
498 lines
13 KiB

import {
RestQueryFields as RestQuery,
} from "@budibase/types"
import get from "lodash/get"
import * as https from "https"
import qs from "querystring"
import type { Response, RequestInit } from "node-fetch"
import fetch from "node-fetch"
import { formatBytes } from "../utilities"
import { performance } from "perf_hooks"
import FormData from "form-data"
import { URLSearchParams } from "url"
import { blacklist } from "@budibase/backend-core"
import { handleFileResponse, handleXml } from "./utils"
import { parse } from "content-disposition"
import path from "path"
import { Builder as XmlBuilder } from "xml2js"
import { getAttachmentHeaders } from "./utils/restUtils"
const coreFields = {
path: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING,
display: "URL",
queryString: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING,
headers: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.OBJECT,
enabledHeaders: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.OBJECT,
requestBody: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.JSON,
bodyType: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING,
enum: Object.values(BodyType),
pagination: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.OBJECT,
const SCHEMA: Integration = {
docs: "https://github.com/node-fetch/node-fetch",
"With the REST API datasource, you can connect, query and pull data from multiple REST APIs. You can then use the retrieved data to build apps.",
friendlyName: "REST API",
type: "API",
datasource: {
url: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.STRING,
default: "",
required: false,
deprecated: true,
defaultHeaders: {
type: DatasourceFieldType.OBJECT,
required: false,
default: {},
rejectUnauthorized: {
display: "Reject Unauthorized",
type: DatasourceFieldType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
required: false,
downloadImages: {
display: "Download images",
type: DatasourceFieldType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
required: false,
query: {
create: {
readable: true,
displayName: HttpMethod.POST,
type: QueryType.FIELDS,
fields: coreFields,
read: {
displayName: HttpMethod.GET,
readable: true,
type: QueryType.FIELDS,
fields: coreFields,
update: {
displayName: HttpMethod.PUT,
readable: true,
type: QueryType.FIELDS,
fields: coreFields,
patch: {
displayName: HttpMethod.PATCH,
readable: true,
type: QueryType.FIELDS,
fields: coreFields,
delete: {
displayName: HttpMethod.DELETE,
type: QueryType.FIELDS,
fields: coreFields,
interface ParsedResponse {
data: any
info: {
code: number
size: string
time: string
extra?: {
raw: string | undefined
headers: Record<string, string[] | string>
pagination?: {
cursor: any
export class RestIntegration implements IntegrationBase {
private config: RestConfig
private headers: {
[key: string]: string
} = {}
private startTimeMs: number = performance.now()
constructor(config: RestConfig) {
this.config = config
async parseResponse(
response: Response,
pagination?: PaginationConfig
): Promise<ParsedResponse> {
let data: any[] | string | undefined,
raw: string | undefined,
headers: Record<string, string[] | string> = {},
filename: string | undefined
const { contentType, contentDisposition } = getAttachmentHeaders(
{ downloadImages: this.config.downloadImages }
let contentLength = response.headers.get("content-length")
let isSuccess = response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300
if (
(contentDisposition.includes("filename") ||
contentDisposition.includes("attachment") ||
contentDisposition.includes("form-data")) &&
) {
filename =
path.basename(parse(contentDisposition).parameters?.filename) || ""
let triedParsing = false,
responseTxt: string | undefined
try {
if (filename) {
return handleFileResponse(response, filename, this.startTimeMs)
} else {
responseTxt = response.text ? await response.text() : ""
if (!contentLength && responseTxt) {
contentLength = Buffer.byteLength(responseTxt, "utf8").toString()
const hasContent =
(contentLength && parseInt(contentLength) > 0) ||
responseTxt.length > 0
if (response.status === 204) {
data = []
raw = ""
} else if (hasContent && contentType.includes("application/json")) {
triedParsing = true
data = JSON.parse(responseTxt)
raw = responseTxt
} else if (
(hasContent && contentType.includes("text/xml")) ||
) {
triedParsing = true
let xmlResponse = await handleXml(responseTxt)
data = xmlResponse.data
raw = xmlResponse.rawXml
} else {
data = responseTxt
raw = data as string
} catch (err) {
if (triedParsing) {
data = responseTxt
raw = data as string
} else {
throw new Error(`Failed to parse response body: ${err}`)
const size = formatBytes(contentLength || "0")
const time = `${Math.round(performance.now() - this.startTimeMs)}ms`
headers = response.headers.raw()
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(headers)) {
headers[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value
// Check if a pagination cursor exists in the response
let nextCursor = null
if (pagination?.responseParam) {
nextCursor = get(data, pagination.responseParam)
return {
info: {
code: response.status,
extra: {
pagination: {
cursor: nextCursor,
path: string,
queryString: string,
pagination?: PaginationConfig,
paginationValues?: PaginationValues
): string {
// Add pagination params to query string if required
if (pagination?.location === "query" && paginationValues) {
const { pageParam, sizeParam } = pagination
const params = new URLSearchParams()
// Append page number or cursor param if configured
if (pageParam && paginationValues.page != null) {
params.append(pageParam, paginationValues.page as string)
// Append page size param if configured
if (sizeParam && paginationValues.limit != null) {
params.append(sizeParam, String(paginationValues.limit))
// Prepend query string with pagination params
let paginationString = params.toString()
if (paginationString) {
queryString = `${paginationString}&${queryString}`
if (queryString) {
// make sure the query string is fully encoded
queryString = "?" + qs.encode(qs.decode(queryString))
const main = `${path}${queryString}`
let complete = main
if (this.config.url && !main.startsWith("http")) {
complete = !this.config.url ? main : `${this.config.url}/${main}`
if (!complete.startsWith("http")) {
complete = `http://${complete}`
return complete
bodyType: string,
body: string | any,
input: RequestInit,
pagination?: PaginationConfig,
paginationValues?: PaginationValues
): RequestInit {
if (!input.headers) {
input.headers = {}
if (bodyType === BodyType.NONE) {
return input
let error,
object: any = {},
string = ""
try {
if (body) {
string = typeof body !== "string" ? JSON.stringify(body) : body
object = typeof body === "object" ? body : JSON.parse(body)
} catch (err) {
error = err
// Util to add pagination values to a certain body type
const addPaginationToBody = (
insertFn: (pageParam: string, page?: string | number) => void
) => {
if (pagination?.location === "body") {
if (pagination?.pageParam && paginationValues?.page != null) {
insertFn(pagination.pageParam, paginationValues.page)
if (pagination?.sizeParam && paginationValues?.limit != null) {
insertFn(pagination.sizeParam, paginationValues.limit)
switch (bodyType) {
case BodyType.TEXT:
// content type defaults to plaintext
input.body = string
case BodyType.ENCODED: {
const params = new URLSearchParams()
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
params.append(key, value as string)
addPaginationToBody((key: string, value: any) => {
params.append(key, value)
input.body = params
case BodyType.FORM_DATA: {
const form = new FormData()
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
form.append(key, value)
addPaginationToBody((key: string, value: any) => {
form.append(key, value)
input.body = form
case BodyType.XML:
if (object != null && Object.keys(object).length) {
string = new XmlBuilder().buildObject(object)
input.body = string
// @ts-ignore
input.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"
case BodyType.JSON:
// if JSON error, throw it
if (error) {
throw "Invalid JSON for request body"
addPaginationToBody((key: string, value: any) => {
object[key] = value
input.body = JSON.stringify(object)
// @ts-ignore
input.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
return input
getAuthHeaders(authConfigId?: string): { [key: string]: any } {
let headers: any = {}
if (this.config.authConfigs && authConfigId) {
const authConfig = this.config.authConfigs.filter(
c => c._id === authConfigId
// check the config still exists before proceeding
// if not - do nothing
if (authConfig) {
let config
switch (authConfig.type) {
case RestAuthType.BASIC:
config = authConfig.config as RestBasicAuthConfig
headers.Authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from(
case RestAuthType.BEARER:
config = authConfig.config as RestBearerAuthConfig
headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${config.token}`
return headers
async _req(query: RestQuery) {
const {
path = "",
queryString = "",
headers = {},
method = HttpMethod.GET,
bodyType = BodyType.NONE,
} = query
const authHeaders = this.getAuthHeaders(authConfigId)
this.headers = {
...(this.config.defaultHeaders || {}),
if (disabledHeaders) {
for (let headerKey of Object.keys(this.headers)) {
if (disabledHeaders[headerKey]) {
delete this.headers[headerKey]
let input: RequestInit = { method, headers: this.headers }
input = this.addBody(
if (this.config.rejectUnauthorized == false) {
input.agent = new https.Agent({
rejectUnauthorized: false,
// Deprecated by rejectUnauthorized
if (this.config.legacyHttpParser) {
// NOTE(samwho): it seems like this code doesn't actually work because it requires
// node-fetch >=3, and we're not on that because upgrading to it produces errors to
// do with ESM that are above my pay grade.
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/43798
// @ts-ignore
input.extraHttpOptions = { insecureHTTPParser: true }
this.startTimeMs = performance.now()
const url = this.getUrl(path, queryString, pagination, paginationValues)
if (await blacklist.isBlacklisted(url)) {
throw new Error("Cannot connect to URL.")
const response = await fetch(url, input)
return await this.parseResponse(response, pagination)
async create(opts: RestQuery) {
return this._req({ ...opts, method: HttpMethod.POST })
async read(opts: RestQuery) {
return this._req({ ...opts, method: HttpMethod.GET })
async update(opts: RestQuery) {
return this._req({ ...opts, method: HttpMethod.PUT })
async patch(opts: RestQuery) {
return this._req({ ...opts, method: HttpMethod.PATCH })
async delete(opts: RestQuery) {
return this._req({ ...opts, method: HttpMethod.DELETE })
export default {
schema: SCHEMA,
integration: RestIntegration,