Recursive folder support

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Paonessa 2015-09-21 21:06:57 +02:00
parent 51e2cdc83b
commit c20b2e98f7
8 changed files with 108 additions and 115 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ samples/*

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@ -33,14 +33,16 @@ Cloning from git
$ git clone
$ cd CaesiumCLT
$ (optional) autoreconf -fiv
$ autoreconf -fiv
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
You can build out of the source tree in a separate folder. For example:
You can build out of the source tree in a separate folder. Add this steps before
invoking configure:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Then call:
$ ../configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## Caesium Command Line Tools
##### CCLT - v 1.9.9 BETA (build 20150911) - Copyright © Matteo Paonessa, 2015. All Rights Reserved.
##### CCLT - v0.9.1-beta (build 20150921) - Copyright © Matteo Paonessa, 2015. All Rights Reserved.
@ -23,15 +23,13 @@ See INSTALL for more details.
###### TODO
* Recursive folder support
* GIF support?
* Code cleaning
Note that CCLT started along with Caesium 2.0.0 so it uses its versioning system. 2.0.0 has to be considered the initial release.
* 1.9.9 - Initial development stage
* 0.9.1-beta - Initial development stage

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ cclt_compress_parameters initialize_compression_parameters() {
par.lossless = 0;
par.input_files_count = 0;
par.recursive = 0;
par.input_files = NULL;
par.structure = 0;
return par;
@ -82,11 +84,19 @@ cclt_compress_parameters parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[]) {
case 'R':
parameters.recursive = 1;
case 'S':
parameters.structure = 1;
} else {
int i = 0;
if (isDirectory(argv[optind])) {
//TODO Works but I'd like to pass the list and return the number of files instead
parameters.input_files = scan_folder(argv[optind], &parameters.input_files_count, parameters.recursive);
return parameters;
parameters.input_files = (char**) malloc ((argc - optind) * sizeof (char*));
while (optind < argc) {
parameters.input_files[i] = (char*) malloc (strlen(argv[optind]) * sizeof(char)); //TODO Necessary??
@ -101,7 +111,7 @@ cclt_compress_parameters parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return parameters;
void cclt_compress_routine(char* input, char* output, cclt_compress_parameters* pars) {
int cclt_compress_routine(char* input, char* output, cclt_compress_parameters* pars) {
enum image_type type = detect_image_type(input);
if (type == JPEG && pars->lossless == 0) {
cclt_jpeg_compress(output, cclt_jpeg_decompress(input, pars), pars);
@ -113,6 +123,8 @@ void cclt_compress_routine(char* input, char* output, cclt_compress_parameters*
} else if (type == GIF) {
printf("GIF detected. Not implemented yet.\n");
} else {
printf("Unknown file type.\n");
return -1;
return 0;

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@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
cclt_compress_parameters initialize_compression_parameters();
cclt_compress_parameters parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[]);
void cclt_compress_routine(char* input, char* output, cclt_compress_parameters* pars);
int cclt_compress_routine(char* input, char* output, cclt_compress_parameters* pars); //Returns -1 if the file type is unknown

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@ -21,17 +21,20 @@
-l lossless v
-s scale v
-h help v
-R recursive
-R recursive v
-S keep folder structure
//TODO Use a general fuction to support folder separators
//TODO If inputs a folder AND files, send an error
//TODO If the output is INSIDE the folder we are passing as input, ignore it or we're gonna go in a infinite loop
void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_parameters* pars, off_t* i_t_size, off_t* o_t_size) {
struct stat st_buf;
int i = 0, recursive = pars->recursive;
int i = 0;
if (mkpath(output_folder, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) == -1) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_pa
off_t i_size, o_size;
int status; //Pointer for stat() call
char* output_filename = (char*) malloc ((strlen(output_folder) + 2) * sizeof(char));
char* output_filename = (char*) malloc ((strlen(output_folder) + 1) * sizeof(char));
char* i_tmp = (char*) malloc (strlen(input_files[i]) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(i_tmp, input_files[i]);
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_pa
//fprintf(stderr, "%s - %lu\n", output_filename, strlen(output_filename) + strlen(get_filename_with_extension(i_tmp)) + 1);
output_filename = realloc(output_filename, (strlen(output_filename) + strlen(basename(i_tmp)) + 1) * sizeof(char));
output_filename = realloc(output_filename, (strlen(output_filename) + strlen(basename(i_tmp))) * sizeof(char));
output_filename = strcat(output_filename, basename(i_tmp));
//TODO OVERALL progress update?
@ -71,33 +74,12 @@ void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_pa
//Check if we ran into a folder
//TODO Check symlinks too
if (S_ISDIR (st_buf.st_mode) && recursive == 0) {
if (isDirectory(input_files[i])) {
//Folder found, but we don't need it here
} else if (S_ISDIR (st_buf.st_mode) && recursive != 0) {
//Folder found, we need to get into it
1. Scan the entire folder input_files[i]
2. Get a new array containing all the files and folders
3. Set the output folder to be one step deeper
3. Call cclt_start(new_list, new folder, same, same, same)
//TODO malloc?
//char** new_files = (char**) malloc(256 * sizeof(char*));
//new_files = scan_folder(input_files[i], 0);
//cclt_start(new_files, output_folder, pars, i_t_size, o_t_size);
//TODO Remove this after this funcion is fully completed
//Get input file size
i_size = st_buf.st_size;
*(i_t_size) += i_size;
@ -105,11 +87,11 @@ void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_pa
//TODO Do we want a more verbose output?
fprintf(stdout, "Compressing: %s -> %s\n", input_files[i], output_filename);
//if (lossless != 0) {
// cclt_jpeg_optimize(input_files[i], output_filename, exif, input_files[i]);
//} else {
cclt_compress_routine(input_files[i], output_filename, pars);
int routine = cclt_compress_routine(input_files[i], output_filename, pars);
if (routine == -1) {
//Get output stats
status = stat(output_filename, &st_buf);
@ -124,14 +106,7 @@ void cclt_start(char** input_files, int n, char* output_folder, cclt_compress_pa
fprintf(stdout, "%ld bytes -> %ld bytes [%.2f%%]\n",
(long) i_size, (long) o_size, ((float) o_size - i_size) * 100 / i_size);
//TODO Perform the required instructions
//TODO Provide complete progress support
//INPUT: pars.input_files[i] | OUTPUT: output_filename
//Free allocated memory
//TODO Causing segfaults
@ -193,6 +168,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
//We need the file list right here
cclt_start(pars.input_files, pars.input_files_count, pars.output_folder, &pars, &i_t_size, &o_t_size);
fprintf(stdout, "-------------------------------\nCompression completed.\n%ld bytes -> %ld bytes [%.2f%% | %ld bytes]\n",

