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** $Id: luaconf.h,v 2008/02/11 16:25:08 roberto Exp $
** Configuration file for Lua
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lconfig_h
#define lconfig_h
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "c_limits.h"
#include "c_stddef.h"
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#include "user_config.h"
** ==================================================================
** Search for "@@" to find all configurable definitions.
** ===================================================================
@@ LUA_ANSI controls the use of non-ansi features.
** CHANGE it (define it) if you want Lua to avoid the use of any
** non-ansi feature or library.
#if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
#define LUA_ANSI
#if !defined(LUA_ANSI) && defined(_WIN32)
#define LUA_WIN
#if defined(LUA_USE_LINUX)
#define LUA_USE_DLOPEN /* needs an extra library: -ldl */
#define LUA_USE_READLINE /* needs some extra libraries */
#if defined(LUA_USE_MACOSX)
#define LUA_DL_DYLD /* does not need extra library */
@@ LUA_USE_POSIX includes all functionallity listed as X/Open System
@* Interfaces Extension (XSI).
** CHANGE it (define it) if your system is XSI compatible.
#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
@@ LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH are the names of the environment variables that
@* Lua check to set its paths.
@@ LUA_INIT is the name of the environment variable that Lua
@* checks for initialization code.
** CHANGE them if you want different names.
@@ LUA_PATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
@* Lua libraries.
@@ LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
@* C libraries.
** CHANGE them if your machine has a non-conventional directory
** hierarchy or if you want to install your libraries in
** non-conventional directories.
#if defined(_WIN32)
** In Windows, any exclamation mark ('!') in the path is replaced by the
** path of the directory of the executable file of the current process.
#define LUA_LDIR "!\\lua\\"
#define LUA_CDIR "!\\"
//## Modified for eLua
//## Defaults search modules path to our ROM File System
#ifndef LUA_RPC
#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT "/rfs/?.lua;/rfs/?.lc;/mmc/?.lua;/mmc/?.lc;/rom/?.lua;/rom/?.lc"
#else // #ifndef LUA_RPC
".\\?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?\\init.lua"
".\\?.dll;" LUA_CDIR"?.dll;" LUA_CDIR"loadall.dll"
#endif // #ifndef LUA_RPC
#else // #if defined(_WIN32)
#define LUA_ROOT "/usr/local/"
#define LUA_LDIR LUA_ROOT "share/lua/5.1/"
#define LUA_CDIR LUA_ROOT "lib/lua/5.1/"
#ifndef LUA_RPC
2015-02-13 08:11:59 +01:00
#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT "?.lc;?.lua"
#else // #ifndef LUA_RPC
"./?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?.lua;" LUA_LDIR"?/init.lua;" \
LUA_CDIR"?.lua;" LUA_CDIR"?/init.lua"
"./?.so;" LUA_CDIR"?.so;" LUA_CDIR""
#endif // #ifndef LUA_RPC
#endif // #if defined(_WIN32)
@@ LUA_DIRSEP is the directory separator (for submodules).
** CHANGE it if your machine does not use "/" as the directory separator
** and is not Windows. (On Windows Lua automatically uses "\".)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define LUA_DIRSEP "\\"
#define LUA_DIRSEP "/"
@@ LUA_PATHSEP is the character that separates templates in a path.
@@ LUA_PATH_MARK is the string that marks the substitution points in a
@* template.
@@ LUA_EXECDIR in a Windows path is replaced by the executable's
@* directory.
@@ LUA_IGMARK is a mark to ignore all before it when bulding the
@* luaopen_ function name.
** CHANGE them if for some reason your system cannot use those
** characters. (E.g., if one of those characters is a common character
** in file/directory names.) Probably you do not need to change them.
#define LUA_PATHSEP ";"
#define LUA_PATH_MARK "?"
#define LUA_EXECDIR "!"
