import { helpers } from "@budibase/shared-core" import dayjs from "dayjs" export const deepGet = helpers.deepGet /** * Generates a DOM safe UUID. * Starting with a letter is important to make it DOM safe. */ export function uuid(): string { return "cxxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, c => { const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0 const v = c === "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8 return v.toString(16) }) } /** * Capitalises a string */ export const capitalise = (string?: string | null): string => { if (!string) { return "" } return string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1) } /** * Computes a short hash of a string */ export const hashString = (string?: string | null): string => { if (!string) { return "0" } let hash = 0 for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { let char = string.charCodeAt(i) hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char hash = hash & hash // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash.toString() } /** * Sets a key within an object. The key supports dot syntax for retrieving deep * fields - e.g. "a.b.c". * Exact matches of keys with dots in them take precedence over nested keys of * the same path - e.g. setting "a.b" of { "a.b": "foo", a: { b: "bar" } } * will override the value "foo" rather than "bar". * If a deep path is specified and the parent keys don't exist then these will * be created. */ export const deepSet = ( obj: Record | null, key: string | null, value: any ): void => { if (!obj || !key) { return } if (, key)) { obj[key] = value return } const split = key.split(".") for (let i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { const nextKey = split[i] if (obj && obj[nextKey] == null) { obj[nextKey] = {} } obj = obj?.[nextKey] } if (!obj) { return } obj[split[split.length - 1]] = value } /** * Deeply clones an object. Functions are not supported. */ export const cloneDeep = (obj: T): T => { if (!obj) { return obj } return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) } /** * Copies a value to the clipboard */ export const copyToClipboard = (value: any): Promise => { return new Promise(res => { if (navigator.clipboard && window.isSecureContext) { // Try using the clipboard API first navigator.clipboard.writeText(value).then(res) } else { // Fall back to the textarea hack let textArea = document.createElement("textarea") textArea.value = value = "fixed" = "-9999px" = "-9999px" document.body.appendChild(textArea) textArea.focus() document.execCommand("copy") textArea.remove() res() } }) } // Parse a date value. This is usually an ISO string, but can be a // bunch of different formats and shapes depending on schema flags. export const parseDate = ( value: string | dayjs.Dayjs | null, { enableTime = true } ): dayjs.Dayjs | null => { // If empty then invalid if (!value) { return null } // Certain string values need transformed if (typeof value === "string") { // Check for time only values if (!isNaN(new Date(`0-${value}`).valueOf())) { value = `0-${value}` } // If date only, check for cases where we received a UTC string else if (!enableTime && value.endsWith("Z")) { value = value.split("Z")[0] } } // Parse value and check for validity const parsedDate = dayjs(value) if (!parsedDate.isValid()) { return null } // By rounding to the nearest second we avoid locking up in an endless // loop in the builder, caused by potentially enriching {{ now }} to every // millisecond. return dayjs(Math.floor(parsedDate.valueOf() / 1000) * 1000) } // Stringifies a dayjs object to create an ISO string that respects the various // schema flags export const stringifyDate = ( value: null | dayjs.Dayjs, { enableTime = true, timeOnly = false, ignoreTimezones = false } = {} ): string | null => { if (!value) { return null } // Time only fields always ignore timezones, otherwise they make no sense. // For non-timezone-aware fields, create an ISO 8601 timestamp of the exact // time picked, without timezone const offsetForTimezone = (enableTime && ignoreTimezones) || timeOnly if (offsetForTimezone) { // Ensure we use the correct offset for the date const referenceDate = value.toDate() const offset = referenceDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000 const date = new Date(value.valueOf() - offset) if (timeOnly) { // Extract HH:mm return date.toISOString().slice(11, 16) } return date.toISOString().slice(0, -1) } // For date-only fields, construct a manual timestamp string without a time // or time zone else if (!enableTime) { const year = value.year() const month = `${value.month() + 1}`.padStart(2, "0") const day = `${}`.padStart(2, "0") return `${year}-${month}-${day}` } // Otherwise use a normal ISO string with time and timezone else { return value.toISOString() } } // Determine the dayjs-compatible format of the browser's default locale const getPatternForPart = (part: Intl.DateTimeFormatPart): string => { switch (part.type) { case "day": return "D".repeat(part.value.length) case "month": return "M".repeat(part.value.length) case "year": return "Y".repeat(part.value.length) case "literal": return part.value default: console.log("Unsupported date part", part) return "" } } const localeDateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat() .formatToParts(new Date("2021-01-01")) .map(getPatternForPart) .join("") // Formats a dayjs date according to schema flags export const getDateDisplayValue = ( value: dayjs.Dayjs | null, { enableTime = true, timeOnly = false } = {} ): string => { if (!value?.isValid()) { return "" } if (timeOnly) { return value.format("HH:mm") } else if (!enableTime) { return value.format(localeDateFormat) } else { return value.format(`${localeDateFormat} HH:mm`) } } export const hexToRGBA = (color: string, opacity: number): string => { if (color.includes("#")) { color = color.replace("#", "") } const r = parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16) const g = parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16) const b = parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16) return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${opacity})` }