
135 lines
3.8 KiB

import { DocumentType, SqlQuery, Table, TableSourceType } from "@budibase/types"
import { DEFAULT_BB_DATASOURCE_ID } from "../constants"
import { Knex } from "knex"
import { SEPARATOR } from "../db"
const ROW_ID_REGEX = /^\[.*]$/g
const ENCODED_SPACE = encodeURIComponent(" ")
export function isExternalTableID(tableId: string) {
return tableId.includes(DocumentType.DATASOURCE)
export function isInternalTableID(tableId: string) {
return !isExternalTableID(tableId)
export function getNativeSql(
query: Knex.SchemaBuilder | Knex.QueryBuilder
): SqlQuery | SqlQuery[] {
let sql = query.toSQL()
if (Array.isArray(sql)) {
return sql as SqlQuery[]
let native: Knex.SqlNative | undefined
if (sql.toNative) {
native = sql.toNative()
return {
sql: native?.sql || sql.sql,
bindings: native?.bindings || sql.bindings,
} as SqlQuery
export function isExternalTable(table: Table) {
if (
table?.sourceId &&
table.sourceId.includes(DocumentType.DATASOURCE + SEPARATOR) &&
table?.sourceId !== DEFAULT_BB_DATASOURCE_ID
) {
return true
} else if (table?.sourceType === TableSourceType.EXTERNAL) {
return true
} else if (table?._id && isExternalTableID(table._id)) {
return true
return false
export function buildExternalTableId(datasourceId: string, tableName: string) {
// encode spaces
if (tableName.includes(" ")) {
tableName = encodeURIComponent(tableName)
return `${datasourceId}${DOUBLE_SEPARATOR}${tableName}`
export function breakExternalTableId(tableId: string | undefined) {
if (!tableId) {
return {}
const parts = tableId.split(DOUBLE_SEPARATOR)
let datasourceId = parts.shift()
// if they need joined
let tableName = parts.join(DOUBLE_SEPARATOR)
// if contains encoded spaces, decode it
if (tableName.includes(ENCODED_SPACE)) {
tableName = decodeURIComponent(tableName)
return { datasourceId, tableName }
export function generateRowIdField(keyProps: any[] = []) {
if (!Array.isArray(keyProps)) {
keyProps = [keyProps]
for (let index in keyProps) {
if (keyProps[index] instanceof Buffer) {
keyProps[index] = keyProps[index].toString()
// this conserves order and types
// we have to swap the double quotes to single quotes for use in HBS statements
// when using the literal helper the double quotes can break things
return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(keyProps).replace(/"/g, "'"))
export function isRowId(field: any) {
return (
Array.isArray(field) ||
(typeof field === "string" && field.match(ROW_ID_REGEX) != null)
export function convertRowId(field: any) {
if (Array.isArray(field)) {
return field[0]
if (typeof field === "string" && field.match(ROW_ID_REGEX) != null) {
return field.substring(1, field.length - 1)
return field
// should always return an array
export function breakRowIdField(_id: string | { _id: string }): any[] {
if (!_id) {
return []
// have to replace on the way back as we swapped out the double quotes
// when encoding, but JSON can't handle the single quotes
const id = typeof _id === "string" ? _id : _id._id
const decoded: string = decodeURIComponent(id).replace(/'/g, '"')
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(decoded)
return Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed]
} catch (err) {
// wasn't json - likely was handlebars for a many to many
return [_id]
export function isIsoDateString(str: string) {
const trimmedValue = str.trim()
if (!/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z$/.test(trimmedValue)) {
return false
let d = new Date(trimmedValue)
return d.toISOString() === trimmedValue
export function isValidFilter(value: any) {
return value != null && value !== ""