507 lines
14 KiB
507 lines
14 KiB
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"
import "@spectrum-css/table/dist/index-vars.css"
import CellRenderer from "./CellRenderer.svelte"
import SelectEditRenderer from "./SelectEditRenderer.svelte"
import { cloneDeep } from "lodash"
* The expected schema is our normal couch schemas for our tables.
* Each field schema can be enriched with a few extra properties to customise
* the behaviour.
* All of these are optional and do not need to be added.
* displayName: Overrides the field name displayed as the column title
* sortable: Set to false to disable sorting data by a certain column
* editable: Set to false to disable editing a certain column if the
* allowEditColumns prop is true
export let data = []
export let schema = {}
export let showAutoColumns = false
export let rowCount = 0
export let quiet = false
export let loading = false
export let allowSelectRows = true
export let allowEditRows = true
export let allowEditColumns = true
export let selectedRows = []
export let editColumnTitle = "Edit"
export let customRenderers = []
export let disableSorting = false
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
// Config
const rowHeight = 55
const headerHeight = 36
const rowPreload = 5
// Sorting state
let sortColumn
let sortOrder
// Table state
let height = 0
let loaded = false
$: schema = fixSchema(schema)
$: if (!loading) loaded = true
$: rows = data ?? []
$: visibleRowCount = getVisibleRowCount(loaded, height, rows.length, rowCount)
$: contentStyle = getContentStyle(visibleRowCount, rowCount)
$: sortedRows = sortRows(rows, sortColumn, sortOrder)
$: fields = getFields(schema, showAutoColumns)
$: showEditColumn = allowEditRows || allowSelectRows
// Scrolling state
let timeout
let nextScrollTop = 0
let scrollTop = 0
$: firstVisibleRow = calculateFirstVisibleRow(scrollTop)
$: lastVisibleRow = calculateLastVisibleRow(
// Reset state when data changes
$: rows.length, reset()
const reset = () => {
nextScrollTop = 0
scrollTop = 0
timeout = null
const fixSchema = schema => {
let fixedSchema = {}
Object.entries(schema || {}).forEach(([fieldName, fieldSchema]) => {
if (typeof fieldSchema === "string") {
fixedSchema[fieldName] = {
type: fieldSchema,
name: fieldName,
} else {
fixedSchema[fieldName] = {
name: fieldName,
return fixedSchema
const getVisibleRowCount = (loaded, height, allRows, rowCount) => {
if (!loaded) {
return rowCount || 0
if (rowCount) {
return Math.min(allRows, rowCount)
return Math.min(allRows, Math.ceil(height / rowHeight))
const getContentStyle = (visibleRows, rowCount) => {
if (!rowCount || !visibleRows) {
return ""
return `height: ${headerHeight + visibleRows * (rowHeight + 1)}px;`
const sortRows = (rows, sortColumn, sortOrder) => {
if (!sortColumn || !sortOrder || disableSorting) {
return rows
return rows.slice().sort((a, b) => {
const colA = a[sortColumn]
const colB = b[sortColumn]
if (sortOrder === "Descending") {
return colA > colB ? -1 : 1
} else {
return colA > colB ? 1 : -1
const sortBy = fieldSchema => {
if (fieldSchema.sortable === false) {
if (fieldSchema.name === sortColumn) {
sortOrder = sortOrder === "Descending" ? "Ascending" : "Descending"
} else {
sortColumn = fieldSchema.name
sortOrder = "Descending"
dispatch("sort", { column: sortColumn, order: sortOrder })
const getDisplayName = schema => {
let name = schema?.displayName
if (schema && name === undefined) {
name = schema.name
return name || ""
const getFields = (schema, showAutoColumns) => {
let columns = []
let autoColumns = []
Object.entries(schema || {}).forEach(([field, fieldSchema]) => {
if (!field || !fieldSchema) {
if (!fieldSchema?.autocolumn) {
} else if (showAutoColumns) {
return columns
.sort((a, b) => {
const orderA = a.order || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const orderB = b.order || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const nameA = getDisplayName(a)
const nameB = getDisplayName(b)
if (orderA !== orderB) {
return orderA < orderB ? orderA : orderB
return nameA < nameB ? a : b
.map(column => column.name)
const onScroll = event => {
nextScrollTop = event.target.scrollTop
if (timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
scrollTop = nextScrollTop
timeout = null
}, 50)
const calculateFirstVisibleRow = scrollTop => {
return Math.max(Math.floor(scrollTop / (rowHeight + 1)) - rowPreload, 0)
const calculateLastVisibleRow = (firstRow, visibleRowCount, allRowCount) => {
if (visibleRowCount === 0) {
return -1
return Math.min(firstRow + visibleRowCount + 2 * rowPreload, allRowCount)
const editColumn = (e, field) => {
dispatch("editcolumn", field)
const editRow = (e, row) => {
dispatch("editrow", cloneDeep(row))
const toggleSelectRow = row => {
