## Caesium CommandLineTools ###### caesium-clt - v0.21.0 ###### REQUIREMENTS * [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ---------- ###### COMPILATION `cargo build --release` ---------- ###### COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ``` USAGE: caesiumclt.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --max-size --output --quality [FILE]... FLAGS: -d, --dry-run do not compress files but just show output paths -e, --exif keeps EXIF info during compression -h, --help Prints help information --keep-dates keep original file date information -S, --keep-structure keep the folder structure, can be used only with -R -Q, --quiet suppress all output -R, --recursive if input is a folder, scan subfolders too --same-folder-as-input sets the output folder to be the same as the input folder. Overwrites original files -V, --version Prints version information --zopfli use zopfli when optimizing PNG files (it may take a very long time to complete) OPTIONS: --height height of the output image, if width is not set will preserve aspect ratio --long-edge sets the size of the longest edge of the image --max-size set the expected maximum output size in bytes -o, --output output folder --output-format convert the image to the selected format (jpg, png, webp, tiff) [default: none] -O, --overwrite overwrite policy [default: all] --png-opt-level select level for PNG optimization, between [0-6] [default: 3] -q, --quality sets output file quality between [0-100], 0 for optimization --short-edge sets the size of the shortest edge of the image --threads specify the number of parallel jobs (max is the number of processors available) [default: 0] --verbose select how much output you want to see, 0 is equal to -Q, --quiet [default: 1] --width width of the output image, if height is not set will preserve aspect ratio ARGS: ... Files to process ``` ---------- ###### USAGE EXAMPLES Losslessly compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` with lossy compression and quality set to 80 ``` $ caesiumclt -q 80 -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Losslessly compress ```image1.jpg```, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` and keeps EXIF metadata ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -e -o ~/output/ ~/image.jpg ``` Losslessly compress ```Pictures``` folder and subfolders, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -R -o ~/output/ ~/Pictures ``` Losslessly compress ```Pictures``` folder and subfolders, located in the ```home``` directory, into a folder called ```output``` retaining the input folder structure ``` $ caesiumclt -q 0 -RS -o ~/output/ ~/Pictures ```