437 lines
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437 lines
13 KiB
import { generateQueryID } from "../../../db/utils"
import { Thread, ThreadType } from "../../../threads"
import { save as saveDatasource } from "../datasource"
import { RestImporter } from "./import"
import { invalidateCachedVariable } from "../../../threads/utils"
import env from "../../../environment"
import { events, context, utils, constants } from "@budibase/backend-core"
import sdk from "../../../sdk"
import { QueryEvent, QueryEventParameters } from "../../../threads/definitions"
import {
} from "@budibase/types"
import { ValidQueryNameRegex, utils as JsonUtils } from "@budibase/shared-core"
import { findHBSBlocks } from "@budibase/string-templates"
const Runner = new Thread(ThreadType.QUERY, {
function validateQueryInputs(parameters: QueryEventParameters) {
for (let entry of Object.entries(parameters)) {
const [key, value] = entry
if (typeof value !== "string") {
if (findHBSBlocks(value).length !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`Parameter '${key}' input contains a handlebars binding - this is not allowed.`
export async function fetch(ctx: UserCtx) {
ctx.body = await sdk.queries.fetch()
const _import = async (ctx: UserCtx) => {
const body = ctx.request.body
const data = body.data
const importer = new RestImporter(data)
await importer.init()
let datasourceId
if (!body.datasourceId) {
// construct new datasource
const info: any = await importer.getInfo()
let datasource = {
type: "datasource",
source: "REST",
config: {
url: info.url,
defaultHeaders: [],
rejectUnauthorized: true,
name: info.name,
// save the datasource
const datasourceCtx = { ...ctx }
datasourceCtx.request.body.datasource = datasource
await saveDatasource(datasourceCtx)
datasourceId = datasourceCtx.body.datasource._id
} else {
// use existing datasource
datasourceId = body.datasourceId
const importResult = await importer.importQueries(datasourceId)
ctx.body = {
ctx.status = 200
export { _import as import }
export async function save(ctx: UserCtx<Query, Query>) {
const db = context.getAppDB()
const query: Query = ctx.request.body
// Validate query name
if (!query?.name.match(ValidQueryNameRegex)) {
ctx.throw(400, "Invalid query name")
const datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(query.datasourceId)
let eventFn
if (!query._id && !query._rev) {
query._id = generateQueryID(query.datasourceId)
// flag to state whether the default bindings are empty strings (old behaviour) or null
query.nullDefaultSupport = true
eventFn = () => events.query.created(datasource, query)
} else {
// check if flag has previously been set, don't let it change
// allow it to be explicitly set to false via API incase this is ever needed
const existingQuery = await db.get<Query>(query._id)
if (existingQuery.nullDefaultSupport && query.nullDefaultSupport == null) {
query.nullDefaultSupport = true
eventFn = () => events.query.updated(datasource, query)
const response = await db.put(query)
await eventFn()
query._rev = response.rev
ctx.body = query
ctx.message = `Query ${query.name} saved successfully.`
export async function find(ctx: UserCtx) {
const queryId = ctx.params.queryId
ctx.body = await sdk.queries.find(queryId)
//Required to discern between OIDC OAuth config entries
function getOAuthConfigCookieId(ctx: UserCtx) {
if (ctx.user.providerType === ConfigType.OIDC) {
return utils.getCookie(ctx, constants.Cookie.OIDC_CONFIG)
function getAuthConfig(ctx: UserCtx) {
const authCookie = utils.getCookie<SessionCookie>(ctx, constants.Cookie.Auth)
let authConfigCtx: any = {}
authConfigCtx["configId"] = getOAuthConfigCookieId(ctx)
authConfigCtx["sessionId"] = authCookie ? authCookie.sessionId : null
return authConfigCtx
function enrichParameters(
query: Query,
requestParameters: QueryEventParameters = {}
): QueryEventParameters {
const paramNotSet = (val: unknown) => val === "" || val == undefined
// first check parameters are all valid
// make sure parameters are fully enriched with defaults
for (const parameter of query.parameters) {
let value: string | null =
requestParameters[parameter.name] || parameter.default
if (query.nullDefaultSupport && paramNotSet(value)) {
value = null
requestParameters[parameter.name] = value
return requestParameters
export async function preview(
ctx: UserCtx<PreviewQueryRequest, PreviewQueryResponse>
) {
const { datasource, envVars } = await sdk.datasources.getWithEnvVars(
// preview may not have a queryId as it hasn't been saved, but if it does
// this stops dynamic variables from calling the same query
const queryId = ctx.request.body.queryId
// the body contains the makings of a query, which has not been saved yet
const query: Query = ctx.request.body
// hasn't been saved, new query
if (!queryId && !query._id) {
query.nullDefaultSupport = true
let existingSchema = query.schema
if (queryId && !existingSchema) {
try {
const db = context.getAppDB()
const existing = (await db.get(queryId)) as Query
existingSchema = existing.schema
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.status !== 404) {
ctx.throw(500, "Unable to retrieve existing query")
const authConfigCtx: any = getAuthConfig(ctx)
function getFieldMetadata(field: any, key: string): QuerySchema {
const makeQuerySchema = (
type: FieldType,
name: string,
subtype?: string
): QuerySchema => ({
// Because custom queries have no fixed schema, we dynamically determine the schema,
// however types cannot be determined from null. We have no 'unknown' type, so we default to string.
