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-- $Id: coroutine.lua,v 1.42 2016/11/07 13:03:20 roberto Exp $
-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
print "testing coroutines"
local debug = require'debug'
local f
local main, ismain = coroutine.running()
assert(type(main) == "thread" and ismain)
assert(not coroutine.resume(main))
assert(not coroutine.isyieldable())
assert(not pcall(coroutine.yield))
-- trivial errors
assert(not pcall(coroutine.resume, 0))
assert(not pcall(coroutine.status, 0))
-- tests for multiple yield/resume arguments
local function eqtab (t1, t2)
assert(#t1 == #t2)
for i = 1, #t1 do
local v = t1[i]
assert(t2[i] == v)
_G.x = nil -- declare x
function foo (a, ...)
local x, y = coroutine.running()
assert(x == f and y == false)
-- next call should not corrupt coroutine (but must fail,
-- as it attempts to resume the running coroutine)
assert(coroutine.resume(f) == false)
assert(coroutine.status(f) == "running")
local arg = {...}
for i=1,#arg do
_G.x = {coroutine.yield(table.unpack(arg[i]))}
return table.unpack(a)
f = coroutine.create(foo)
assert(type(f) == "thread" and coroutine.status(f) == "suspended")
assert(string.find(tostring(f), "thread"))
local s,a,b,c,d
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, {1,2,3}, {}, {1}, {'a', 'b', 'c'})
assert(s and a == nil and coroutine.status(f) == "suspended")
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f)
eqtab(_G.x, {})
assert(s and a == 1 and b == nil)
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, 1, 2, 3)
eqtab(_G.x, {1, 2, 3})
assert(s and a == 'a' and b == 'b' and c == 'c' and d == nil)
s,a,b,c,d = coroutine.resume(f, "xuxu")
eqtab(_G.x, {"xuxu"})
assert(s and a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 and d == nil)
assert(coroutine.status(f) == "dead")
s, a = coroutine.resume(f, "xuxu")
assert(not s and string.find(a, "dead") and coroutine.status(f) == "dead")
-- yields in tail calls
local function foo (i) return coroutine.yield(i) end
f = coroutine.wrap(function ()
for i=1,10 do
assert(foo(i) == _G.x)
return 'a'
for i=1,10 do _G.x = i; assert(f(i) == i) end
_G.x = 'xuxu'; assert(f('xuxu') == 'a')
-- recursive
function pf (n, i)
pf(n*i, i+1)
f = coroutine.wrap(pf)
local s=1
for i=1,10 do
assert(f(1, 1) == s)
s = s*i
-- sieve
function gen (n)
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
for i=2,n do coroutine.yield(i) end
function filter (p, g)
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
while 1 do
local n = g()
if n == nil then return end
if math.fmod(n, p) ~= 0 then coroutine.yield(n) end
local x = gen(100)
local a = {}
while 1 do
local n = x()
if n == nil then break end
table.insert(a, n)
x = filter(n, x)
assert(#a == 25 and a[#a] == 97)
x, a = nil
-- yielding across C boundaries
co = coroutine.wrap(function()
assert(not pcall(table.sort,{1,2,3}, coroutine.yield))
return 30
assert(co() == 20)
assert(co() == 30)
local f = function (s, i) return coroutine.yield(i) end
local f1 = coroutine.wrap(function ()
return xpcall(pcall, function (...) return ... end,
function ()
local s = 0
for i in f, nil, 1 do pcall(function () s = s + i end) end
for i = 1, 10 do assert(f1(i) == i) end
local r1, r2, v = f1(nil)
assert(r1 and not r2 and v[1] == (10 + 1)*10/2)
function f (a, b) a = coroutine.yield(a); error{a + b} end
function g(x) return x[1]*2 end
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
coroutine.yield(xpcall(f, g, 10, 20))
assert(co() == 10)
r, msg = co(100)
assert(not r and msg == 240)
-- unyieldable C call
local function f (c)
assert(not coroutine.isyieldable())
return c .. c
local co = coroutine.wrap(function (c)
local s = string.gsub("a", ".", f)
return s
assert(co() == "aa")
-- errors in coroutines
function foo ()
assert(debug.getinfo(1).currentline == debug.getinfo(foo).linedefined + 1)
assert(debug.getinfo(2).currentline == debug.getinfo(goo).linedefined)
function goo() foo() end
x = coroutine.wrap(goo)
assert(x() == 3)
local a,b = pcall(x)
assert(not a and b == foo)
x = coroutine.create(goo)
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(a and b == 3)
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(not a and b == foo and coroutine.status(x) == "dead")
