240 lines
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240 lines
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import env from "../environment"
import { DEFAULT_TENANT_ID, SEPARATOR, DocumentType } from "../constants"
import { getTenantId, getGlobalDBName, isMultiTenant } from "../context"
import { doWithDB, directCouchAllDbs } from "./db"
import { AppState, DeletedApp, getAppMetadata } from "../cache/appMetadata"
import { isDevApp, isDevAppID, getProdAppID } from "../docIds/conversions"
import { App, Database } from "@budibase/types"
import { getStartEndKeyURL } from "../docIds"
export * from "../docIds"
* if in production this will use the CouchDB _all_dbs call to retrieve a list of databases. If testing
* when using Pouch it will use the pouchdb-all-dbs package.
* opts.efficient can be provided to make sure this call is always quick in a multi-tenant environment,
* but it may not be 100% accurate in full efficiency mode (some tenantless apps may be missed).
export async function getAllDbs(opts = { efficient: false }) {
const efficient = opts && opts.efficient
let dbs: any[] = []
async function addDbs(queryString?: string) {
const json = await directCouchAllDbs(queryString)
dbs = dbs.concat(json)
let tenantId = getTenantId()
if (!env.MULTI_TENANCY || (!efficient && tenantId === DEFAULT_TENANT_ID)) {
// just get all DBs when:
// - single tenancy
// - default tenant
// - apps dbs don't contain tenant id
// - non-default tenant dbs are filtered out application side in getAllApps
await addDbs()
} else {
// get prod apps
await addDbs(getStartEndKeyURL(DocumentType.APP, tenantId))
// get dev apps
await addDbs(getStartEndKeyURL(DocumentType.APP_DEV, tenantId))
// add global db name
return dbs
* Lots of different points in the system need to find the full list of apps, this will
* enumerate the entire CouchDB cluster and get the list of databases (every app).
* @return returns the app information document stored in each app database.
export async function getAllApps({
}: any = {}): Promise<App[] | string[]> {
let tenantId = getTenantId()
if (!env.MULTI_TENANCY && !tenantId) {
let dbs = await getAllDbs({ efficient })
const appDbNames = dbs.filter((dbName: any) => {
if (env.isTest() && !dbName) {
return false
const split = dbName.split(SEPARATOR)
// it is an app, check the tenantId
if (split[0] === DocumentType.APP) {
// tenantId is always right before the UUID
const possibleTenantId = split[split.length - 2]
const noTenantId =
split.length === 2 || possibleTenantId === DocumentType.DEV
return (
(tenantId === DEFAULT_TENANT_ID && noTenantId) ||
possibleTenantId === tenantId
return false
if (idsOnly) {
const devAppIds = appDbNames.filter(appId => isDevAppID(appId))
const prodAppIds = appDbNames.filter(appId => !isDevAppID(appId))
switch (dev) {
case true:
return devAppIds
case false:
return prodAppIds
return appDbNames
const appPromises = appDbNames.map((app: any) =>
// skip setup otherwise databases could be re-created
if (appPromises.length === 0) {
return []
} else {
const response = await Promise.allSettled(appPromises)
const apps = response
(result: any) =>
result.status === "fulfilled" &&
result.value?.state !== AppState.INVALID
.map(({ value }: any) => value)
if (!all) {
return apps.filter((app: any) => {
if (dev) {
return isDevApp(app)
return !isDevApp(app)
} else {
return apps.map((app: any) => ({
status: isDevApp(app) ? "development" : "published",
export async function getAppsByIDs(appIds: string[]) {
const settled = await Promise.allSettled(
appIds.map(appId => getAppMetadata(appId))
// have to list the apps which exist, some may have been deleted
return settled
promise =>
promise.status === "fulfilled" &&
(promise.value as DeletedApp).state !== AppState.INVALID
.map(promise => (promise as PromiseFulfilledResult<App>).value)
* Utility function for getAllApps but filters to production apps only.
export async function getProdAppIDs() {
const apps = (await getAllApps({ idsOnly: true })) as string[]
return apps.filter((id: any) => !isDevAppID(id))
* Utility function for the inverse of above.
export async function getDevAppIDs() {
const apps = (await getAllApps({ idsOnly: true })) as string[]
return apps.filter((id: any) => isDevAppID(id))
export function isSameAppID(
appId1: string | undefined,
appId2: string | undefined
) {
if (appId1 == undefined || appId2 == undefined) {
return false
return getProdAppID(appId1) === getProdAppID(appId2)
export async function dbExists(dbName: any) {
return doWithDB(
async (db: Database) => {
return await db.exists()
{ skip_setup: true }
export function pagination<T>(
data: T[],
pageSize: number,
}: {
paginate: boolean
property: string
getKey?: (doc: T) => string | undefined
} = {
paginate: true,
property: "_id",
) {
if (!paginate) {
return { data, hasNextPage: false }
const hasNextPage = data.length > pageSize
let nextPage = undefined
if (!getKey) {
getKey = (doc: any) => (property ? doc?.[property] : doc?._id)
if (hasNextPage) {
nextPage = getKey(data[pageSize])
return {
data: data.slice(0, pageSize),
export function isSqsEnabledForTenant(): boolean {
const tenantId = getTenantId()
return false
// single tenant (self host and dev) always enabled if flag set
if (!isMultiTenant()) {
return true
// This is to guard against the situation in tests where tests pass because
// we're not actually using SQS, we're using Lucene and the tests pass due to
// parity.
if (env.isTest() && env.SQS_SEARCH_ENABLE_TENANTS.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
"to enable SQS you must specify a list of tenants in the SQS_SEARCH_ENABLE_TENANTS env var"
// Special case to enable all tenants, for testing in QA.
if (
env.SQS_SEARCH_ENABLE_TENANTS.length === 1 &&
) {
return true
return env.SQS_SEARCH_ENABLE_TENANTS.includes(tenantId)