#define LUA_IGMARK "-"
@@ LUA_INTEGER is the integral type used by lua_pushinteger/lua_tointeger.
** CHANGE that if ptrdiff_t is not adequate on your machine. (On most
** machines, ptrdiff_t gives a good choice between int or long.)
/* Changed to long for use with integral Lua numbers. */
#define LUA_INTEGER ptrdiff_t
#define LUA_INTEGER long
#define LUA_INTEGER long long
#endif // #if !defined LUA_INTEGRAL_LONGLONG
#endif // #if !defined LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL
@@ LUA_API is a mark for all core API functions.
@@ LUALIB_API is a mark for all standard library functions.
** CHANGE them if you need to define those functions in some special way.
** For instance, if you want to create one Windows DLL with the core and
** the libraries, you may want to use the following definition (define
** LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL to get it).
#if defined(LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL)
#if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB)
#define LUA_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define LUA_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define LUA_API extern
/* more often than not the libs go together with the core */
@@ LUAI_FUNC is a mark for all extern functions that are not to be
@* exported to outside modules.
@@ LUAI_DATA is a mark for all extern (const) variables that are not to
@* be exported to outside modules.
** CHANGE them if you need to mark them in some special way. Elf/gcc
** (versions 3.2 and later) mark them as "hidden" to optimize access
** when Lua is compiled as a shared library.
#if defined(luaall_c)
#define LUAI_FUNC static
#define LUAI_DATA /* empty */
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__*100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 302) && \
#define LUAI_FUNC __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) extern
#define LUAI_FUNC extern
#define LUAI_DATA extern
@@ LUA_QL describes how error messages quote program elements.
** CHANGE it if you want a different appearance.
#define LUA_QL(x) "'" x "'"
#define LUA_QS LUA_QL("%s")
@@ LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source
@* of a function in debug information.
** CHANGE it if you want a different size.
#define LUA_IDSIZE 60
** {==================================================================
** Stand-alone configuration
** ===================================================================
@@ lua_stdin_is_tty detects whether the standard input is a 'tty' (that
@* is, whether we're running lua interactively).
** CHANGE it if you have a better definition for non-POSIX/non-Windows
** systems.
#if defined(LUA_USE_ISATTY)
#include <unistd.h>
#define lua_stdin_is_tty() isatty(0)
#elif defined(LUA_WIN)
#include <io.h>
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include "c_stdio.h"
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#define lua_stdin_is_tty() _isatty(_fileno(stdin))
#define lua_stdin_is_tty() 1 /* assume stdin is a tty */
@@ LUA_PROMPT is the default prompt used by stand-alone Lua.
@@ LUA_PROMPT2 is the default continuation prompt used by stand-alone Lua.
** CHANGE them if you want different prompts. (You can also change the
** prompts dynamically, assigning to globals _PROMPT/_PROMPT2.)
#define LUA_PROMPT "> "
#define LUA_PROMPT2 ">> "
@@ LUA_PROGNAME is the default name for the stand-alone Lua program.
** CHANGE it if your stand-alone interpreter has a different name and
** your system is not able to detect that name automatically.
#define LUA_PROGNAME "lua"
@@ LUA_MAXINPUT is the maximum length for an input line in the
@* stand-alone interpreter.
** CHANGE it if you need longer lines.
#define LUA_MAXINPUT 256
@@ lua_readline defines how to show a prompt and then read a line from
@* the standard input.
@@ lua_saveline defines how to "save" a read line in a "history".
@@ lua_freeline defines how to free a line read by lua_readline.