a,b = coroutine.resume(x)
assert(not a and string.find(b, "dead") and coroutine.status(x) == "dead")
-- co-routines x for loop
function all (a, n, k)
if k == 0 then coroutine.yield(a)
for i=1,n do
a[k] = i
all(a, n, k-1)
local a = 0
for t in coroutine.wrap(function () all({}, 5, 4) end) do
a = a+1
assert(a == 5^4)
-- access to locals of collected corroutines
local C = {}; setmetatable(C, {__mode = "kv"})
local x = coroutine.wrap (function ()
local a = 10
local function f () a = a+10; return a end
while true do
a = a+1
C[1] = x;
local f = x()
assert(f() == 21 and x()() == 32 and x() == f)
x = nil
assert(C[1] == nil)
assert(f() == 43 and f() == 53)
-- old bug: attempt to resume itself
function co_func (current_co)
assert(coroutine.running() == current_co)
assert(coroutine.resume(current_co) == false)
coroutine.yield(10, 20)
assert(coroutine.resume(current_co) == false)
return 10
local co = coroutine.create(co_func)
local a,b,c = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 10 and c == 20)
a,b = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 23)
a,b = coroutine.resume(co, co)
assert(a == true and b == 10)
assert(coroutine.resume(co, co) == false)
assert(coroutine.resume(co, co) == false)
-- other old bug when attempting to resume itself
-- (trigger C-code assertions)
local A = coroutine.running()
local B = coroutine.create(function() return coroutine.resume(A) end)
local st, res = coroutine.resume(B)
assert(st == true and res == false)
A = coroutine.wrap(function() return pcall(A, 1) end)
st, res = A()
assert(not st and string.find(res, "non%-suspended"))
-- attempt to resume 'normal' coroutine
local co1, co2
co1 = coroutine.create(function () return co2() end)
co2 = coroutine.wrap(function ()
assert(coroutine.status(co1) == 'normal')
assert(not coroutine.resume(co1))
a,b = coroutine.resume(co1)
assert(a and b == 3)
assert(coroutine.status(co1) == 'dead')
-- infinite recursion of coroutines
a = function(a) coroutine.wrap(a)(a) end
assert(not pcall(a, a))
a = nil
-- access to locals of erroneous coroutines
local x = coroutine.create (function ()
local a = 10
_G.f = function () a=a+1; return a end
assert(not coroutine.resume(x))
-- overwrite previous position of local `a'
assert(not coroutine.resume(x, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
assert(_G.f() == 11)
assert(_G.f() == 12)
if not T then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping yield/hook tests <<<\n')
print "testing yields inside hooks"
local turn
function fact (t, x)
assert(turn == t)
if x == 0 then return 1
else return x*fact(t, x-1)
local A, B = 0, 0
local x = coroutine.create(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 2)
A = fact("A", 6)
local y = coroutine.create(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 3)
B = fact("B", 7)
while A==0 or B==0 do -- A ~= 0 when 'x' finishes (similar for 'B','y')
if A==0 then turn = "A"; assert(T.resume(x)) end
if B==0 then turn = "B"; assert(T.resume(y)) end
assert(B // A == 7) -- fact(7) // fact(6)
local line = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline + 2 -- get line number
local function foo ()
local x = 10 --<< this line is 'line'
x = x + 10
_G.XX = x
-- testing yields in line hook
local co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("setglobal X; yield 0", "l", 0); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 1)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 2 and _G.XX == nil)
_G.X = nil; co(); assert(_G.X == line + 3 and _G.XX == 20)
assert(co() == 10)
-- testing yields in count hook
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 1); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
local c = 0
repeat c = c + 1; local a = co() until a == 10
assert(_G.XX == 20 and c >= 5)
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
T.sethook("yield 0", "", 2); foo(); return 10 end)
_G.XX = nil;
local c = 0
repeat c = c + 1; local a = co() until a == 10
assert(_G.XX == 20 and c >= 5)
_G.X = nil; _G.XX = nil
-- testing debug library on a coroutine suspended inside a hook
-- (bug in 5.2/5.3)
c = coroutine.create(function (a, ...)
