const redis = require("../redis/authRedis") // a week in seconds const EXPIRY_SECONDS = 86400 * 7 async function getSessionsForUser(userId) { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const sessions = await client.scan(userId) return => session.value) } function makeSessionID(userId, sessionId) { return `${userId}/${sessionId}` } exports.createASession = async (userId, session) => { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const sessionId = session.sessionId session = { createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), lastAccessedAt: new Date().toISOString(), ...session, userId, } await, sessionId), session, EXPIRY_SECONDS) } exports.invalidateSessions = async (userId, sessionIds = null) => { let sessions = [] // If no sessionIds, get all the sessions for the user if (!sessionIds) { sessions = await getSessionsForUser(userId) sessions.forEach( session => (session.key = makeSessionID(session.userId, session.sessionId)) ) } else { // use the passed array of sessionIds sessions = Array.isArray(sessionIds) ? sessionIds : [sessionIds] sessions = => ({ key: makeSessionID(userId, sessionId), })) } const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const promises = [] for (let session of sessions) { promises.push(client.delete(session.key)) } await Promise.all(promises) } exports.updateSessionTTL = async session => { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const key = makeSessionID(session.userId, session.sessionId) session.lastAccessedAt = new Date().toISOString() await, session, EXPIRY_SECONDS) } exports.endSession = async (userId, sessionId) => { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() await client.delete(makeSessionID(userId, sessionId)) } exports.getUserSessions = getSessionsForUser exports.getSession = async (userId, sessionId) => { try { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() return client.get(makeSessionID(userId, sessionId)) } catch (err) { // if can't get session don't error, just don't return anything return null } } exports.getAllSessions = async () => { const client = await redis.getSessionClient() const sessions = await client.scan() return => session.value) }