Libcaesium is a simple library performing JPEG, PNG, WebP and GIF (experimental) compression/optimization written in Rust, with a C interface.\
**IMPORTANT**: starting from v0.6.0 the library is written in Rust and no longer in C. There's a C interface, but it's not backward compatible with the <0.6.0.
## Usage in Rust
Libcaesium exposes one single function, auto-detecting the input file type:
Each file type has its own options, but the last two are generic:
-`keep_metadata`: will keep metadata information for any supported type. JPEG and PNG supported. Default `false`.
-`optimize`: forces optimization, when available. With this option enabled the compression will be lossless. JPEG, PNG and WebP supported. Default `false`.
-`width`: Resizes the image to the given width. If this value is `0` and the height value is also `0`, no resizing will be done. If this is `0` and height is `> 0`, the image will be scaled based on height keeping the aspect ratio. Default `0`.
-`height`: Resizes the image to the given height. If this value is `0` and the width value is also `0`, no resizing will be done. If this is `0` and width is `> 0`, the image will be scaled based on width keeping the aspect ratio. Default `0`.
-`quality`: in a range from 1 to 100, the quality of the resulting image. Default `80`.
#### png
pub struct Parameters {
pub oxipng: oxipng::Options,
pub level: u32,
pub force_zopfli: bool
-`oxipng`: oxipng options. Should be left as default unless you want to do something advanced. Refer to [oxipng]( for documentation.
-`level`: level of optimization, from 1 to 7. Increasing the level will result in a smaller file, at the cost of computation time. If the optimization flag is `true`, the level is set to `6`. Default: `3`.
-`force_zopfli`: if `optimization` is `true` and this option is also `true`, will use zopfli algorithm for compression, resulting in a smaller image but it may take minutes to finish the process. Default `false`.
#### gif
GIF support is experimental, has many know issues and does not support optimization. Expect bugs (especially on Windows).
pub struct Parameters {
pub quality: u32,
-`quality`: in a range from 0 to 100, the quality of the resulting image. If the optimization flag is `true`, the level is set to `100`. Default: `80`.
#### webp
WebP compression is tricky. The format is already well optimized and using the `optimize` flag will probably result in a bigger image.
-`quality`: in a range from 0 to 100, the quality of the resulting image. If the optimization flag is `true`, this option will be ignored. Default: `60`.
## Usage in C
Libcaesium exposes one single C function, auto-detecting the input file type: