import { Knex, knex } from "knex" import * as dbCore from "../db" import { getNativeSql, isExternalTable, isInvalidISODateString, isValidFilter, isValidISODateString, sqlLog, validateManyToMany, } from "./utils" import SqlTableQueryBuilder from "./sqlTable" import { AnySearchFilter, ArrayOperator, BasicOperator, BBReferenceFieldMetadata, FieldSchema, FieldType, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, InternalSearchFilterOperator, JsonFieldMetadata, JsonTypes, Operation, prefixed, QueryJson, QueryOptions, RangeOperator, RelationshipsJson, SearchFilters, SortOrder, SqlClient, SqlQuery, SqlQueryBinding, Table, TableSourceType, } from "@budibase/types" import environment from "../environment" import { dataFilters, helpers } from "@budibase/shared-core" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash" type QueryFunction = (query: SqlQuery | SqlQuery[], operation: Operation) => any const MAX_SQS_RELATIONSHIP_FIELDS = 63 function getBaseLimit() { const envLimit = environment.SQL_MAX_ROWS ? parseInt(environment.SQL_MAX_ROWS) : null return envLimit || 5000 } function getTableName(table?: Table): string | undefined { // SQS uses the table ID rather than the table name if ( table?.sourceType === TableSourceType.INTERNAL || table?.sourceId === INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID ) { return table?._id } else { return table?.name } } function convertBooleans(query: SqlQuery | SqlQuery[]): SqlQuery | SqlQuery[] { if (Array.isArray(query)) { return SqlQuery) => convertBooleans(q) as SqlQuery) } else { if (query.bindings) { query.bindings = => { if (typeof binding === "boolean") { return binding ? 1 : 0 } return binding }) } } return query } class InternalBuilder { private readonly client: SqlClient private readonly query: QueryJson private readonly splitter: dataFilters.ColumnSplitter private readonly knex: Knex constructor(client: SqlClient, knex: Knex, query: QueryJson) { this.client = client this.query = query this.knex = knex this.splitter = new dataFilters.ColumnSplitter([this.table], { aliases: this.query.tableAliases, columnPrefix: this.query.meta.columnPrefix, }) } get table(): Table { return this.query.meta.table } getFieldSchema(key: string): FieldSchema | undefined { const { column } = return this.table.schema[column] } // Takes a string like foo and returns a quoted string like [foo] for SQL Server // and "foo" for Postgres. private quote(str: string): string { switch (this.client) { case SqlClient.SQL_LITE: case SqlClient.ORACLE: case SqlClient.POSTGRES: return `"${str}"` case SqlClient.MS_SQL: return `[${str}]` case SqlClient.MY_SQL: return `\`${str}\`` } } // Takes a string like a.b.c and returns a quoted identifier like [a].[b].[c] // for SQL Server and `a`.`b`.`c` for MySQL. private quotedIdentifier(key: string): string { return key .split(".") .map(part => this.quote(part)) .join(".") } private generateSelectStatement(): (string | Knex.Raw)[] | "*" { const { endpoint, resource, tableAliases } = this.query if (!resource || !resource.fields || resource.fields.length === 0) { return "*" } const alias = tableAliases?.[endpoint.entityId] ? tableAliases?.[endpoint.entityId] : endpoint.entityId return [this.knex.raw(`${this.quote(alias)}.*`)] // // // const schema = meta.table.schema // return => { // const parts = field.split(/\./g) // let table: string | undefined = undefined // let column: string | undefined = undefined // // // Just a column name, e.g.: "column" // if (parts.length === 1) { // column = parts[0] // } // // // A table name and a column name, e.g.: "table.column" // if (parts.length === 2) { // table = parts[0] // column = parts[1] // } // // // A link doc, e.g.: "table.doc1.fieldName" // if (parts.length > 2) { // table = parts[0] // column = parts.slice(1).join(".") // } // // if (!column) { // throw new Error(`Invalid field name: ${field}`) // } // // const columnSchema = schema[column] // // if ( // this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES && // columnSchema?.externalType?.includes("money") // ) { // return this.knex.raw( // `${this.quotedIdentifier( // [table, column].join(".") // )}::money::numeric as ${this.quote(field)}` // ) // } // // if ( // this.client === SqlClient.MS_SQL && // columnSchema?.type === FieldType.DATETIME && // columnSchema.timeOnly // ) { // // Time gets returned as timestamp from mssql, not matching the expected // // HH:mm format // return this.knex.raw(`CONVERT(varchar, ${field}, 108) as "${field}"`) // } // // // There's at least two edge cases being handled in the expression below. // // 1. The column name could start/end with a space, and in that case we // // want to preseve that space. // // 2. Almost all column names are specified in the form table.column, except // // in the case of relationships, where it's table.doc1.column. In that // // case, we want to split it into `table`.