** CHANGE them if you want to improve this functionality (e.g., by using
** GNU readline and history facilities).
#if defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#if defined(LUA_CROSS_COMPILER) && defined(LUA_USE_READLINE)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#define lua_readline(L,b,p) ((void)L, ((b)=readline(p)) != NULL)
#define lua_saveline(L,idx) \
if (lua_strlen(L,idx) > 0) /* non-empty line? */ \
add_history(lua_tostring(L, idx)); /* add it to history */
#define lua_freeline(L,b) ((void)L, c_free(b))
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#else // #if defined(LUA_CROSS_COMPILER) && defined(LUA_USE_READLINE)
#define lua_readline(L,b,p) \
((void)L, c_fputs(p, c_stdout), c_fflush(c_stdout), /* show prompt */ \
c_fgets(b, LUA_MAXINPUT, c_stdin) != NULL) /* get line */
#define lua_saveline(L,idx) { (void)L; (void)idx; }
#define lua_freeline(L,b) { (void)L; (void)b; }
#endif // #if defined(LUA_USE_READLINE)
#else // #if defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
#define lua_readline(L,b,p) (readline4lua(p, b, LUA_MAXINPUT))
#define lua_saveline(L,idx) { (void)L; (void)idx; }
#define lua_freeline(L,b) { (void)L; (void)b; }
extern int readline4lua(const char *prompt, char *buffer, int length);
#endif // #if defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
@@ luai_writestring/luai_writeline define how 'print' prints its results.
** They are only used in libraries and the stand-alone program. (The #if
** avoids including 'stdio.h' everywhere.)
#if !defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
#define luai_writestring(s, l) c_puts(s)
#define luai_writeline() c_puts("\n")
#endif // defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
@@ luai_writestringerror defines how to print error messages.
** (A format string with one argument is enough for Lua...)
#if !defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
Next master drop (#1627) * add u8g.fb_rle display * move comm drivers to u8g_glue.c * disable fb_rle per default * implement file.size for spiffs (#1516) Another bug squashed! * Fix start-up race between UART & start_lua. (#1522) Input during startup (especially while doing initial filesystem format) ran the risk of filling up the task queue, preventing the start_lua task from being queued, and hence NodeMCU would not start up that time. * Reimplemented esp_init_data_default. To work around the pesky "rf_cal[0] !=0x05" hang when booting on a chip which doesn't have esp_init_data written to it. It is no longer possible to do the writing of the esp_init_data_default from within nodemcu_init(), as the SDK now hangs long before it gets there. As such, I've had to reimplement this in our user_start_trampoline and get it all done before the SDK has a chance to look for the init data. It's unfortunate that we have to spend IRAM on this, but I see no better alternative at this point. * Replace hardcoded init data with generated data from SDK The esp_init_data_default.bin is now extracted from the SDK (and its patch file, if present), and the contents are automatically embedded into user_main.o. * Rework flashing instructions Clarifies issues around SDK init data and hopefully clears up some confusion, when paired with the esp_init_data_default changes in NodeMCU. * Fix typo * Fixes the gpio.serout problem from #1534 (#1535) * Fix some issues in gpio.serout * Minor cleanup * fix dereferencing NULL pointer in vfs_errno() (#1539) * add map ids for flash sizes 32m-c2, 64m, 128m in user_rf_cal_sector_set() (#1529) * Somfy/TELIS driver (#1521) * Reduced LUAL_BUFFERSIZE to 256. Should free up some stack (#1530) * avoid task queue overrun for serial input (#1540) Thank you. * Increase irom0_0_seg size for PR build * Improve reliability of FS detection. (#1528) * Version to make filesystem detection more reliable * Improve bad fs detection * Version of printf that doesn't suffer from buffer overflows (#1564) * Small improvement to http client (#1558) * Remove luaL_buffer from file_g_read() (#1541) * remove luaL_buffer from file_g_read() - avoid memory leak when function gets terminated by lua_error - skip scanning for end_char when reading until EOF * attempt to free memory in any case * Change HTTP failures from debug to error messages (#1568) * Change HTTP failures from debug to error messages * Add tag to HTTP error messages * Create macro for error msg and improve dbg msg * Add ssd1306_128x32 for U8G (#1571) * Update * Add support to mix ws2812.buffer objects. (#1575) * Add load/dump/mix/power operations on the buffer object * Calculate the pixel value in mix and then clip to the range. * Fixed the two wrong userdata types * Added a couple more useful methods * Add support for shifting a piece of the buffer. * Fix a minor bug with offset shifts * Update to the wifi module (#1497) * Removed inline documentation for several functions and update comments Since documentation is now part of the repository, the inline documentation just adds to the already huge wifi.c * Wifi module: add new functionality, update documentation Functions Added: wifi.getdefaultmode(): returns default wifi opmode wifi.sta.apchange(): select alternate cached AP wifi.sta.apinfo(): get cached AP list wifi.sta.aplimit(): set cached AP limit wifi.sta.getapindex(): get index of currently configured AP wifi.sta.getdefaultconfig(): get default station configuration wifi.ap.getdefaultconfig(): get default AP configuration functions modified: wifi.setmode: saving mode to flash is now optional wifi.sta.config: now accepts table as an argument and save config to flash is now optional wifi.sta.getconfig: added option to return table wifi.ap.config: save config to flash is now optional wifi.ap.getconfig: added option to return table Documentation changes: - Modified documentation to reflect above changes - Removed unnecessary inline documentation from `wifi.c` - Updated documentation for `wifi.sta.disconnect`to address issue #1480 - Fixed inaccurate documentation for function `wifi.sleeptype` - Added more details to `wifi.nullmodesleep()` * Move function `wifi.sleeptype()` to `wifi.sta.sleeptype()` * Fixed problem where wifi.x.getconfig() returned invalid strings when ssid or password were set to maximum length. * fix error in documentation for `wifi.sta.getapindex` * Renamed some wifi functions wifi.sta.apinfo -> getapinfo wifi.sta.aplimit -> setaplimit wifi.sta.apchange -> changeap also organized the wifi_station_map array * Make the MQTT PING functionality work better. (#1557) Deal with flow control stopped case * Implement object model for files (#1532) * Eus channelfix (#1583) Squashed commits included: Bug fixes and final implementation - Added Content-Length: 0 to all headers - Endpoint name checks not using trailing space so cache-busting techniques can be used (i.e., append a nonce to the URL) - Track when connecting so APList scan doesn't take place during (which changes the channel) - More debugging output added to assist in tracking down some issues Added /status.json endpoint for phone apps/XHR to get JSON response Station Status caching for wifi channel workaround + AJAX/CORS - During checkstation poll, cache the last station status - Shut down the station if status = 2,3,4 and channel is different than SoftAP - Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to endpoint responses used by a service - Add a /setwifi GET endpoint for phone apps/XHR to use (same parameters as /update endpoint). Returns a JSON response containing chip id and status code. - Add handler for OPTIONS verb (needed for CORS support) Wi-Fi Channel Issue Workaround - Do a site survey upon startup, set SoftAP channel to the strongest rssi's channel - Compare successful station connect channel to SoftAP's. If different, then defer the Lua success callback to the end. Shut down Station and start the SoftAP back up with original channel. - After the 10 second shutdown timer fires, check to see if success callback was already called. If not, then call it while starting the Station back up. HTTP Response and DNS enhancements - If DNS's UDP buffer fills up, keep going as non-fatal. It's UDP and not guaranteed anyways. I've seen this occur when connecting a PC to the SoftAP and every open program tries to phone home at the same time, overwhelming the EUS DNS server. - Support for detecting/handling pre-gzipped `enduser_setup.html` (and `http_html_backup`) payload. Nice for keeping the size of the `state->http_payload_data` as small as possible (also makes minimization not as critical) - Corrected misuse of HTTP 401 response status (changed one occurrence to 400/Bad Request, and changed another to 405/Method Not