93 lines
2.5 KiB
93 lines
2.5 KiB
import Placeholder from "../Placeholder.svelte"
import FieldGroupFallback from "./FieldGroupFallback.svelte"
import { getContext } from "svelte"
export let label
export let field
export let fieldState
export let fieldApi
export let fieldSchema
export let defaultValue
export let type
export let disabled = false
// Get contexts
const formContext = getContext("form")
const fieldGroupContext = getContext("fieldGroup")
const { styleable } = getContext("sdk")
const component = getContext("component")
// Register field with form
const formApi = formContext?.formApi
const labelPosition = fieldGroupContext?.labelPosition || "above"
const formField = formApi?.registerField(field, defaultValue, disabled)
// Expose field properties to parent component
fieldState = formField?.fieldState
fieldApi = formField?.fieldApi
fieldSchema = formField?.fieldSchema
// Extract label position from field group context
$: labelPositionClass =
labelPosition === "above" ? "" : `spectrum-FieldLabel--${labelPosition}`
<div class="spectrum-Form-item" use:styleable={$component.styles}>
class={`spectrum-FieldLabel spectrum-FieldLabel--sizeM spectrum-Form-itemLabel ${labelPositionClass}`}
{label || ""}
<div class="spectrum-Form-itemField">
{#if !formContext}
<Placeholder text="Form components need to be wrapped in a form" />
{:else if !fieldState}
text="Add the Field setting to start using your component"
{:else if fieldSchema?.type && fieldSchema?.type !== type}
text="This Field setting is the wrong data type for this component"
<slot />
{#if $fieldState.error}
<div class="error">{$fieldState.error}</div>
label {
white-space: nowrap;
label.hidden {
padding: 0;
.spectrum-Form-itemField {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
.error {
color: var(
font-size: var(--spectrum-global-dimension-font-size-75);
margin-top: var(--spectrum-global-dimension-size-75);
.spectrum-FieldLabel--left {
padding-right: var(--spectrum-global-dimension-size-200);