`doc1.column` for reasons that // // aren't actually clear to me, but `table`.`doc1` breaks things with the // // sample data tests. // if (table) { // return this.knex.raw( // `${this.quote(table)}.${this.quote(column)} as ${this.quote(field)}` // ) // } else { // return this.knex.raw(`${this.quote(field)} as ${this.quote(field)}`) // } // }) } // OracleDB can't use character-large-objects (CLOBs) in WHERE clauses, // so when we use them we need to wrap them in to_char(). This function // converts a field name to the appropriate identifier. private convertClobs(field: string): string { const parts = field.split(".") const col = parts.pop()! const schema = this.table.schema[col] let identifier = this.quotedIdentifier(field) if ( schema.type === FieldType.STRING || schema.type === FieldType.LONGFORM || schema.type === FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE || schema.type === FieldType.BB_REFERENCE || schema.type === FieldType.OPTIONS || schema.type === FieldType.BARCODEQR ) { identifier = `to_char(${identifier})` } return identifier } private parse(input: any, schema: FieldSchema) { if (Array.isArray(input)) { return JSON.stringify(input) } if (input == undefined) { return null } if ( this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE && schema.type === FieldType.DATETIME && schema.timeOnly ) { if (input instanceof Date) { const hours = input.getHours().toString().padStart(2, "0") const minutes = input.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0") const seconds = input.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0") return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}` } if (typeof input === "string") { return new Date(`1970-01-01T${input}Z`) } } if (typeof input === "string") { if (isInvalidISODateString(input)) { return null } if (isValidISODateString(input)) { return new Date(input.trim()) } } return input } private parseBody(body: any) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(body)) { const { column } = const schema = this.table.schema[column] if (!schema) { continue } body[key] = this.parse(value, schema) } return body } private parseFilters(filters: SearchFilters): SearchFilters { filters = cloneDeep(filters) for (const op of Object.values(BasicOperator)) { const filter = filters[op] if (!filter) { continue } for (const key of Object.keys(filter)) { if (Array.isArray(filter[key])) { filter[key] = JSON.stringify(filter[key]) continue } const { column } = const schema = this.table.schema[column] if (!schema) { continue } filter[key] = this.parse(filter[key], schema) } } for (const op of Object.values(ArrayOperator)) { const filter = filters[op] if (!filter) { continue } for (const key of Object.keys(filter)) { const { column } = const schema = this.table.schema[column] if (!schema) { continue } filter[key] = filter[key].map(v => this.parse(v, schema)) } } for (const op of Object.values(RangeOperator)) { const filter = filters[op] if (!filter) { continue } for (const key of Object.keys(filter)) { const { column } = const schema = this.table.schema[column] if (!schema) { continue } const value = filter[key] if ("low" in value) { value.low = this.parse(value.low, schema) } if ("high" in value) { value.high = this.parse(value.high, schema) } } } return filters } addJoinFieldCheck(query: Knex.QueryBuilder, relationship: RelationshipsJson) { const document = relationship.from?.split(".")[0] || "" return query.andWhere(`${document}.fieldName`, "=", relationship.column) } addRelationshipForFilter( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, filterKey: string, whereCb: (query: Knex.QueryBuilder) => Knex.QueryBuilder ): Knex.QueryBuilder { const mainKnex = this.knex const { relationships, endpoint, tableAliases: aliases } = this.query const tableName = endpoint.entityId const fromAlias = aliases?.[tableName] || tableName const matches = (possibleTable: string) => filterKey.startsWith(`${possibleTable}`) if (!relationships) { return query } for (const relationship of relationships) { const relatedTableName = relationship.tableName const toAlias = aliases?.[relatedTableName] || relatedTableName // this is the relationship which is being filtered if ( (matches(relatedTableName) || matches(toAlias)) && && relationship.tableName ) { let subQuery = mainKnex .select(mainKnex.raw(1)) .from({ [toAlias]: relatedTableName }) const manyToMany = validateManyToMany(relationship) if (manyToMany) { const throughAlias = aliases?.