# Caesium Command Line Tools #### CCLT - v 1.9.9 BETA (build 20150519) - Copyright © Matteo Paonessa, 2015. All Rights Reserved. ---------- ###### REQUIREMENTS * [libjpeg-turbo](http://libjpeg-turbo.org/) ---------- ###### TESTED PLATFORMS * MacOSX Yosemite (v. 10.10.3) * Linux (Arch Linux) ---------- ###### INSTALLATION See INSTALL for more details. ---------- ###### TODO * Lossless scale * Recursive folder support ---------- ###### CHANGELOG Note that CCLT started along with Caesium 2.0.0 so it uses its versioning system. 2.0.0 has to be considered the initial release. * 1.9.9 - Initial development stage ---------- ###### RESOURCES * Caesium website - [http://saerasoft.com/caesium](http://saerasoft.com/caesium) * CCLT Git Repository - [https://github.com/Lymphatus/CaesiumCLT](https://github.com/Lymphatus/CaesiumCLT) * Author website - SaeraSoft - [http://saerasoft.com](http://saerasoft.com)