
311 lines
8.4 KiB

import { writable, get as svelteGet } from "svelte/store"
import { notifier } from "builderStore/store/notifications"
import { store, automationStore, hostingStore } from "builderStore"
import { string, object } from "yup"
import api, { get } from "builderStore/api"
import Form from "@svelteschool/svelte-forms"
import Spinner from "components/common/Spinner.svelte"
import { Info, User } from "./Steps"
import Indicator from "./Indicator.svelte"
import { Button } from "@budibase/bbui"
import { goto } from "@roxi/routify"
import { fade } from "svelte/transition"
import { post } from "builderStore/api"
import analytics from "analytics"
import { onMount } from "svelte"
import Logo from "/assets/bb-logo.svg"
//Move this to context="module" once svelte-forms is updated so that it can bind to stores correctly
const createAppStore = writable({ currentStep: 0, values: {} })
export let template
const infoValidation = {
applicationName: string().required("Your application must have a name."),
const userValidation = {
email: string()
.required("Your application needs a first user."),
password: string().required("Please enter a password for your first user."),
roleId: string().required("You need to select a role for your user."),
let submitting = false
let errors = {}
let validationErrors = {}
let validationSchemas = [infoValidation, userValidation]
function buildStep(component) {
return {
// steps need to be initialized for cypress from the get go
let steps = [buildStep(Info), buildStep(User)]
onMount(async () => {
let hostingInfo = await hostingStore.actions.fetch()
// re-init the steps based on whether self hosting or cloud hosted
if (hostingInfo.type === "self") {
await hostingStore.actions.fetchDeployedApps()
const existingAppNames = svelteGet(hostingStore).deployedAppNames
infoValidation.applicationName = string()
.required("Your application must have a name.")
"App with same name already exists. Please try another app name.",
value =>
appName => appName.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase()
steps = [buildStep(Info), buildStep(User)]
validationSchemas = [infoValidation, userValidation]
// Handles form navigation
const back = () => {
if ($createAppStore.currentStep > 0) {
$createAppStore.currentStep -= 1
const next = () => {
$createAppStore.currentStep += 1
// $: errors = validationSchemas.validate(values);
$: getErrors(
async function getErrors(values, schema) {
try {
validationErrors = {}
await object(schema).validate(values, { abortEarly: false })
} catch (error) {
validationErrors = extractErrors(error)
const checkValidity = async (values, currentStep) => {
const validity = await object()
currentStepIsValid = validity
// Check full form on last step
if (currentStep === steps.length - 1) {
// Make one big schema from all the small ones
const fullSchema = Object.assign({}, ...validationSchemas)
// Check full form schema
const formIsValid = await object()
fullFormIsValid = formIsValid
async function createNewApp() {
submitting = true
try {
// Create form data to create app
let data = new FormData()
data.append("name", $createAppStore.values.applicationName)
data.append("useTemplate", template != null)
if (template) {
data.append("templateName", template.name)
data.append("templateKey", template.key)
data.append("templateFile", template.file)
// Create App
const appResp = await post("/api/applications", data, {})
const appJson = await appResp.json()
if (!appResp.ok) {
throw new Error(appJson.message)
analytics.captureEvent("App Created", {
name: $createAppStore.values.applicationName,
appId: appJson._id,
// Select Correct Application/DB in prep for creating user
const applicationPkg = await get(
const pkg = await applicationPkg.json()
if (applicationPkg.ok) {
await store.actions.initialise(pkg)
await automationStore.actions.fetch()
} else {
throw new Error(pkg)
// Create user
const user = {
email: $createAppStore.values.email,
password: $createAppStore.values.password,
roleId: $createAppStore.values.roleId,
const userResp = await api.post(`/api/users`, user)
const json = await userResp.json()
} catch (error) {
submitting = false
async function updateKey([key, value]) {
const response = await api.put(`/api/keys/${key}`, { value })
const res = await response.json()
return res
function extractErrors({ inner }) {
if (!inner) return {}
return inner.reduce((acc, err) => {
return { ...acc, [err.path]: err.message }
}, {})
let currentStepIsValid = false
let fullFormIsValid = false
$: checkValidity($createAppStore.values, $createAppStore.currentStep)
let onChange = () => {}
<div class="container">
<div class="sidebar">
{#each steps as { active, done }, i}
active={$createAppStore.currentStep === i}
done={i < $createAppStore.currentStep}
step={i + 1} />
<div class="body">
<div class="heading">
<h3 class="header">Get Started with Budibase</h3>
<div class="step">
<Form bind:values={$createAppStore.values}>
{#each steps as step, i (i)}
<div class:hidden={$createAppStore.currentStep !== i}>
name={step.name} />
<div class="footer">
{#if $createAppStore.currentStep > 0}
<Button medium secondary on:click={back}>Back</Button>
{#if $createAppStore.currentStep < steps.length - 1}
<Button medium blue on:click={next} disabled={!currentStepIsValid}>
{#if $createAppStore.currentStep === steps.length - 1}
disabled={!fullFormIsValid || submitting}>
{submitting ? 'Loading...' : 'Submit'}
<img src={Logo} alt="budibase icon" />
{#if submitting}
<div in:fade class="spinner-container">
<Spinner />
<span class="spinner-text">Creating your app...</span>
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bottom: 0;
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font-size: 2em;
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display: none;
img {
position: absolute;
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height: 40px;