394 lines
9.2 KiB
394 lines
9.2 KiB
import { Datasource, Query } from "@budibase/types"
import * as setup from "../utilities"
import { databaseTestProviders } from "../../../../integrations/tests/utils"
import { MongoClient, type Collection, BSON } from "mongodb"
const collection = "test_collection"
const expectValidId = expect.stringMatching(/^\w{24}$/)
const expectValidBsonObjectId = expect.any(BSON.ObjectId)
describe("/queries", () => {
let config = setup.getConfig()
let datasource: Datasource
async function createQuery(query: Partial<Query>): Promise<Query> {
const defaultQuery: Query = {
datasourceId: datasource._id!,
name: "New Query",
parameters: [],
fields: {},
schema: {},
queryVerb: "read",
transformer: "return data",
readable: true,
const combinedQuery = { ...defaultQuery, ...query }
if (
combinedQuery.fields &&
combinedQuery.fields.extra &&
) {
combinedQuery.fields.extra.collection = collection
return await config.api.query.create(combinedQuery)
async function withClient(
callback: (client: MongoClient) => Promise<void>
): Promise<void> {
const ds = await databaseTestProviders.mongodb.datasource()
const client = new MongoClient(ds.config!.connectionString)
await client.connect()
try {
await callback(client)
} finally {
await client.close()
async function withCollection(
callback: (collection: Collection) => Promise<void>
): Promise<void> {
await withClient(async client => {
const db = client.db(
(await databaseTestProviders.mongodb.datasource()).config!.db
await callback(db.collection(collection))
afterAll(async () => {
await databaseTestProviders.mongodb.stop()
beforeAll(async () => {
await config.init()
datasource = await config.api.datasource.create(
await databaseTestProviders.mongodb.datasource()
beforeEach(async () => {
await withCollection(async collection => {
await collection.insertMany([
{ name: "one" },
{ name: "two" },
{ name: "three" },
{ name: "four" },
{ name: "five" },
afterEach(async () => {
await withCollection(async collection => {
await collection.drop()
it("should execute a count query", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {},
extra: {
actionType: "count",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
expect(result.data).toEqual([{ value: 5 }])
it("should execute a count query with a transformer", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {},
extra: {
actionType: "count",
transformer: "return data + 1",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
expect(result.data).toEqual([{ value: 6 }])
it("should execute a find query", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {},
extra: {
actionType: "find",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
{ _id: expectValidId, name: "one" },
{ _id: expectValidId, name: "two" },
{ _id: expectValidId, name: "three" },
{ _id: expectValidId, name: "four" },
{ _id: expectValidId, name: "five" },
it("should execute a findOne query", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {},
extra: {
actionType: "findOne",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
expect(result.data).toEqual([{ _id: expectValidId, name: "one" }])
it("should execute a findOneAndUpdate query", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {
filter: { name: { $eq: "one" } },
update: { $set: { name: "newName" } },
extra: {
actionType: "findOneAndUpdate",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: true },
ok: 1,
value: { _id: expectValidId, name: "one" },
await withCollection(async collection => {
expect(await collection.countDocuments()).toBe(5)
const doc = await collection.findOne({ name: { $eq: "newName" } })
_id: expectValidBsonObjectId,
name: "newName",
it("should execute a distinct query", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: "name",
extra: {
actionType: "distinct",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
const values = result.data.map(o => o.value).sort()
expect(values).toEqual(["five", "four", "one", "three", "two"])
it("should execute a create query with parameters", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: { foo: "{{ foo }}" },
extra: {
actionType: "insertOne",
queryVerb: "create",
parameters: [
name: "foo",
default: "default",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!, {
parameters: { foo: "bar" },
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: expectValidId,
await withCollection(async collection => {
const doc = await collection.findOne({ foo: { $eq: "bar" } })
_id: expectValidBsonObjectId,
foo: "bar",
it("should execute a delete query with parameters", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: { name: { $eq: "{{ name }}" } },
extra: {
actionType: "deleteOne",
queryVerb: "delete",
parameters: [
name: "name",
default: "",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!, {
parameters: { name: "one" },
acknowledged: true,
deletedCount: 1,
await withCollection(async collection => {
const doc = await collection.findOne({ name: { $eq: "one" } })
it("should execute an update query with parameters", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {
filter: { name: { $eq: "{{ name }}" } },
update: { $set: { name: "{{ newName }}" } },
extra: {
actionType: "updateOne",
queryVerb: "update",
parameters: [
name: "name",
default: "",
name: "newName",
default: "",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!, {
parameters: { name: "one", newName: "newOne" },
acknowledged: true,
matchedCount: 1,
modifiedCount: 1,
upsertedCount: 0,
upsertedId: null,
await withCollection(async collection => {
const doc = await collection.findOne({ name: { $eq: "newOne" } })
_id: expectValidBsonObjectId,
name: "newOne",
const oldDoc = await collection.findOne({ name: { $eq: "one" } })
it("should be able to delete all records", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {},
extra: {
actionType: "deleteMany",
queryVerb: "delete",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
acknowledged: true,
deletedCount: 5,
await withCollection(async collection => {
const docs = await collection.find().toArray()
it("should be able to update all documents", async () => {
const query = await createQuery({
fields: {
json: {
filter: {},
update: { $set: { name: "newName" } },
extra: {
actionType: "updateMany",
queryVerb: "update",
const result = await config.api.query.execute(query._id!)
acknowledged: true,
matchedCount: 5,
modifiedCount: 5,
upsertedCount: 0,
upsertedId: null,
await withCollection(async collection => {
const docs = await collection.find().toArray()
for (const doc of docs) {
_id: expectValidBsonObjectId,
name: "newName",