T.sethook("yield 0", "l") -- will yield on next two lines
assert(a == 10)
return ...
assert(coroutine.resume(c, 1, 2, 3)) -- start coroutine
local n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, 1) -- check its local
assert(n == "a" and v == 1)
n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, -1) -- check varargs
assert(v == 2)
n,v = debug.getlocal(c, 0, -2)
assert(v == 3)
assert(debug.setlocal(c, 0, 1, 10)) -- test 'setlocal'
assert(debug.setlocal(c, 0, -2, 20))
local t = debug.getinfo(c, 0) -- test 'getinfo'
assert(t.currentline == t.linedefined + 1)
assert(not debug.getinfo(c, 1)) -- no other level
assert(coroutine.resume(c)) -- run next line
v = {coroutine.resume(c)} -- finish coroutine
assert(v[1] == true and v[2] == 2 and v[3] == 20 and v[4] == nil)
assert(not coroutine.resume(c))
-- testing debug library on last function in a suspended coroutine
-- (bug in 5.2/5.3)
local c = coroutine.create(function () T.testC("yield 1", 10, 20) end)
local a, b = coroutine.resume(c)
assert(a and b == 20)
assert(debug.getinfo(c, 0).linedefined == -1)
a, b = debug.getlocal(c, 0, 2)
assert(b == 10)
print "testing coroutine API"
-- reusing a thread
newthread # create thread
pushvalue 2 # push body
pushstring 'a a a' # push argument
xmove 0 3 2 # move values to new thread
resume -1, 1 # call it first time
xmove 3 0 0 # move results back to stack
setglobal X # result
setglobal Y # status
pushvalue 2 # push body (to call it again)
pushstring 'b b b'
xmove 0 3 2
resume -1, 1 # call it again
xmove 3 0 0
return 1 # return result
]], function (...) return ... end) == 'b b b')
assert(X == 'a a a' and Y == 'OK')
-- resuming running coroutine
C = coroutine.create(function ()
return T.testC([[
pushnum 10;
pushnum 20;
resume -3 2;
return 3]], C)
local a, b, c, d = coroutine.resume(C)
assert(a == true and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
a, b, c, d = T.testC([[
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushnum 10;
pushnum 20;
resume -3 2;
return 4]])
assert(a == coroutine.running() and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
-- using a main thread as a coroutine
local state = T.newstate()
assert(T.doremote(state, [[
coroutine = require'coroutine';
X = function (x) coroutine.yield(x, 'BB'); return 'CC' end;
return 'ok']]))
t = table.pack(T.testC(state, [[
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushstring 'XX'
getglobal X # get function for body
pushstring AA # arg
resume 1 1 # 'resume' shadows previous stack!
setglobal T # top
setglobal B # second yielded value
setglobal A # fist yielded value
rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
pushnum 5 # arg (noise)
resume 1 1 # after coroutine ends, previous stack is back
return *
assert(t.n == 4 and t[2] == 'XX' and t[3] == 'CC' and t[4] == 'OK')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return T") == '2')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return A") == 'AA')
assert(T.doremote(state, "return B") == 'BB')
-- leaving a pending coroutine open
_X = coroutine.wrap(function ()
local a = 10
local x = function () a = a+1 end
if not _soft then
-- bug (stack overflow)
local j = 2^9
local lim = 1000000 -- (C stack limit; assume 32-bit machine)
local t = {lim - 10, lim - 5, lim - 1, lim, lim + 1}
for i = 1, #t do
local j = t[i]
co = coroutine.create(function()
local t = {}
for i = 1, j do t[i] = i end
return table.unpack(t)
local r, msg = coroutine.resume(co)
assert(not r)
co = nil
assert(coroutine.running() == main)
print"testing yields inside metamethods"
local mt = {
