| vin or + | 3V3 | 3.3 - 5 volts on ESP8266 or other power source |
| ground or - | GND | ground should be connected to ESP8266 and to power source |
| data pin | 6 | almost any pin on ESP8266 |
You can read more about connection, [here](https://alexbloggt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/nodemcu_433_transmitter.png) or [here](https://alexbloggt.com/funksteckdosensteuerung-mit-esp8266/).
### Selecting proper protocol
Current library supports **transmitting** using 6 different protocols
and you should use proper one for your needs.
Current lua library rfswitch doesn't support **receiver** functional yet, so you cannot
listen radio air and get protocol details using lua.
The easiest way to get correct protocol is connect radio receiver to your ESP8266 or [Arduino](https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/wiki/HowTo_Receive),
then run [ReceiveDemo_Advanced.ino](https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/blob/master/examples/ReceiveDemo_Advanced/ReceiveDemo_Advanced.ino)
and view output in serial console ([example1](http://www.instructables.com/id/Control-CoTech-Remote-Switch-With-Arduino-433Mhz/?ALLSTEPS),
Raw data: 7200,1004,528,504,1048,980,336,1176,356,1176,352,1180,1108,412,356,1172,364,1168,356,1160,1176,1124,412,336,1180,1116,440,328,1188,340,1228,1060,416,1160,380,1160,1108,464,1068,436,328,1232,1060,412,1116,440,1088,428,3024,
More detailed about low level protocol specifications could be found [here](https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/wiki/KnowHow_LineCoding)
You can visualize a telegram copy the raw data by paste it into [http://test.sui.li/oszi/]()