expect.objectContaining({ quantity: 1, sum: 3 }), ]) }) }) !isLucene && it("should not need required fields to be present", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, }, }) ) await Promise.all([!, { name: "Steve", age: 30 }),!, { name: "Jane", age: 31 }), ]) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), type: ViewV2Type.CALCULATION, schema: { sum: { visible: true, calculationType: CalculationType.SUM, field: "age", }, }, }) const response = await, { query: {}, }) expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(response.rows[0].sum).toEqual(61) }) it("should be able to filter on a single user field in both the view query and search query", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, }, }, }) ) await!, { user: config.getUser()._id, }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: { groups: [ { filters: [ { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "user", value: "{{ [user].[_id] }}", }, ], }, ], }, schema: { user: { visible: true, }, }, }) const { rows } = await, { query: { equal: { user: "{{ [user].[_id] }}", }, }, }) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(rows[0].user._id).toEqual(config.getUser()._id) }) describe("search operators", () => { let table: Table beforeEach(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { string: { name: "string", type: FieldType.STRING }, longform: { name: "longform", type: FieldType.LONGFORM }, options: { name: "options", type: FieldType.OPTIONS, constraints: { inclusion: ["a", "b", "c"] }, }, array: { name: "array", type: FieldType.ARRAY, constraints: { type: JsonFieldSubType.ARRAY, inclusion: ["a", "b", "c"], }, }, number: { name: "number", type: FieldType.NUMBER }, bigint: { name: "bigint", type: FieldType.BIGINT }, datetime: { name: "datetime", type: FieldType.DATETIME }, boolean: { name: "boolean", type: FieldType.BOOLEAN }, user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, }, users: { name: "users", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, constraints: { type: JsonFieldSubType.ARRAY, }, }, }, }) ) }) interface TestCase { name: string query: UISearchFilter | (() => UISearchFilter) insert: Row[] | (() => Row[]) expected: Row[] | (() => Row[]) searchOpts?: Partial } function simpleQuery(...filters: LegacyFilter[]): UISearchFilter { return { groups: [{ filters }] } } const testCases: TestCase[] = [ { name: "empty query return all", insert: [{ string: "foo" }], query: { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_ALL, }, expected: [{ string: "foo" }], }, { name: "empty query return none", insert: [{ string: "foo" }], query: { onEmptyFilter: EmptyFilterOption.RETURN_NONE, }, expected: [], }, { name: "simple string search", insert: [{ string: "foo" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "string", value: "foo", }), expected: [{ string: "foo" }], }, { name: "non matching string search", insert: [{ string: "foo" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "string", value: "bar", }), expected: [], }, { name: "allOr", insert: [{ string: "bar" }, { string: "foo" }], query: simpleQuery( { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "string", value: "foo", }, { operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "string", value: "bar", }, { operator: "allOr", } ), searchOpts: { sort: "string", sortOrder: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, expected: [{ string: "bar" }, { string: "foo" }], }, { name: "can find rows with fuzzy search", insert: [{ string: "foo" }, { string: "bar" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.FUZZY, field: "string", value: "fo", }), expected: [{ string: "foo" }], }, { name: "can find nothing with fuzzy search", insert: [{ string: "foo" }, { string: "bar" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.FUZZY, field: "string", value: "baz", }), expected: [], }, { name: "can find numeric rows", insert: [{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "number", value: 1, }), expected: [{ number: 1 }], }, { name: "can find numeric values with rangeHigh", insert: [{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }, { number: 3 }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: "rangeHigh", field: "number", value: 2, }), searchOpts: { sort: "number", sortOrder: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, expected: [{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }], }, { name: "can find numeric values with rangeLow", insert: [{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }, { number: 3 }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: "rangeLow", field: "number", value: 2, }), searchOpts: { sort: "number", sortOrder: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, expected: [{ number: 2 }, { number: 3 }], }, { name: "can find numeric values with full range", insert: [{ number: 1 }, { number: 2 }, { number: 3 }], query: simpleQuery( { operator: "rangeHigh", field: "number", value: 2, }, { operator: "rangeLow", field: "number", value: 2, } ), expected: [{ number: 2 }], }, { name: "can find longform values", insert: [{ longform: "foo" }, { longform: "bar" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "longform", value: "foo", }), expected: [{ longform: "foo" }], }, { name: "can find options values", insert: [{ options: "a" }, { options: "b" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "options", value: "a", }), expected: [{ options: "a" }], }, { name: "can find array values", insert: [ // Number field here is just to guarantee order. { number: 1, array: ["a"] }, { number: 2, array: ["b"] }, { number: 3, array: ["a", "c"] }, ], query: simpleQuery({ operator: ArrayOperator.CONTAINS, field: "array", value: "a", }), searchOpts: { sort: "number", sortOrder: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, expected: [{ array: ["a"] }, { array: ["a", "c"] }], }, { name: "can find bigint values", insert: [{ bigint: "1" }, { bigint: "2" }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "bigint", type: FieldType.BIGINT, value: "1", }), expected: [{ bigint: "1" }], }, { name: "can find datetime values", insert: [ { datetime: "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, { datetime: "2021-01-02T00:00:00.000Z" }, ], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "datetime", type: FieldType.DATETIME, value: "2021-01-01", }), expected: [{ datetime: "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" }], }, { name: "can find boolean values", insert: [{ boolean: true }, { boolean: false }], query: simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "boolean", value: true, }), expected: [{ boolean: true }], }, { name: "can find user values", insert: () => [{ user: config.getUser() }], query: () => simpleQuery({ operator: BasicOperator.EQUAL, field: "user", value: config.getUser()._id, }), expected: () => [ { user: expect.objectContaining({ _id: config.getUser()._id }), }, ], }, { name: "can find users values", insert: () => [{ users: [config.getUser()] }], query: () => simpleQuery({ operator: ArrayOperator.CONTAINS, field: "users", value: [config.getUser()._id], }), expected: () => [ { users: [ expect.objectContaining({ _id: config.getUser()._id }), ], }, ], }, ] it.each(testCases)( "$name", async ({ query, insert, expected, searchOpts }) => { // Some values can't be specified outside of a test (e.g. getting // config.getUser(), it won't be initialised), so we use functions // in those cases. if (typeof insert === "function") { insert = insert() } if (typeof expected === "function") { expected = expected() } if (typeof query === "function") { query = query() } await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: insert }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: generator.guid(), queryUI: query, schema: { string: { visible: true }, longform: { visible: true }, options: { visible: true }, array: { visible: true }, number: { visible: true }, bigint: { visible: true }, datetime: { visible: true }, boolean: { visible: true }, user: { visible: true }, users: { visible: true }, }, }) const { rows } = await, { query: {}, ...searchOpts, }) expect(rows).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining(r)) ) } ) }) }) describe("permissions", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, {})) ) }) it("does not allow public users to fetch by default", async () => { await config.publish() await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(, undefined, { status: 401, }) }) it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are explicit", async () => { await config.api.permission.add({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId:, }) await config.publish() const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch( expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10) }) it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are inherited", async () => { await config.api.permission.add({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: table._id!, }) await config.api.permission.revoke({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, // Don't think this matters since we are revoking the permission level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId:, }) await config.publish() const response = await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch( expect(response.rows).toHaveLength(10) }) it("respects inherited permissions, not allowing not public views from public tables", async () => { await config.api.permission.add({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: table._id!, }) await config.api.permission.add({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.POWER, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId:, }) await config.publish() await config.api.viewV2.publicSearch(, undefined, { status: 401, }) }) }) }) })