jest.mock("@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math", () => { const actual = jest.requireActual("@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/math") return { ...actual, random: () => 10, } }) jest.mock("@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid", () => { const actual = jest.requireActual("@budibase/handlebars-helpers/lib/uuid") return { ...actual, uuid: () => "f34ebc66-93bd-4f7c-b79b-92b5569138bc", } }) const fs = require("fs") const { processString, convertToJS, processStringSync, encodeJSBinding, } = require("../src/index.cjs") const tk = require("timekeeper") tk.freeze("2021-01-21T12:00:00") const processJS = (js, context) => { return processStringSync(encodeJSBinding(js), context) } const manifest = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(require.resolve("../manifest.json"), "utf8") ) const collections = Object.keys(manifest) const examples = collections.reduce((acc, collection) => { const functions = Object.entries(manifest[collection]) .filter(([_, details]) => details.example) .map(([name, details]) => { const example = details.example let [hbs, js] = example.split("->").map(x => x.trim()) if (!js) { // The function has no return value return } // Trim 's js = js.replace(/^\'|\'$/g, "") if ((parsedExpected = tryParseJson(js))) { if (Array.isArray(parsedExpected)) { if (typeof parsedExpected[0] === "object") { js = JSON.stringify(parsedExpected) } else { js = parsedExpected.join(",") } } } const requiresHbsBody = details.requiresBlock return [name, { hbs, js, requiresHbsBody }] }) .filter(x => !!x) if (Object.keys(functions).length) { acc[collection] = functions } return acc }, {}) function escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&") // $& means the whole matched string } function tryParseJson(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") { return } try { return JSON.parse(str.replace(/\'/g, '"')) } catch (e) { return } } describe("manifest", () => { describe("examples are valid", () => { describe.each(Object.keys(examples))("%s", collection => { it.each(examples[collection])("%s", async (_, { hbs, js }) => { const context = { double: i => i * 2, isString: x => typeof x === "string", } const arrays = hbs.match(/\[[^/\]]+\]/) arrays?.forEach((arrayString, i) => { hbs = hbs.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(arrayString)), `array${i}`) context[`array${i}`] = JSON.parse(arrayString.replace(/\'/g, '"')) }) let result = await processString(hbs, context) result = result.replace(/ /g, " ") expect(result).toEqual(js) }) }) }) describe("can be parsed and run as js", () => { describe.each(Object.keys(examples))("%s", collection => { it.each( examples[collection].filter( ([_, { requiresHbsBody }]) => !requiresHbsBody ) )("%s", async (_, { hbs, js }) => { const context = { double: i => i * 2, isString: x => typeof x === "string", } const arrays = hbs.match(/\[[^/\]]+\]/) arrays?.forEach((arrayString, i) => { hbs = hbs.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(arrayString)), `array${i}`) context[`array${i}`] = JSON.parse(arrayString.replace(/\'/g, '"')) }) let convertedJs = convertToJS(hbs) let result = processJS(convertedJs, context) result = result.replace(/ /g, " ") expect(result).toEqual(js) }) }) }) })