import { getFinalProps, getComponentInfo } from "../src/userInterface/pagesParsing/createProps"; import { keys, some } from "lodash/fp"; import { allComponents } from "./testData"; describe("getComponentInfo", () => { it("should return default props for root component", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "budibase-components/TextBox"); expect(result.errors).toEqual([]); expect(result.fullProps).toEqual({ _component: "budibase-components/TextBox", size: "", isPassword: false, placeholder: "", label:"" }); }); it("should return no inherited for root component", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "budibase-components/TextBox"); expect(result.inheritedProps).toEqual([]); }); it("getFinalProps should set supplied props on top of default props", () => { const result = getFinalProps( getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "budibase-components/TextBox"), {size:"small"}); expect(result).toEqual({ _component: "budibase-components/TextBox", size: "small", isPassword: false, placeholder: "", label:"" }); }); it("should return correct props for derived component", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "common/SmallTextbox"); expect(result.errors).toEqual([]); expect(result.fullProps).toEqual({ _component: "common/SmallTextbox", size: "small", isPassword: false, placeholder: "", label:"" }); }); it("should return correct props for twice derived component", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "common/PasswordBox"); expect(result.errors).toEqual([]); expect(result.fullProps).toEqual({ _component: "common/PasswordBox", size: "small", isPassword: true, placeholder: "", label:"" }); }); it("should list inheirted props as those that are defined in ancestor, derived components", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "common/PasswordBox"); // size is inherited from SmallTextbox expect(result.inheritedProps).toEqual(["size"]); }); it("should list unset props as those that are only defined in root", () => { const result = getComponentInfo( allComponents(), "common/PasswordBox"); expect(result.unsetProps).toEqual([ "placeholder", "label"]); }); })