[manyToMany.through] || relationship.through let throughTable = this.tableNameWithSchema(manyToMany.through, { alias: throughAlias, schema: endpoint.schema, }) subQuery = subQuery // add a join through the junction table .innerJoin(throughTable, function () { // @ts-ignore this.on( `${toAlias}.${manyToMany.toPrimary}`, "=", `${throughAlias}.${}` ) }) // check the document in the junction table points to the main table .where( `${throughAlias}.${manyToMany.from}`, "=", mainKnex.raw( this.quotedIdentifier(`${fromAlias}.${manyToMany.fromPrimary}`) ) ) // in SQS the same junction table is used for different many-to-many relationships between the // two same tables, this is needed to avoid rows ending up in all columns if (this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE) { subQuery = this.addJoinFieldCheck(subQuery, manyToMany) } } else { // "join" to the main table, making sure the ID matches that of the main subQuery = subQuery.where( `${toAlias}.${}`, "=", mainKnex.raw( this.quotedIdentifier(`${fromAlias}.${relationship.from}`) ) ) } query = query.whereExists(whereCb(subQuery)) break } } return query } // right now we only do filters on the specific table being queried addFilters( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, filters: SearchFilters | undefined, opts?: { relationship?: boolean } ): Knex.QueryBuilder { if (!filters) { return query } const builder = this filters = this.parseFilters({ ...filters }) const aliases = this.query.tableAliases // if all or specified in filters, then everything is an or const allOr = filters.allOr const isSqlite = this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE const tableName = isSqlite ? this.table._id! : function getTableAlias(name: string) { const alias = aliases?.[name] return alias || name } function iterate( structure: AnySearchFilter, fn: ( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, key: string, value: any ) => Knex.QueryBuilder, complexKeyFn?: ( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, key: string[], value: any ) => Knex.QueryBuilder ) { const handleRelationship = ( q: Knex.QueryBuilder, key: string, value: any ) => { const [filterTableName, ...otherProperties] = key.split(".") const property = otherProperties.join(".") const alias = getTableAlias(filterTableName) return fn(q, alias ? `${alias}.${property}` : property, value) } for (const key in structure) { const value = structure[key] const updatedKey = dbCore.removeKeyNumbering(key) const isRelationshipField = updatedKey.includes(".") const shouldProcessRelationship = opts?.relationship && isRelationshipField let castedTypeValue if ( key === InternalSearchFilterOperator.COMPLEX_ID_OPERATOR && (castedTypeValue = structure[key]) && complexKeyFn ) { const alias = getTableAlias(tableName) query = complexKeyFn( query, string) => alias ? `${alias}.${x}` : x ), castedTypeValue.values ) } else if (!isRelationshipField) { const alias = getTableAlias(tableName) query = fn( query, alias ? `${alias}.${updatedKey}` : updatedKey, value ) } else if (shouldProcessRelationship) { query = builder.addRelationshipForFilter(query, updatedKey, q => { return handleRelationship(q, updatedKey, value) }) } } } const like = (q: Knex.QueryBuilder, key: string, value: any) => { const fuzzyOr = filters?.fuzzyOr const fnc = fuzzyOr || allOr ? "orWhere" : "where" // postgres supports ilike, nothing else does if (this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES) { return q[fnc](key, "ilike", `%${value}%`) } else { const rawFnc = `${fnc}Raw` // @ts-ignore return q[rawFnc](`LOWER(${this.quotedIdentifier(key)}) LIKE ?`, [ `%${value.toLowerCase()}%`, ]) } } const contains = (mode: AnySearchFilter, any: boolean = false) => { const rawFnc = allOr ? "orWhereRaw" : "whereRaw" const not = mode === filters?.notContains ? "NOT " : "" function stringifyArray(value: Array, quoteStyle = '"'): string { for (let i in value) { if (typeof value[i] === "string") { value[i] = `${quoteStyle}${value[i]}${quoteStyle}` } } return `[${value.join(",")}]` } if (this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES) { iterate(mode, (q, key, value) => { const wrap = any ? "" : "'" const op = any ? "\\?| array" : "@>" const fieldNames = key.split(/\./g) const table = fieldNames[0] const col = fieldNames[1] return q[rawFnc]( `${not}COALESCE("${table}"."