__eq = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "eq"); return a.x == b.x end,
__lt = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "lt"); return a.x < b.x end,
__le = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "le"); return a - b <= 0 end,
__add = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "add"); return a.x + b.x end,
__sub = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "sub"); return a.x - b.x end,
__mod = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "mod"); return a.x % b.x end,
__unm = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "unm"); return -a.x end,
__bnot = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bnot"); return ~a.x end,
__shl = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "shl"); return a.x << b.x end,
__shr = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "shr"); return a.x >> b.x end,
__band = function(a,b)
a = type(a) == "table" and a.x or a
b = type(b) == "table" and b.x or b
coroutine.yield(nil, "band")
return a & b
__bor = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bor"); return a.x | b.x end,
__bxor = function(a,b) coroutine.yield(nil, "bxor"); return a.x ~ b.x end,
__concat = function(a,b)
coroutine.yield(nil, "concat");
a = type(a) == "table" and a.x or a
b = type(b) == "table" and b.x or b
return a .. b
__index = function (t,k) coroutine.yield(nil, "idx"); return t.k[k] end,
__newindex = function (t,k,v) coroutine.yield(nil, "nidx"); t.k[k] = v end,
local function new (x)
return setmetatable({x = x, k = {}}, mt)
local a = new(10)
local b = new(12)
local c = new"hello"
local function run (f, t)
local i = 1
local c = coroutine.wrap(f)
while true do
local res, stat = c()
if res then assert(t[i] == nil); return res, t end
assert(stat == t[i])
i = i + 1
assert(run(function () if (a>=b) then return '>=' else return '<' end end,
{"le", "sub"}) == "<")
-- '<=' using '<'
mt.__le = nil
assert(run(function () if (a<=b) then return '<=' else return '>' end end,
{"lt"}) == "<=")
assert(run(function () if (a==b) then return '==' else return '~=' end end,
{"eq"}) == "~=")
assert(run(function () return a & b + a end, {"add", "band"}) == 2)
assert(run(function () return a % b end, {"mod"}) == 10)
assert(run(function () return ~a & b end, {"bnot", "band"}) == ~10 & 12)
assert(run(function () return a | b end, {"bor"}) == 10 | 12)
assert(run(function () return a ~ b end, {"bxor"}) == 10 ~ 12)
assert(run(function () return a << b end, {"shl"}) == 10 << 12)
assert(run(function () return a >> b end, {"shr"}) == 10 >> 12)
assert(run(function () return a..b end, {"concat"}) == "1012")
assert(run(function() return a .. b .. c .. a end,
{"concat", "concat", "concat"}) == "1012hello10")
assert(run(function() return "a" .. "b" .. a .. "c" .. c .. b .. "x" end,
{"concat", "concat", "concat"}) == "ab10chello12x")
do -- a few more tests for comparsion operators
local mt1 = {
__le = function (a,b)
(type(a) == "table" and a.x or a) <= (type(b) == "table" and b.x or b)
__lt = function (a,b)
(type(a) == "table" and a.x or a) < (type(b) == "table" and b.x or b)
local mt2 = { __lt = mt1.__lt } -- no __le
local function run (f)
local co = coroutine.wrap(f)
local res
res = co()
until res ~= 10
return res
local function test ()
local a1 = setmetatable({x=1}, mt1)
local a2 = setmetatable({x=2}, mt2)
assert(a1 < a2)
assert(a1 <= a2)
assert(1 < a2)
assert(1 <= a2)
assert(2 > a1)
assert(2 >= a2)
return true
assert(run(function ()
a.BB = print
return a.BB
end, {"nidx", "idx"}) == print)
-- getuptable & setuptable
do local _ENV = _ENV
f = function () AAA = BBB + 1; return AAA end
g = new(10); g.k.BBB = 10;
debug.setupvalue(f, 1, g)
assert(run(f, {"idx", "nidx", "idx"}) == 11)
assert(g.k.AAA == 11)
print"testing yields inside 'for' iterators"
local f = function (s, i)
if i%2 == 0 then coroutine.yield(nil, "for") end
if i < s then return i + 1 end
assert(run(function ()
local s = 0
for i in f, 4, 0 do s = s + i end
return s
end, {"for", "for", "for"}) == 10)
-- tests for coroutine API
if T==nil then
(Message or print)('\n >>> testC not active: skipping coroutine API tests <<<\n')
print('testing coroutine API')
local function apico (...)
