76 lines
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76 lines
2.5 KiB
export default class ClassBuilder {
constructor(block, defaultIgnoreList) {
this.block = `mdc-${block}`
this.defaultIgnoreList = defaultIgnoreList //will be ignored when building custom classes
handles both blocks and elementss (BEM MD Notation)
params = {elementName: string, props: {modifiers{}, customs:{}, extras: []}}
All are optional
build(params) {
if (!params) return this.block //return block if nothing passed
const { props, elementName } = params
let base = elementName ? `${this.block}__${elementName}` : this.block
if (!props) return base
return this._handleProps(base, props)
//Easily grab a simple element class
elem(elementName) {
return this.build({ elementName })
//use if a different base is needed than whats defined by this.block
debase(base, elementProps) {
if (!elementProps) return base
return this._handleProps(base, elementProps)
//proxies bindProps and checks for which elementProps exist before binding
_handleProps(base, elementProps) {
let cls = base
const { modifiers, customs, extras } = elementProps
if (modifiers) cls += this._bindProps(modifiers, base)
if (customs) cls += this._bindProps(customs, base, true)
if (extras) cls += ` ${extras.join(" ")}`
return cls.trim()
Handles both modifiers and customs. Use property, value or both depending
on whether it is passsed props for custom or modifiers
if custom uses the following convention for scss mixins:
_bindProps(elementProps, base, isCustom = false) {
return Object.entries(elementProps)
.map(([property, value]) => {
//disregard falsy and values set by defaultIgnoreList constructor param
if (
!!value &&
(!this.defaultIgnoreList || !this.defaultIgnoreList.includes(value))
) {
let classBase = isCustom ? `bbmd-${base}` : `${base}`
let valueType = typeof value
if (valueType == "string" || valueType == "number") {
return isCustom
? ` ${classBase}--${this._convertCamel(property)}-${value}`
: ` ${classBase}--${value}`
} else if (valueType == "boolean") {
return ` ${classBase}--${this._convertCamel(property)}`
_convertCamel(str) {
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, match => `-${match.toLowerCase()}`)