Allowed) * Normalized formatting (tabs-to-spaces) * Added documentation * Corrected misuse of strlen for binary (gzip) data. * Added NULL check after malloc * fix vfs_lseek() result checking in enduser_setup and clarify SPIFFS_lseek() return value (#1570) * Fix link * Overhaul flashing docs once again (#1587) * Add chapter about determine flash size plus small fixes * Rewrite chapter, move flash size chapter to end * i2c - allow slave stretching SCL (just loop and check) (#1589) * Add note on dev board usage of SPI bus 0 (#1591) * Turn SPI busses note to admonition note * support for custom websocket headers (#1573) Looks good to me. Thank you. Also: - allow for '\0's in received messages * add client:config for setting websocket headers Also: - headers are case-insensitive now * fix docs * fix typo * remove unnecessary luaL_argcheck calls * replace os_sprintf with simple string copy * Handle error condition in (#1599) * handle error condition in * simplify loop initialization * Fix macro as suggested in #1548 * Extract and hoist net receive callbacks This is done to avoid the accidental upval binding * Fix typo at rtctime.dsleep -> rtctime.dsleep_aligned
2016-12-01 21:37:24 +01:00
#define luai_writestringerror(s,p) dbg_printf((s), (p))
#endif // defined(LUA_USE_STDIO)
/* }================================================================== */
@@ LUAI_GCPAUSE defines the default pause between garbage-collector cycles
@* as a percentage.
** CHANGE it if you want the GC to run faster or slower (higher values
** mean larger pauses which mean slower collection.) You can also change
** this value dynamically.
#define LUAI_GCPAUSE 110 /* 110% (wait memory to grow 10% before next gc) */
@@ LUAI_GCMUL defines the default speed of garbage collection relative to
@* memory allocation as a percentage.
** CHANGE it if you want to change the granularity of the garbage
** collection. (Higher values mean coarser collections. 0 represents
** infinity, where each step performs a full collection.) You can also
** change this value dynamically.
#define LUAI_GCMUL 200 /* GC runs 'twice the speed' of memory allocation */
@@ LUA_COMPAT_GETN controls compatibility with old getn behavior.
** CHANGE it (define it) if you want exact compatibility with the
** behavior of setn/getn in Lua 5.0.
@@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADLIB controls compatibility about global loadlib.
** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you do not need a global 'loadlib'
** function (the function is still available as 'package.loadlib').
@@ LUA_COMPAT_VARARG controls compatibility with old vararg feature.
** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as your programs use only '...' to
** access vararg parameters (instead of the old 'arg' table).
@@ LUA_COMPAT_MOD controls compatibility with old math.mod function.
** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as your programs use 'math.fmod' or
** the new '%' operator instead of 'math.mod'.
@@ LUA_COMPAT_LSTR controls compatibility with old long string nesting
@* facility.
** CHANGE it to 2 if you want the old behaviour, or undefine it to turn
** off the advisory error when nesting [[...]].
@@ LUA_COMPAT_GFIND controls compatibility with old 'string.gfind' name.
** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you rename 'string.gfind' to
** 'string.gmatch'.
@@ LUA_COMPAT_OPENLIB controls compatibility with old 'luaL_openlib'
@* behavior.
** CHANGE it to undefined as soon as you replace to 'luaL_register'
** your uses of 'luaL_openlib'
@@ LUA_STRESS_EMERGENCY_GC enables stress testing code for the Emergency GC.
** CHANGE it to defined if you want to test for Emergency GC related bugs.
** Note that this will make the Lua vm very slow, since it will force a
** full GC on every new allocation.
@@ luai_apicheck is the assert macro used by the Lua-C API.
** CHANGE luai_apicheck if you want Lua to perform some checks in the
** parameters it gets from API calls. This may slow down the interpreter
** a bit, but may be quite useful when debugging C code that interfaces
** with Lua. A useful redefinition is to use assert.h.
#if defined(LUA_USE_APICHECK)
#include <assert.h>
#define luai_apicheck(L,o) { (void)L; assert(o); }
#define luai_apicheck(L,o) { (void)L; }
@@ LUAI_BITSINT defines the number of bits in an int.