local x = {...}
return coroutine.wrap(function ()
return T.testC(table.unpack(x))
local a = {apico(
pushstring errorcode
pcallk 1 0 2;
invalid command (should not arrive here)
[[return *]],
assert(#a == 4 and
a[3] == "stackmark" and
a[4] == "errorcode" and
_G.status == "ERRRUN" and
_G.ctx == 2) -- 'ctx' to pcallk
local co = apico(
"pushvalue 2; pushnum 10; pcallk 1 2 3; invalid command;",
"getglobal status; getglobal ctx; pushvalue 2; pushstring a; pcallk 1 0 4; invalid command",
"getglobal status; getglobal ctx; return *")
assert(co() == 10)
assert(co(20, 30) == 'a')
a = {co()}
assert(#a == 10 and
a[2] == coroutine.yield and
a[5] == 20 and a[6] == 30 and
a[7] == "YIELD" and a[8] == 3 and
a[9] == "YIELD" and a[10] == 4)
assert(not pcall(co)) -- coroutine is dead now
f = T.makeCfunc("pushnum 3; pushnum 5; yield 1;")
co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
assert(f() == 23); assert(f() == 23); return 10
assert(co(23,16) == 5)
assert(co(23,16) == 5)
assert(co(23,16) == 10)
-- testing coroutines with C bodies
f = T.makeCfunc([[
pushnum 102
yieldk 1 U2
cannot be here!
[[ # continuation
pushvalue U3 # accessing upvalues inside a continuation
pushvalue U4
return *
]], 23, "huu")
x = coroutine.wrap(f)
assert(x() == 102)
eqtab({x()}, {23, "huu"})
f = T.makeCfunc[[pushstring 'a'; pushnum 102; yield 2; ]]
a, b, c, d = T.testC([[newthread; pushvalue 2; xmove 0 3 1; resume 3 0;
pushstatus; xmove 3 0 0; resume 3 0; pushstatus;
return 4; ]], f)
assert(a == 'YIELD' and b == 'a' and c == 102 and d == 'OK')
-- testing chain of suspendable C calls
local count = 3 -- number of levels
f = T.makeCfunc([[
remove 1; # remove argument
pushvalue U3; # get selection function
call 0 1; # call it (result is 'f' or 'yield')
pushstring hello # single argument for selected function
pushupvalueindex 2; # index of continuation program
callk 1 -1 .; # call selected function
errorerror # should never arrive here
# continuation program
pushnum 34 # return value
return * # return all results
function () -- selection function
count = count - 1
if count == 0 then return coroutine.yield
else return f
co = coroutine.wrap(function () return f(nil) end)
assert(co() == "hello") -- argument to 'yield'
a = {co()}
-- three '34's (one from each pending C call)
assert(#a == 3 and a[1] == a[2] and a[2] == a[3] and a[3] == 34)
-- testing yields with continuations
co = coroutine.wrap(function (...) return
T.testC([[ # initial function
yieldk 1 2
cannot be here!
[[ # 1st continuation
yieldk 0 3
cannot be here!
[[ # 2nd continuation
yieldk 0 4
cannot be here!
[[ # 3th continuation
pushvalue 6 # function which is last arg. to 'testC' here
pushnum 10; pushnum 20;
pcall 2 0 0 # call should throw an error and return to next line
pop 1 # remove error message
pushvalue 6
getglobal status; getglobal ctx
pcallk 2 2 5 # call should throw an error and jump to continuation
cannot be here!
[[ # 4th (and last) continuation
return *
-- function called by 3th continuation
function (a,b) x=a; y=b; error("errmsg") end,
local a = {co(3,4,6)}
assert(a[1] == 6 and a[2] == nil)
a = {co()}; assert(a[1] == nil and _G.status == "YIELD" and _G.ctx == 2)
a = {co()}; assert(a[1] == nil and _G.status == "YIELD" and _G.ctx == 3)
a = {co(7,8)};
-- original arguments
assert(type(a[1]) == 'string' and type(a[2]) == 'string' and
type(a[3]) == 'string' and type(a[4]) == 'string' and
type(a[5]) == 'string' and type(a[6]) == 'function')
-- arguments left from fist resume
assert(a[7] == 3 and a[8] == 4)
-- arguments to last resume
assert(a[9] == 7 and a[10] == 8)
-- error message and nothing more
assert(a[11]:find("errmsg") and #a == 11)
-- check arguments to pcallk
assert(x == "YIELD" and y == 4)
assert(not pcall(co)) -- coroutine should be dead
-- bug in nCcalls
local co = coroutine.wrap(function ()
local a = {pcall(pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,pcall,error,"hi")}
return pcall(assert, table.unpack(a))
local a = {co()}
assert(a[10] == "hi")