
48 lines
832 B

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# Getting Started with Budibase
(For contributors - scroll down)
### 1. Global install budibase
`npm install -g budibase`
### 2. Start using Budibase
Create a directory to store your Budibase apps
`mkdir my-budibase`
`cd my-budibase`
Initialise Budibase in current directory
`budi init`
Create a new Budibase app
`budi new my-app`
Run Budibase
You can now access the Budibase builder on http://localhost:4001/_builder
Start building!
Once you have created your app, you need to create yourself an instance of your app (i.e. a database)
`budi instance my-app`
## Documentation
A work in progress, lives here: https://docs.budibase.com
## Contributing
Contributors, see [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md)