
82 lines
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import { Header } from "../constants"
import { buildMatcherRegex, matches } from "./matchers"
import { BBContext, EndpointMatcher } from "@budibase/types"
* GET, HEAD and OPTIONS methods are considered safe operations
* POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods, being state changing verbs,
* should have a CSRF token attached to the request
* There are only three content type values that can be used in cross domain requests.
* If any other value is used, e.g. application/json, the browser will first make a OPTIONS
* request which will be protected by CORS.
* Validate the CSRF token generated aganst the user session.
* Compare the token with the x-csrf-token header.
* If the token is not found within the request or the value provided
* does not match the value within the user session, the request is rejected.
* CSRF protection provided using the 'Synchronizer Token Pattern'
* https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html#synchronizer-token-pattern
export default function (
opts: { noCsrfPatterns: EndpointMatcher[] } = { noCsrfPatterns: [] }
) {
const noCsrfOptions = buildMatcherRegex(opts.noCsrfPatterns)
return async (ctx: BBContext | any, next: any) => {
// don't apply for excluded paths
const found = matches(ctx, noCsrfOptions)
if (found) {
return next()
// don't apply for the excluded http methods
if (EXCLUDED_METHODS.indexOf(ctx.method) !== -1) {
return next()
// don't apply when the content type isn't supported
let contentType = ctx.get("content-type")
? ctx.get("content-type").toLowerCase()
: ""
if (
!INCLUDED_CONTENT_TYPES.filter(type => contentType.includes(type)).length
) {
return next()
// don't apply csrf when the internal api key has been used
if (ctx.internal) {
return next()
// apply csrf when there is a token in the session (new logins)
// in future there should be a hard requirement that the token is present
const userToken = ctx.user?.csrfToken
if (!userToken) {
return next()
// reject if no token in request or mismatch
const requestToken = ctx.get(Header.CSRF_TOKEN)
if (!requestToken || requestToken !== userToken) {
ctx.throw(403, "Invalid CSRF token")
return next()