${col}"::jsonb ${op} ${wrap}${stringifyArray( value, any ? "'" : '"' )}${wrap}, FALSE)` ) }) } else if (this.client === SqlClient.MY_SQL) { const jsonFnc = any ? "JSON_OVERLAPS" : "JSON_CONTAINS" iterate(mode, (q, key, value) => { return q[rawFnc]( `${not}COALESCE(${jsonFnc}(${key}, '${stringifyArray( value )}'), FALSE)` ) }) } else { const andOr = mode === filters?.containsAny ? " OR " : " AND " iterate(mode, (q, key, value) => { let statement = "" const identifier = this.quotedIdentifier(key) for (let i in value) { if (typeof value[i] === "string") { value[i] = `%"${value[i].toLowerCase()}"%` } else { value[i] = `%${value[i]}%` } statement += `${ statement ? andOr : "" }COALESCE(LOWER(${identifier}), '') LIKE ?` } if (statement === "") { return q } if (not) { return q[rawFnc]( `(NOT (${statement}) OR ${identifier} IS NULL)`, value ) } else { return q[rawFnc](statement, value) } }) } } if (filters.$and) { const { $and } = filters for (const condition of $and.conditions) { query = query.where(b => { this.addFilters(b, condition, opts) }) } } if (filters.$or) { const { $or } = filters query = query.where(b => { for (const condition of $or.conditions) { b.orWhere(c => this.addFilters(c, { ...condition, allOr: true }, opts) ) } }) } if (filters.oneOf) { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereIn" : "whereIn" iterate( filters.oneOf, (q, key: string, array) => { if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { key = this.convertClobs(key) array = Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array] const binding = new Array(array.length).fill("?").join(",") return q.whereRaw(`${key} IN (${binding})`, array) } else { return q[fnc](key, Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array]) } }, (q, key: string[], array) => { if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { const keyStr = `(${ => this.convertClobs(k)).join(",")})` const binding = `(${array .map((a: any) => `(${new Array(a.length).fill("?").join(",")})`) .join(",")})` return q.whereRaw(`${keyStr} IN ${binding}`, array.flat()) } else { return q[fnc](key, Array.isArray(array) ? array : [array]) } } ) } if (filters.string) { iterate(filters.string, (q, key, value) => { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhere" : "where" // postgres supports ilike, nothing else does if (this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES) { return q[fnc](key, "ilike", `${value}%`) } else { const rawFnc = `${fnc}Raw` // @ts-ignore return q[rawFnc](`LOWER(${this.quotedIdentifier(key)}) LIKE ?`, [ `${value.toLowerCase()}%`, ]) } }) } if (filters.fuzzy) { iterate(filters.fuzzy, like) } if (filters.range) { iterate(filters.range, (q, key, value) => { const isEmptyObject = (val: any) => { return ( val && Object.keys(val).length === 0 && Object.getPrototypeOf(val) === Object.prototype ) } if (isEmptyObject(value.low)) { value.low = "" } if (isEmptyObject(value.high)) { value.high = "" } const lowValid = isValidFilter(value.low), highValid = isValidFilter(value.high) const schema = this.getFieldSchema(key) if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { // @ts-ignore key = this.knex.raw(this.convertClobs(key)) } if (lowValid && highValid) { if ( schema?.type === FieldType.BIGINT && this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE ) { return q.whereRaw( `CAST(${key} AS INTEGER) BETWEEN CAST(? AS INTEGER) AND CAST(? AS INTEGER)`, [value.low, value.high] ) } else { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereBetween" : "whereBetween" return q[fnc](key, [value.low, value.high]) } } else if (lowValid) { if ( schema?.type === FieldType.BIGINT && this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE ) { return q.whereRaw(`CAST(${key} AS INTEGER) >= CAST(? AS INTEGER)`, [ value.low, ]) } else { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhere" : "where" return q[fnc](key, ">=", value.low) } } else if (highValid) { if ( schema?.type === FieldType.BIGINT && this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE ) { return q.whereRaw(`CAST(${key} AS INTEGER) <= CAST(? AS INTEGER)`, [ value.high, ]) } else { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhere" : "where" return q[fnc](key, "<=", value.high) } } return q }) } if (filters.equal) { iterate(filters.equal, (q, key, value) => { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereRaw" : "whereRaw" if (this.client === SqlClient.MS_SQL) { return q[fnc]( `CASE WHEN ${this.quotedIdentifier(key)} = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1`, [value] ) } else if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { const identifier = this.convertClobs(key) return q[fnc](`(${identifier} IS NOT NULL AND ${identifier} = ?)