let type = typeof field,
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.STRING, key)
if (field != null)
switch (type) {
case "boolean":
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.BOOLEAN, key)
case "object":
if (field instanceof Date) {
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.DATETIME, key)
} else if (Array.isArray(field)) {
if (field.some(item => JsonUtils.hasSchema(item))) {
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(
} else {
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.ARRAY, key)
} else {
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.JSON, key)
case "number":
fieldMetadata = makeQuerySchema(FieldType.NUMBER, key)
return fieldMetadata
function buildNestedSchema(
nestedSchemaFields: {
[key: string]: Record<string, string | QuerySchema>
key: string,
fieldArray: any[]
) {
let schema: { [key: string]: any } = {}
// build the schema by aggregating all row objects in the array
for (const item of fieldArray) {
if (JsonUtils.hasSchema(item)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(item)) {
schema[key] = getFieldMetadata(value, key)
nestedSchemaFields[key] = schema
function getSchemaFields(
rows: any[],
keys: string[]
): {
previewSchema: Record<string, string | QuerySchema>
nestedSchemaFields: {
[key: string]: Record<string, string | QuerySchema>
} {
const previewSchema: Record<string, string | QuerySchema> = {}
const nestedSchemaFields: {
[key: string]: Record<string, string | QuerySchema>
} = {}
if (rows?.length > 0) {
for (let key of new Set(keys)) {
const fieldMetadata = getFieldMetadata(rows[0][key], key)
previewSchema[key] = fieldMetadata
if (
fieldMetadata.type === FieldType.JSON &&
fieldMetadata.subtype === JsonFieldSubType.ARRAY
) {
buildNestedSchema(nestedSchemaFields, key, rows[0][key])
return { previewSchema, nestedSchemaFields }
const inputs: QueryEvent = {
appId: ctx.appId,
queryVerb: query.queryVerb,
fields: query.fields,
parameters: enrichParameters(query),
transformer: query.transformer,
schema: query.schema,
nullDefaultSupport: query.nullDefaultSupport,
// have to pass down to the thread runner - can't put into context now
environmentVariables: envVars,
ctx: {
user: ctx.user,
auth: { ...authConfigCtx },
let queryResponse: QueryResponse
try {
queryResponse = await Runner.run<QueryResponse>(inputs)
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.throw(400, err)
const { rows, keys, info, extra } = queryResponse
const { previewSchema, nestedSchemaFields } = getSchemaFields(rows, keys)
// if existing schema, update to include any previous schema keys
if (existingSchema) {
for (let key of Object.keys(existingSchema)) {
if (!previewSchema[key]) {
previewSchema[key] = existingSchema[key]
// remove configuration before sending event
delete datasource.config
await events.query.previewed(datasource, ctx.request.body)
ctx.body = {
schema: previewSchema,
async function execute(
ctx: UserCtx<
ExecuteQueryResponse | Record<string, any>[]
opts: any = { rowsOnly: false, isAutomation: false }
) {
const db = context.getAppDB()
const query = await db.get<Query>(ctx.params.queryId)
const { datasource, envVars } = await sdk.datasources.getWithEnvVars(
let authConfigCtx: any = {}
if (!opts.isAutomation) {
authConfigCtx = getAuthConfig(ctx)
// call the relevant CRUD method on the integration class
try {
const inputs: QueryEvent = {
appId: ctx.appId,
queryVerb: query.queryVerb,
fields: query.fields,
pagination: ctx.request.body.pagination,
parameters: enrichParameters(query, ctx.request.body.parameters),
transformer: query.transformer,
queryId: ctx.params.queryId,
// have to pass down to the thread runner - can't put into context now
environmentVariables: envVars,
nullDefaultSupport: query.nullDefaultSupport,
ctx: {
user: ctx.user,
auth: { ...authConfigCtx },
schema: query.schema,
const { rows, pagination, extra, info } = await Runner.run<QueryResponse>(
// remove the raw from execution incase transformer being used to hide data
if (extra?.raw) {
delete extra.raw
if (opts && opts.rowsOnly) {
ctx.body = rows
} else {
ctx.body = { data: rows, pagination, ...extra, ...info }
} catch (err: any) {
ctx.throw(400, err)
export async function executeV1(
ctx: UserCtx<ExecuteQueryRequest, Record<string, any>[]>
) {
return execute(ctx, { rowsOnly: true, isAutomation: false })
export async function executeV2(
ctx: UserCtx<
ExecuteQueryResponse | Record<string, any>[]
{ isAutomation }: { isAutomation?: boolean } = {}
) {
return execute(ctx, { rowsOnly: false, isAutomation })
const removeDynamicVariables = async (queryId: string) => {
const db = context.getAppDB()
const query = await db.get<Query>(queryId)
const datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(query.datasourceId)
const dynamicVariables = datasource.config?.dynamicVariables as any[]
if (dynamicVariables) {
// delete dynamic variables from the datasource
datasource.config!.dynamicVariables = dynamicVariables!.filter(
(dv: any) => dv.queryId !== queryId
await db.put(datasource)
// invalidate the deleted variables
const variablesToDelete = dynamicVariables!.filter(
(dv: any) => dv.queryId === queryId
await invalidateCachedVariable(variablesToDelete)
export async function destroy(ctx: UserCtx) {
const db = context.getAppDB()
const queryId = ctx.params.queryId as string
await removeDynamicVariables(queryId)
const query = await db.get<Query>(queryId)
const datasource = await sdk.datasources.get(query.datasourceId)
await db.remove(ctx.params.queryId, ctx.params.revId)
ctx.message = `Query deleted.`
ctx.status = 200
await events.query.deleted(datasource, query)