## Caesium CommandLineTools ##### caesium-clt - v0.12.0-beta (build 20180101) - Copyright © Matteo Paonessa, 2018. All Rights Reserved. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Lymphatus/caesium-clt.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Lymphatus/caesium-clt) ---------- ###### REQUIREMENTS * [libcaesium](https://github.com/Lymphatus/libcaesium) ###### Included libraries * [optparse](https://github.com/skeeto/optparse) * [tinydir](https://github.com/cxong/tinydir) ---------- ###### TESTED PLATFORMS * Mac OS X High Sierra (v10.13.1) * Ubuntu 16.04 * Windows 10 ---------- ###### COMPILATION See INSTALL.md for more details. ---------- ###### USAGE EXAMPLES Losslessly compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` with lossy compression and quality set to 80 ``` $ caesiumclt -q 80 -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` with lossy compression, quality set to 80 and resize it to half ``` $ caesiumclt -q 80 -s 0.5 -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Losslessly compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` and keeps EXIF metadata ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -e -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Losslessly compress ```Pictures``` folder and subfolders, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -R -o ~/output/ ~/Pictures ``` Losslessly compress ```Pictures``` folder and subfolders, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` retaining the input folder structure ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -RS -o ~/output/ ~/Pictures ``` ---------- ###### TODO * Code cleaning * Deeper error handling ---------- ###### CHANGELOG * 0.12.0-beta - Resizing (experimental) * 0.11.0-beta - Fixing paths issues and dry-run option * 0.10.2-beta - Bugfixes & full Windows support * 0.10.1-beta - All features are available * 0.10.0-beta - Switched to cmake build system and libcaesium * 0.9.1-beta - Initial development stage ---------- ###### RESOURCES * caesium-clt website - [http://saerasoft.com/caesium/clt](http://saerasoft.com/caesium/clt) * Caesium website - [http://saerasoft.com/caesium](http://saerasoft.com/caesium) * caesium-clt Git Repository - [https://github.com/Lymphatus/caesium-clt](https://github.com/Lymphatus/caesium-clt) * Author website - SaeraSoft - [http://saerasoft.com](http://saerasoft.com)