** CHANGE here if Lua cannot automatically detect the number of bits of
** your machine. Probably you do not need to change this.
/* avoid overflows in comparison */
#if INT_MAX-20 < 32760
#define LUAI_BITSINT 16
#elif INT_MAX > 2147483640L
/* int has at least 32 bits */
#define LUAI_BITSINT 32
#error "you must define LUA_BITSINT with number of bits in an integer"
@@ LUAI_UINT32 is an unsigned integer with at least 32 bits.
@@ LUAI_INT32 is an signed integer with at least 32 bits.
@@ LUAI_UMEM is an unsigned integer big enough to count the total
@* memory used by Lua.
@@ LUAI_MEM is a signed integer big enough to count the total memory
@* used by Lua.
** CHANGE here if for some weird reason the default definitions are not
** good enough for your machine. (The definitions in the 'else'
** part always works, but may waste space on machines with 64-bit
** longs.) Probably you do not need to change this.
#if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32
#define LUAI_UINT32 unsigned int
#define LUAI_INT32 int
#define LUAI_UMEM size_t
#define LUAI_MEM ptrdiff_t
/* 16-bit ints */
#define LUAI_UINT32 unsigned long
#define LUAI_INT32 long
#define LUAI_UMEM unsigned long
#define LUAI_MEM long
@@ LUAI_MAXCALLS limits the number of nested calls.
** CHANGE it if you need really deep recursive calls. This limit is
** arbitrary; its only purpose is to stop infinite recursion before
** exhausting memory.
#define LUAI_MAXCALLS 20000
@@ LUAI_MAXCSTACK limits the number of Lua stack slots that a C function
@* can use.
** CHANGE it if you need lots of (Lua) stack space for your C
** functions. This limit is arbitrary; its only purpose is to stop C
** functions to consume unlimited stack space. (must be smaller than
#define LUAI_MAXCSTACK 8000
** {==================================================================
** CHANGE (to smaller values) the following definitions if your system
** has a small C stack. (Or you may want to change them to larger
** values if your system has a large C stack and these limits are
** too rigid for you.) Some of these constants control the size of
** stack-allocated arrays used by the compiler or the interpreter, while
** others limit the maximum number of recursive calls that the compiler
** or the interpreter can perform. Values too large may cause a C stack
** overflow for some forms of deep constructs.
** ===================================================================
@@ LUAI_MAXCCALLS is the maximum depth for nested C calls (short) and
@* syntactical nested non-terminals in a program.
#define LUAI_MAXCCALLS 200
@@ LUAI_MAXVARS is the maximum number of local variables per function
@* (must be smaller than 250).
#define LUAI_MAXVARS 50
@@ LUAI_MAXUPVALUES is the maximum number of upvalues per function
@* (must be smaller than 250).
@@ LUAL_BUFFERSIZE is the buffer size used by the lauxlib buffer system.
