
187 lines
3.8 KiB

import CodeMirror from "./codemirror"
import { Label, Spacer } from "@budibase/bbui"
import { onMount, createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"
import { themeStore } from "builderStore"
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
const THEMES = {
DARK: "tomorrow-night-eighties",
LIGHT: "default",
export let label
export let value = ""
export let readOnly = false
export let lineNumbers = true
export let tab = true
export let mode
export let editorHeight = 500
// export let parameters = []
let width
let height
// We have to expose set and update methods, rather
// than making this state-driven through props,
// because it's difficult to update an editor
// without resetting scroll otherwise
export async function set(new_value, new_mode) {
if (new_mode !== mode) {
await createEditor((mode = new_mode))
value = new_value
updating_externally = true
if (editor) editor.setValue(value)
updating_externally = false
export function update(new_value) {
value = new_value
if (editor) {
const { left, top } = editor.getScrollInfo()
editor.setValue((value = new_value))
editor.scrollTo(left, top)
export function resize() {
export function focus() {
const modes = {
js: {
name: "javascript",
json: false,
json: {
name: "javascript",
json: true,
sql: {
name: "sql",
svelte: {
name: "handlebars",
base: "text/html",
const refs = {}
let editor
let updating_externally = false
let marker
let error_line
let destroyed = false
$: if (editor && width && height) {
onMount(() => {
createEditor(mode).then(() => {
if (editor) editor.setValue(value || "")
return () => {
destroyed = true
if (editor) editor.toTextArea()
let first = true
async function createEditor(mode) {
if (destroyed || !CodeMirror) return
if (editor) editor.toTextArea()
const opts = {
lineWrapping: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
indentUnit: 2,
tabSize: 2,
value: "",
mode: modes[mode] || {
name: mode,
autoCloseBrackets: true,
autoCloseTags: true,
theme: $themeStore.darkMode ? THEMES.DARK : THEMES.LIGHT,
if (!tab)
opts.extraKeys = {
Tab: tab,
"Shift-Tab": tab,
// Creating a text editor is a lot of work, so we yield
// the main thread for a moment. This helps reduce jank
if (first) await sleep(50)
if (destroyed) return
editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(refs.editor, opts)
editor.on("change", instance => {
if (!updating_externally) {
const value = instance.getValue()
dispatch("change", { value })
// editor.on("cursorActivity", function() {
// editor.showHint({
// hint: function() {
// return {
// from: editor.getDoc().getCursor(),
// to: editor.getDoc().getCursor(),
// list: completions,
// }
// },
// })
// })
if (first) await sleep(50)
first = false
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(fulfil => setTimeout(fulfil, ms))
{#if label}
<Label small>{label}</Label>
<Spacer medium />
<div style={`--code-mirror-height: ${editorHeight}px`}>
<textarea tabindex="0" bind:this={refs.editor} readonly {value} />
textarea {
visibility: hidden;
div :global(.CodeMirror) {
height: var(--code-mirror-height) !important;
border-radius: var(--border-radius-s);
font-family: monospace !important;
line-height: 1.3;