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@ -15,10 +15,8 @@
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include "utils.h"
int string_to_int(char* in_string) {
long value = 0;
char* endptr;
@ -51,9 +49,10 @@ void print_help() {
"\t-e\tkeeps EXIF info during compression\n"
"\t-o\tcompress to custom folder\n"
"\t-l\tuse lossless optimization\n"
"\t-s\tscale to value, expressed as percentage (e.g. 20%%)\n"
"\t-s\tscale to value, expressed as percentage (e.g. 20%%) [Only 1/2^n allowed]\n"
//TODO Remove this warning
"\t-R\tif input is a folder, scan subfolders too [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]\n"
"\t-R\tif input is a folder, scan subfolders too\n"
"\t-S\tkeep the folder structure [Not active yet]\n"
"\t-h\tdisplay this help and exit\n"
"\t-v\toutput version information and exit\n\n");
@ -92,68 +91,65 @@ int mkpath(const char *pathname, mode_t mode) {
return -1;
char** scan_folder(char* dir, int depth) {
char** scan_folder(char* basedir, int* n, int recur) {
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ent;
char* entpath = NULL;
struct stat s;
int indexes = 0;
int i = 0;
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *entry;
struct stat statbuf;
char** files = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*));
if ((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s. Aborting.\n", dir);
while ((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf);
if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
if (strcmp(".", entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", entry->d_name) == 0) {
char** fileList = NULL;
char absolute_path[PATH_MAX];
realpath(basedir, absolute_path);
dir = opendir(absolute_path);
if (dir != NULL) {
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
// Do not allow "." or ".."
if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0) {
files = (char**) realloc(files, sizeof(files) + sizeof(char*));
files[i] = entry->d_name;
scan_folder(entry->d_name, depth+4);
//TODO allocate for this entry
//Basedir + filename + separator
entpath = realloc(entpath, (strlen(absolute_path) + strlen(ent->d_name) + 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(entpath, absolute_path);
//Append separator
strcat(entpath, "/");
//Append the name
strcat(entpath, ent->d_name);
//Gets stats
stat(entpath, &s);
if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
// Directory, walk it if recursive is set
if (recur != 0) {
fileList = scan_folder(entpath, n, recur);
else {
files = (char**) realloc(files, sizeof(files) + sizeof(char*));
files[i] = entry->d_name;
} else {
//File, add to the list
//New entry in the array
//Alloc new room for the array
fileList = realloc(fileList, indexes * sizeof(char*));
fileList[i] = (char*) malloc(strlen(entpath) * sizeof(char));
//Copy the file path in the array
fileList[i] = strcpy(fileList[i], entpath);
return files;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open folder. Aborting.\n");
void printdir(char *dir, int depth)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *entry;
struct stat statbuf;
if((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"cannot open directory: %s\n", dir);
while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
/* Found a directory, but ignore . and .. */
if(strcmp(".",entry->d_name) == 0 ||
strcmp("..",entry->d_name) == 0)
/* Recurse at a new indent level */
else printf("%*s%s\n",depth,"",entry->d_name);
*n = i;
return fileList;
enum image_type detect_image_type(char* path) {
@ -181,8 +177,12 @@ enum image_type detect_image_type(char* path) {
return PNG;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported file type. Skipping.\n");
return UNKN;
int isDirectory(const char *file_path) {
struct stat s;
stat(file_path, &s);
return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode);

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#include <turbojpeg.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#define APP_VERSION "1.9.9 BETA"
#define BUILD 20150728
#define APP_VERSION "0.9.1-beta"
#define BUILD 20150921
typedef struct cclt_compress_parameters {
int quality;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ typedef struct cclt_compress_parameters {
int input_files_count;
enum TJSAMP subsample;
int recursive;
int structure;
} cclt_compress_parameters;
enum image_type {
@ -36,5 +37,7 @@ void print_help();
void print_progress(int current, int max, char* message);
int mkpath(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
enum image_type detect_image_type(char* path);
int isDirectory(const char *file_path);
char** scan_folder(char* basedir, int* n, int recur);