`, [ value, ]) } else { return q[fnc](`COALESCE(${this.quotedIdentifier(key)} = ?, FALSE)`, [ value, ]) } }) } if (filters.notEqual) { iterate(filters.notEqual, (q, key, value) => { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereRaw" : "whereRaw" if (this.client === SqlClient.MS_SQL) { return q[fnc]( `CASE WHEN ${this.quotedIdentifier(key)} = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 0`, [value] ) } else if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { const identifier = this.convertClobs(key) return q[fnc]( `(${identifier} IS NOT NULL AND ${identifier} != ?) OR ${identifier} IS NULL`, [value] ) } else { return q[fnc](`COALESCE(${this.quotedIdentifier(key)} != ?, TRUE)`, [ value, ]) } }) } if (filters.empty) { iterate(filters.empty, (q, key) => { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereNull" : "whereNull" return q[fnc](key) }) } if (filters.notEmpty) { iterate(filters.notEmpty, (q, key) => { const fnc = allOr ? "orWhereNotNull" : "whereNotNull" return q[fnc](key) }) } if (filters.contains) { contains(filters.contains) } if (filters.notContains) { contains(filters.notContains) } if (filters.containsAny) { contains(filters.containsAny, true) } const tableRef = aliases?.[this.table._id!] || this.table._id // when searching internal tables make sure long looking for rows if (filters.documentType && !isExternalTable(this.table) && tableRef) { // has to be its own option, must always be AND onto the search query.andWhereLike( `${tableRef}._id`, `${prefixed(filters.documentType)}%` ) } return query } addDistinctCount(query: Knex.QueryBuilder): Knex.QueryBuilder { const primary = this.table.primary const aliases = this.query.tableAliases const aliased = && aliases?.[] ? aliases[] : if (!primary) { throw new Error("SQL counting requires primary key to be supplied") } return query.countDistinct(`${aliased}.${primary[0]} as total`) } addSorting(query: Knex.QueryBuilder): Knex.QueryBuilder { let { sort } = this.query const primaryKey = this.table.primary const tableName = getTableName(this.table) const aliases = this.query.tableAliases const aliased = tableName && aliases?.[tableName] ? aliases[tableName] : this.table?.name if (!Array.isArray(primaryKey)) { throw new Error("Sorting requires primary key to be specified for table") } if (sort && Object.keys(sort || {}).length > 0) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(sort)) { const direction = value.direction === SortOrder.ASCENDING ? "asc" : "desc" // TODO: figure out a way to remove this conditional, not relying on // the defaults of each datastore. let nulls: "first" | "last" | undefined = undefined if ( this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES || this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE ) { nulls = value.direction === SortOrder.ASCENDING ? "first" : "last" } let composite = `${aliased}.${key}` if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { query = query.orderByRaw( `${this.convertClobs(composite)} ${direction} nulls ${nulls}` ) } else { query = query.orderBy(composite, direction, nulls) } } } // add sorting by the primary key if the result isn't already sorted by it, // to make sure result is deterministic if (!sort || sort[primaryKey[0]] === undefined) { query = query.orderBy(`${aliased}.${primaryKey[0]}`) } return query } tableNameWithSchema( tableName: string, opts?: { alias?: string; schema?: string } ) { let withSchema = opts?.schema ? `${opts.schema}.${tableName}` : tableName if (opts?.alias) { withSchema += ` as ${opts.alias}` } return withSchema } addJsonRelationships( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, fromTable: string, relationships: RelationshipsJson[] ): Knex.QueryBuilder { const sqlClient = this.client const { resource, tableAliases: aliases, endpoint } = this.query const fields = resource?.fields || [] const jsonField = (field: string) => { const parts = field.split(".") let tableField: string, unaliased: string if (parts.length > 1) { const alias = parts.shift()! unaliased = parts.join(".") tableField = `${this.quote(alias)}.${this.quote(unaliased)}` } else { unaliased = parts.join(".") tableField = this.quote(unaliased) } let separator = "," switch (sqlClient) { case SqlClient.ORACLE: separator = " VALUE " break case SqlClient.MS_SQL: separator = ":" } return `'${unaliased}'${separator}${tableField}` } for (let relationship of relationships) { const { tableName: toTable, through: throughTable, to: toKey, from: fromKey, fromPrimary, toPrimary, } = relationship // skip invalid relationships if (!toTable || !fromTable) { continue } const toAlias = aliases?.[toTable] || toTable, fromAlias = aliases?.[fromTable] || fromTable let toTableWithSchema = this.tableNameWithSchema(toTable, { alias: toAlias, schema: endpoint.schema, }) let relationshipFields = fields.filter( field => field.split(".")