# Install ## Requirements CaesiumCLT is based on [libcaesium](https://github.com/Lymphatus/libcaesium) and requires it to be compiled. Please refer to its own documentation. You will also need cmake if you want to compile it from source. ## Instructions ### Windows For Windows you just need to download the latest release package from [here](https://github.com/Lymphatus/caesium-clt/releases). Unzip the package using your favorite software, open it and run `caesiumclt.exe` from the Command Prompt or PowerShell. ### OS X **NOTE:** Homebrew installation will come soon. Use Linux instructions below for now. ### Linux Download the latest release package from [here](https://github.com/Lymphatus/caesium-clt/releases) or clone from git. Then run: $ cd caesium-clt $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install This will compile and install caesiumclt in your `PATH`. You can verify everything went ok by running `caesiumclt -v`.