if (!allowSelectRows) {
if (selectedRows.includes(row)) {
selectedRows = selectedRows.filter(selectedRow => selectedRow !== row)
} else {
selectedRows = [...selectedRows, row]
<div class="wrapper" bind:offsetHeight={height}>
{#if !loaded}
<div class="loading" style={contentStyle} />
style={`--row-height: ${rowHeight}px; --header-height: ${headerHeight}px;`}
<div style={contentStyle}>
<table class="spectrum-Table" class:spectrum-Table--quiet={quiet}>
{#if fields.length}
<thead class="spectrum-Table-head">
{#if showEditColumn}
<th class="spectrum-Table-headCell">
<div class="spectrum-Table-headCell-content">
{editColumnTitle || ""}
{#each fields as field}
class:is-sortable={schema[field].sortable !== false}
class:is-sorted-desc={sortColumn === field &&
sortOrder === "Descending"}
class:is-sorted-asc={sortColumn === field &&
sortOrder === "Ascending"}
on:click={() => sortBy(schema[field])}
<div class="spectrum-Table-headCell-content">
<div class="title">{getDisplayName(schema[field])}</div>
{#if schema[field]?.autocolumn}
class="spectrum-Icon spectrum-Table-autoIcon"
<use xlink:href="#spectrum-icon-18-MagicWand" />
{#if sortColumn === field}
class="spectrum-Icon spectrum-UIIcon-ArrowDown100 spectrum-Table-sortedIcon"
<use xlink:href="#spectrum-css-icon-Arrow100" />
{#if allowEditColumns && schema[field]?.editable !== false}
class="spectrum-Icon spectrum-Table-editIcon"
on:click={e => editColumn(e, field)}
<use xlink:href="#spectrum-icon-18-Edit" />
<tbody class="spectrum-Table-body">
{#if sortedRows?.length && fields.length}
{#each sortedRows as row, idx}
on:click={() => dispatch("click", row)}
on:click={() => toggleSelectRow(row)}
class:hidden={idx < firstVisibleRow || idx > lastVisibleRow}
{#if idx >= firstVisibleRow && idx <= lastVisibleRow}
{#if showEditColumn}
class="spectrum-Table-cell spectrum-Table-cell--divider"
<div class="spectrum-Table-cell-content">
onToggleSelection={() => toggleSelectRow(row)}
onEdit={e => editRow(e, row)}
{#each fields as field}
<div class="spectrum-Table-cell-content">
<slot />
<tr class="placeholder-row">
{#if showEditColumn}
<td class="placeholder-offset" />
{#each fields as field}
<td />
<div class="placeholder" class:has-fields={fields.length > 0}>
<div class="placeholder-content">
class="spectrum-Icon spectrum-Icon--sizeXXL"
<use xlink:href="#spectrum-icon-18-Table" />
<div>No rows found</div>
.wrapper {
background-color: var(--spectrum-alias-background-color-secondary);
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
z-index: 0;
.container {
height: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: auto;
.container.quiet {
border: none;
table {
width: 100%;
.spectrum-Table-headCell .spectrum-Icon {
pointer-events: all;
margin-left: var(
.spectrum-Table-autoIcon {
width: var(--spectrum-global-dimension-size-150);
height: var(--spectrum-global-dimension-size-150);
.spectrum-Table-editIcon {
opacity: 0;
.spectrum-Table-headCell:hover .spectrum-Table-editIcon {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 0.2s ease;
th {
vertical-align: middle;
height: var(--header-height);
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 2;
background-color: var(--spectrum-alias-background-color-secondary);
border-bottom: 1px solid
var(--spectrum-table-border-color, var(--spectrum-alias-border-color-mid));
.spectrum-Table-headCell-content {
white-space: nowrap;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
user-select: none;
.spectrum-Table-headCell-content .title {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.placeholder-row {
position: relative;
height: 150px;
.placeholder-row td {
border-top: none !important;
border-bottom: none !important;
.placeholder-offset {
width: 1px;
.placeholder {
top: 0;
height: 100%;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.placeholder.has-fields {
top: var(--header-height);
height: calc(100% - var(--header-height));
.placeholder-content {
padding: 20px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
color: var(
.placeholder-content div {
margin-top: 10px;
font-size: var(
text-align: center;
tbody {
z-index: 1;
tbody tr {
height: var(--row-height);
tbody tr.hidden {
height: calc(var(--row-height) + 1px);
td {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: none;
border-top: 1px solid
var(--spectrum-table-border-color, var(--spectrum-alias-border-color-mid));
border-radius: 0;
tr:first-child td {
border-top: none;
tr:last-child td {
border-bottom: 1px solid
var(--spectrum-table-border-color, var(--spectrum-alias-border-color-mid));
td.spectrum-Table-cell--divider {
width: 1px;
.spectrum-Table-cell-content {
height: var(--row-height);
white-space: nowrap;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
gap: 4px;