205 lines
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205 lines
4.5 KiB
import Modal from "svelte-simple-modal"
import { store, workflowStore, backendUiStore } from "builderStore"
import SettingsLink from "components/settings/Link.svelte"
import { get } from "builderStore/api"
import { fade } from "svelte/transition"
import { isActive, goto, layout, url } from "@sveltech/routify"
import { SettingsIcon, PreviewIcon } from "components/common/Icons/"
import IconButton from "components/common/IconButton.svelte"
// Get Package and set store
export let application
let promise = getPackage()
async function getPackage() {
const res = await get(`/api/${application}/appPackage`)
const pkg = await res.json()
if (res.ok) {
await store.setPackage(pkg)
return pkg
} else {
throw new Error(pkg)
// handles navigation between frontend, backend, workflow.
// this remembers your last place on each of the sections
// e.g. if one of your screens is selected on front end, then
// you browse to backend, when you click fronend, you will be
// brought back to the same screen
const topItemNavigate = path => () => {
const activeTopNav = $layout.children.find(c => $isActive(c.path))
if (!activeTopNav) return
store.update(state => {
if (!state.previousTopNavPath) state.previousTopNavPath = {}
] = window.location.pathname.replace("/_builder", "")
$goto(state.previousTopNavPath[path] || path)
return state
<div class="root">
<div class="top-nav">
<div class="topleftnav">
<button class="home-logo">
alt="budibase icon"
on:click={() => $goto(`/`)} />
<!-- This gets all indexable subroutes and sticks them in the top nav. -->
{#each $layout.children as { path, title }}
<!-- <IconButton icon="home"
hoverColor="var(--secondary75)"/> -->
<div class="toprightnav">
<SettingsLink />
on:click={() => window.open(`/${application}`)}>
<PreviewIcon />
{#await promise}
<!-- This should probably be some kind of loading state? -->
<div />
<slot />
{:catch error}
<p>Something went wrong: {error.message}</p>
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a {
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height: 100%;
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font-weight: 500;
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cursor: pointer;
color: var(--grey-7);
margin: 0px 20px 0px 0px;
padding-top: 4px;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 1rem;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
align-items: center;
box-sizing: border-box;
.topnavitemright:hover {
color: var(--ink);
font-weight: 500;
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border-style: none;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
cursor: pointer;
outline: none;
height: 40px;
padding: 0px 10px 8px 0;
align-items: center;
.home-logo:hover {
color: var(--hovercolor);
.home-logo:active {
outline: none;
.home-logo img {
height: 40px;
span:first-letter {
text-transform: capitalize;