[0] === toAlias ) if (this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE) { relationshipFields = relationshipFields.slice( 0, MAX_SQS_RELATIONSHIP_FIELDS ) } const fieldList: string = relationshipFields .map(field => jsonField(field)) .join(",") let select: Knex.Raw switch (sqlClient) { case SqlClient.SQL_LITE: select = this.knex.raw(`json_group_array(json_object(${fieldList}))`) break case SqlClient.POSTGRES: select = this.knex.raw(`json_agg(json_build_object(${fieldList}))`) break case SqlClient.MY_SQL: case SqlClient.ORACLE: select = this.knex.raw(`json_arrayagg(json_object(${fieldList}))`) break case SqlClient.MS_SQL: // Cursed, needs some code later instead select = this.knex.raw(`*`) break default: throw new Error(`JSON relationships not implement for ${this.client}`) } // SQL Server uses TOP - which performs a little differently to the normal LIMIT syntax // it reduces the result set rather than limiting how much data it filters over const primaryKey = `${toAlias}.${toPrimary || toKey}` let subQuery: Knex.QueryBuilder | Knex.Raw = this.knex .select(`${toAlias}.*`) .from(toTableWithSchema) .limit(getBaseLimit()) // add sorting to get consistent order .orderBy(primaryKey) // many-to-many relationship with junction table if (throughTable && toPrimary && fromPrimary) { const throughAlias = aliases?.[throughTable] || throughTable let throughTableWithSchema = this.tableNameWithSchema(throughTable, { alias: throughAlias, schema: endpoint.schema, }) subQuery = subQuery .join(throughTableWithSchema, function () { this.on(`${toAlias}.${toPrimary}`, "=", `${throughAlias}.${toKey}`) }) .where( `${throughAlias}.${fromKey}`, "=", this.knex.raw(this.quotedIdentifier(`${fromAlias}.${fromPrimary}`)) ) } // one-to-many relationship with foreign key else { subQuery = subQuery.where( `${toAlias}.${toKey}`, "=", this.knex.raw(this.quotedIdentifier(`${fromAlias}.${fromKey}`)) ) } // need to check the junction table document is to the right column, this is just for SQS if (this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE) { subQuery = this.addJoinFieldCheck(subQuery, relationship) } let wrapperQuery: Knex.QueryBuilder | Knex.Raw if (this.client === SqlClient.MS_SQL) { wrapperQuery = this.knex.raw( `(SELECT [${toAlias}] = (SELECT a.* FROM (${subQuery}) AS a FOR JSON PATH))` ) } else { // @ts-ignore - the from alias syntax isn't in Knex typing wrapperQuery ={ [toAlias]: subQuery, }) } query ={ [relationship.column]: wrapperQuery }) } return query } addJoin( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, tables: { from: string; to: string; through?: string }, columns: { from?: string to?: string fromPrimary?: string toPrimary?: string }[] ): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { tableAliases: aliases, endpoint } = this.query const schema = endpoint.schema const toTable =, fromTable = tables.from, throughTable = tables.through const toAlias = aliases?.[toTable] || toTable, throughAlias = (throughTable && aliases?.[throughTable]) || throughTable, fromAlias = aliases?.[fromTable] || fromTable let toTableWithSchema = this.tableNameWithSchema(toTable, { alias: toAlias, schema, }) let throughTableWithSchema = throughTable ? this.tableNameWithSchema(throughTable, { alias: throughAlias, schema, }) : undefined if (!throughTable) { // @ts-ignore query = query.leftJoin(toTableWithSchema, function () { for (let relationship of columns) { const from = relationship.from, to = // @ts-ignore this.orOn(`${fromAlias}.${from}`, "=", `${toAlias}.${to}`) } }) } else { query = query // @ts-ignore .leftJoin(throughTableWithSchema, function () { for (let relationship of columns) { const fromPrimary = relationship.fromPrimary const from = relationship.from // @ts-ignore this.orOn( `${fromAlias}.${fromPrimary}`, "=", `${throughAlias}.${from}` ) } }) .leftJoin(toTableWithSchema, function () { for (let relationship of columns) { const toPrimary = relationship.toPrimary const to = // @ts-ignore this.orOn(`${toAlias}.${toPrimary}`, `${throughAlias}.${to}`) } }) } return query } addRelationships( query: Knex.QueryBuilder, fromTable: string, relationships: RelationshipsJson[] ): Knex.QueryBuilder { const tableSets: Record = {} // aggregate into table sets (all the same to tables) for (let relationship of relationships) { const keyObj: { toTable: string; throughTable: string | undefined } = { toTable: relationship.tableName, throughTable: undefined, } if (relationship.through) { keyObj.throughTable = relationship.through } const key = JSON.stringify(keyObj) if (tableSets[key]) { tableSets[key].push(relationship) } else { tableSets[key] = [relationship] } } for (let [key, relationships] of Object.entries(tableSets)) { const { toTable, throughTable } = JSON.parse(key) query = this.addJoin( query, { from: fromTable, to: toTable, through: throughTable, }, relationships ) } return query } qualifiedKnex(opts?: { alias?: string | boolean }): Knex.QueryBuilder { let alias = this.query.tableAliases?.