
166 lines
4.8 KiB

const CouchDB = require("../../../db")
const linkRows = require("../../../db/linkedRows")
const csvParser = require("../../../utilities/csvParser")
const {
} = require("../../../db/utils")
const { FieldTypes } = require("../../../constants")
const { TableSaveFunctions } = require("./utils")
exports.fetch = async function(ctx) {
const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
const body = await db.allDocs(
getTableParams(null, {
include_docs: true,
ctx.body = body.rows.map(row => row.doc)
exports.find = async function(ctx) {
const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.appId)
ctx.body = await db.get(ctx.params.id)
exports.save = async function(ctx) {
const appId = ctx.user.appId
const db = new CouchDB(appId)
const { dataImport, ...rest } = ctx.request.body
let tableToSave = {
type: "table",
_id: generateTableID(),
views: {},
// if the table obj had an _id then it will have been retrieved
let oldTable
if (ctx.request.body && ctx.request.body._id) {
oldTable = await db.get(ctx.request.body._id)
// saving a table is a complex operation, involving many different steps, this
// has been broken out into a utility to make it more obvious/easier to manipulate
const tableSaveFunctions = new TableSaveFunctions({
tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.before(tableToSave)
// make sure that types don't change of a column, have to remove
// the column if you want to change the type
if (oldTable && oldTable.schema) {
for (let propKey of Object.keys(tableToSave.schema)) {
let column = tableToSave.schema[propKey]
let oldColumn = oldTable.schema[propKey]
if (oldColumn && oldColumn.type !== column.type) {
ctx.throw(400, "Cannot change the type of a column")
// Don't rename if the name is the same
let { _rename } = tableToSave
if (_rename && _rename.old === _rename.updated) {
_rename = null
delete tableToSave._rename
// rename row fields when table column is renamed
if (_rename && tableToSave.schema[_rename.updated].type === FieldTypes.LINK) {
ctx.throw(400, "Cannot rename a linked column.")
} else if (_rename && tableToSave.primaryDisplay === _rename.old) {
ctx.throw(400, "Cannot rename the display column.")
tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.mid(tableToSave)
// update schema of non-statistics views when new columns are added
for (let view in tableToSave.views) {
const tableView = tableToSave.views[view]
if (!tableView) continue
if (tableView.schema.group || tableView.schema.field) continue
tableView.schema = tableToSave.schema
// update linked rows
const linkResp = await linkRows.updateLinks({
eventType: oldTable
? linkRows.EventType.TABLE_UPDATED
: linkRows.EventType.TABLE_SAVE,
table: tableToSave,
oldTable: oldTable,
if (linkResp != null && linkResp._rev) {
tableToSave._rev = linkResp._rev
// don't perform any updates until relationships have been
// checked by the updateLinks function
const updatedRows = tableSaveFunctions.getUpdatedRows()
if (updatedRows && updatedRows.length !== 0) {
await db.bulkDocs(updatedRows)
const result = await db.post(tableToSave)
tableToSave._rev = result.rev
tableToSave = await tableSaveFunctions.after(tableToSave)
ctx.eventEmitter &&
ctx.eventEmitter.emitTable(`table:save`, appId, tableToSave)
ctx.status = 200
ctx.message = `Table ${ctx.request.body.name} saved successfully.`
ctx.body = tableToSave
exports.destroy = async function(ctx) {
const appId = ctx.user.appId
const db = new CouchDB(appId)
const tableToDelete = await db.get(ctx.params.tableId)
// Delete all rows for that table
const rows = await db.allDocs(
getRowParams(ctx.params.tableId, null, {
include_docs: true,
await db.bulkDocs(rows.rows.map(row => ({ ...row.doc, _deleted: true })))
// update linked rows
await linkRows.updateLinks({
eventType: linkRows.EventType.TABLE_DELETE,
table: tableToDelete,
// don't remove the table itself until very end
await db.remove(tableToDelete)
// remove table search index
const currentIndexes = await db.getIndexes()
const existingIndex = currentIndexes.indexes.find(
existing => existing.name === `search:${ctx.params.tableId}`
if (existingIndex) {
await db.deleteIndex(existingIndex)
ctx.eventEmitter &&
ctx.eventEmitter.emitTable(`table:delete`, appId, tableToDelete)
ctx.status = 200
ctx.message = `Table ${ctx.params.tableId} deleted.`
exports.validateCSVSchema = async function(ctx) {
const { csvString, schema = {} } = ctx.request.body
const result = await csvParser.parse(csvString, schema)
ctx.body = { schema: result }