[this.query.endpoint.entityId] if (opts?.alias === false) { alias = undefined } else if (typeof opts?.alias === "string") { alias = opts.alias } return this.knex( this.tableNameWithSchema(this.query.endpoint.entityId, { alias, schema: this.query.endpoint.schema, }) ) } create(opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { body } = this.query let query = this.qualifiedKnex({ alias: false }) const parsedBody = this.parseBody(body) if (this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE) { // Oracle doesn't seem to automatically insert nulls // if we don't specify them, so we need to do that here for (const [column, schema] of Object.entries( this.query.meta.table.schema )) { if ( schema.constraints?.presence === true || schema.type === FieldType.FORMULA || schema.type === FieldType.AUTO || schema.type === FieldType.LINK ) { continue } const value = parsedBody[column] if (value == null) { parsedBody[column] = null } } } else { // make sure no null values in body for creation for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(parsedBody)) { if (value == null) { delete parsedBody[key] } } } // mysql can't use returning if (opts.disableReturning) { return query.insert(parsedBody) } else { return query.insert(parsedBody).returning("*") } } bulkCreate(): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { body } = this.query let query = this.qualifiedKnex({ alias: false }) if (!Array.isArray(body)) { return query } const parsedBody = => this.parseBody(row)) return query.insert(parsedBody) } bulkUpsert(): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { body } = this.query let query = this.qualifiedKnex({ alias: false }) if (!Array.isArray(body)) { return query } const parsedBody = => this.parseBody(row)) if ( this.client === SqlClient.POSTGRES || this.client === SqlClient.SQL_LITE || this.client === SqlClient.MY_SQL ) { const primary = this.table.primary if (!primary) { throw new Error("Primary key is required for upsert") } const ret = query.insert(parsedBody).onConflict(primary).merge() return ret } else if ( this.client === SqlClient.MS_SQL || this.client === SqlClient.ORACLE ) { // No upsert or onConflict support in MSSQL/Oracle yet, see: // return query.insert(parsedBody) } return query.upsert(parsedBody) } read( opts: { limits?: { base: number; query: number } } = {} ): Knex.QueryBuilder { let { endpoint, filters, paginate, relationships } = this.query const { limits } = opts const counting = endpoint.operation === Operation.COUNT const tableName = endpoint.entityId // start building the query let query = this.qualifiedKnex() // handle pagination let foundOffset: number | null = null let foundLimit = limits?.query || limits?.base if (paginate && && paginate.limit) { // @ts-ignore const page = <= 1 ? 0 : - 1 const offset = page * paginate.limit foundLimit = paginate.limit foundOffset = offset } else if (paginate && paginate.offset && paginate.limit) { foundLimit = paginate.limit foundOffset = paginate.offset } else if (paginate && paginate.limit) { foundLimit = paginate.limit } // counting should not sort, limit or offset if (!counting) { // add the found limit if supplied if (foundLimit != null) { query = query.limit(foundLimit) } // add overall pagination if (foundOffset != null) { query = query.offset(foundOffset) } } // if counting, use distinct count, else select query = !counting ? : this.addDistinctCount(query) // have to add after as well (this breaks MS-SQL) if (!counting) { query = this.addSorting(query) } // handle joins if (relationships) { query = this.addJsonRelationships(query, tableName, relationships) } return this.addFilters(query, filters, { relationship: true }) } update(opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { body, filters } = this.query let query = this.qualifiedKnex() const parsedBody = this.parseBody(body) query = this.addFilters(query, filters) // mysql can't use returning if (opts.disableReturning) { return query.update(parsedBody) } else { return query.update(parsedBody).returning("*") } } delete(opts: QueryOptions): Knex.QueryBuilder { const { filters } = this.query let query = this.qualifiedKnex() query = this.addFilters(query, filters) // mysql can't use returning if (opts.disableReturning) { return query.delete() } else { return query.delete().returning(this.generateSelectStatement()) } } } class SqlQueryBuilder extends SqlTableQueryBuilder { private readonly limit: number // pass through client to get flavour of SQL constructor(client: SqlClient, limit: number = getBaseLimit()) { super(client) this.limit = limit } private convertToNative(query: Knex.QueryBuilder, opts: QueryOptions = {}) { const sqlClient = this.getSqlClient() if (opts?.disableBindings) { return { sql: query.toString() } } else { let native = getNativeSql(query) if (sqlClient === SqlClient.SQL_LITE) { native = convertBooleans(native) } return native } } /** * @param json The JSON query DSL which is to be converted to SQL. * @param opts extra options which are to be passed into the query builder, e.g. disableReturning * which for the sake of mySQL stops adding the returning statement to inserts, updates and deletes. * @return the query ready to be passed to the driver. */ _query(json: QueryJson, opts: QueryOptions = {}): SqlQuery | SqlQuery[] { const sqlClient = this.getSqlClient() const config: Knex.Config = { client: sqlClient, } if (sqlClient === SqlClient.SQL_LITE || sqlClient === SqlClient.ORACLE) { config.useNullAsDefault = true } const client = knex(config) let query: Knex.QueryBuilder const builder = new InternalBuilder(sqlClient, client, json) switch (this._operation(json)) { case Operation.CREATE: query = builder.create(opts) break case Operation.READ: query ={ limits: { query: this.limit, base: getBaseLimit(), }, }) break case Operation.COUNT: // read without any limits to count query = break case Operation.UPDATE: query = builder.update(opts) break case Operation.DELETE: query = builder.delete(opts) break case Operation.BULK_CREATE: query = builder.bulkCreate() break case Operation.BULK_UPSERT: query = builder.bulkUpsert() break case Operation.CREATE_TABLE: case Operation.UPDATE_TABLE: case Operation.DELETE_TABLE: return this._tableQuery(json) default: throw `Operation type is not supported by SQL query builder` } return this.convertToNative(query, opts) } async getReturningRow(queryFn: QueryFunction, json: QueryJson) { if (!json.extra || !json.extra.idFilter) { return {} } const input = this._query({ endpoint: { ...json.endpoint, operation: Operation.READ, }, resource: { fields: [], }, filters: json.extra?.idFilter, paginate: { limit: 1, }, meta: json.meta, }) return queryFn(input, Operation.READ) } // when creating if an ID has been inserted need to make sure // the id filter is enriched with it before trying to retrieve the row checkLookupKeys(id: any, json: QueryJson) { if (!id || !json.meta.table || !json.meta.table.primary) { return json } const primaryKey = json.meta.table.primary?.[0] json.extra = { idFilter: { equal: { [primaryKey]: id, }, }, } return json } // this function recreates the returning functionality of postgres async queryWithReturning( json: QueryJson, queryFn: QueryFunction, processFn: Function = (result: any) => result ) { const sqlClient = this.getSqlClient() const operation = this._operation(json) const input = this._query(json, { disableReturning: true }) if (Array.isArray(input)) { const responses = [] for (let query of input) { responses.push(await queryFn(query, operation)) } return responses } let row // need to manage returning, a feature mySQL can't do if (operation === Operation.DELETE) { row = processFn(await this.getReturningRow(queryFn, json)) } const response = await queryFn(input, operation) const results = processFn(response) // same as delete, manage returning if (operation === Operation.CREATE || operation === Operation.UPDATE) { let id if (sqlClient === SqlClient.MS_SQL) { id = results?.[0].id } else if (sqlClient === SqlClient.MY_SQL) { id = results?.insertId } row = processFn( await this.getReturningRow(queryFn, this.checkLookupKeys(id, json)) ) } if (operation === Operation.COUNT) { return results } if (operation !== Operation.READ) { return row } return results.length ? results : [{ [operation.toLowerCase()]: true }] } convertJsonStringColumns>( table: Table, results: T[], aliases?: Record ): T[] { const tableName = getTableName(table) for (const [name, field] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { if (!this._isJsonColumn(field)) { continue } const aliasedTableName = (tableName && aliases?.[tableName]) || tableName const fullName = `${aliasedTableName}.${name}` for (let row of results) { if (typeof row[fullName as keyof T] === "string") { row[fullName as keyof T] = JSON.parse(row[fullName]) } if (typeof row[name as keyof T] === "string") { row[name as keyof T] = JSON.parse(row[name]) } } } return results } _isJsonColumn( field: FieldSchema ): field is JsonFieldMetadata | BBReferenceFieldMetadata { return ( JsonTypes.includes(field.type) && !helpers.schema.isDeprecatedSingleUserColumn(field) ) } log(query: string, values?: SqlQueryBinding) { sqlLog(this.getSqlClient(), query, values) } } export default SqlQueryBuilder