** Attention: This value should probably not be set higher than 1K.
** The size has direct impact on the C stack size needed be auxlib functions.
** For example: If set to 4K a call to string.gsub will need more than
** 5k C stack space.
Next master drop (#1627) * add u8g.fb_rle display * move comm drivers to u8g_glue.c * disable fb_rle per default * implement file.size for spiffs (#1516) Another bug squashed! * Fix start-up race between UART & start_lua. (#1522) Input during startup (especially while doing initial filesystem format) ran the risk of filling up the task queue, preventing the start_lua task from being queued, and hence NodeMCU would not start up that time. * Reimplemented esp_init_data_default. To work around the pesky "rf_cal[0] !=0x05" hang when booting on a chip which doesn't have esp_init_data written to it. It is no longer possible to do the writing of the esp_init_data_default from within nodemcu_init(), as the SDK now hangs long before it gets there. As such, I've had to reimplement this in our user_start_trampoline and get it all done before the SDK has a chance to look for the init data. It's unfortunate that we have to spend IRAM on this, but I see no better alternative at this point. * Replace hardcoded init data with generated data from SDK The esp_init_data_default.bin is now extracted from the SDK (and its patch file, if present), and the contents are automatically embedded into user_main.o. * Rework flashing instructions Clarifies issues around SDK init data and hopefully clears up some confusion, when paired with the esp_init_data_default changes in NodeMCU. * Fix typo * Fixes the gpio.serout problem from #1534 (#1535) * Fix some issues in gpio.serout * Minor cleanup * fix dereferencing NULL pointer in vfs_errno() (#1539) * add map ids for flash sizes 32m-c2, 64m, 128m in user_rf_cal_sector_set() (#1529) * Somfy/TELIS driver (#1521) * Reduced LUAL_BUFFERSIZE to 256. Should free up some stack (#1530) * avoid task queue overrun for serial input (#1540) Thank you. * Increase irom0_0_seg size for PR build * Improve reliability of FS detection. (#1528) * Version to make filesystem detection more reliable * Improve bad fs detection * Version of printf that doesn't suffer from buffer overflows (#1564) * Small improvement to http client (#1558) * Remove luaL_buffer from file_g_read() (#1541) * remove luaL_buffer from file_g_read() - avoid memory leak when function gets terminated by lua_error - skip scanning for end_char when reading until EOF * attempt to free memory in any case * Change HTTP failures from debug to error messages (#1568) * Change HTTP failures from debug to error messages * Add tag to HTTP error messages * Create macro for error msg and improve dbg msg * Add ssd1306_128x32 for U8G (#1571) * Update * Add support to mix ws2812.buffer objects. (#1575) * Add load/dump/mix/power operations on the buffer object * Calculate the pixel value in mix and then clip to the range. * Fixed the two wrong userdata types * Added a couple more useful methods * Add support for shifting a piece of the buffer. * Fix a minor bug with offset shifts * Update to the wifi module (#1497) * Removed inline documentation for several functions and update comments Since documentation is now part of the repository, the inline documentation just adds to the already huge wifi.c * Wifi module: add new functionality, update documentation Functions Added: wifi.getdefaultmode(): returns default wifi opmode wifi.sta.apchange(): select alternate cached AP wifi.sta.apinfo(): get cached AP list wifi.sta.aplimit(): set cached AP limit wifi.sta.getapindex(): get index of currently configured AP wifi.sta.getdefaultconfig(): get default station configuration wifi.ap.getdefaultconfig(): get default AP configuration functions modified: wifi.setmode: saving mode to flash is now optional wifi.sta.config: now accepts table as an argument and save config to flash is now optional wifi.sta.getconfig: added option to return table wifi.ap.config: save config to flash is now optional wifi.ap.getconfig: added option to return table Documentation changes: - Modified documentation to reflect above changes - Removed unnecessary inline documentation from `wifi.c` - Updated documentation for `wifi.sta.disconnect`to address issue #1480 - Fixed inaccurate documentation for function `wifi.sleeptype` - Added more details to `wifi.nullmodesleep()` * Move function `wifi.sleeptype()` to `wifi.sta.sleeptype()` * Fixed problem where wifi.x.getconfig() returned invalid strings when ssid or password were set to maximum length. * fix error in documentation for `wifi.sta.getapindex` * Renamed some wifi functions wifi.sta.apinfo -> getapinfo wifi.sta.aplimit -> setaplimit wifi.sta.apchange -> changeap also organized the wifi_station_map array * Make the MQTT PING functionality work better. (#1557) Deal with flow control stopped case * Implement object model for files (#1532) * Eus channelfix (#1583) Squashed commits included: Bug fixes and final implementation - Added Content-Length: 0 to all headers - Endpoint name checks not using trailing space so cache-busting techniques can be used (i.e., append a nonce to the URL) - Track when connecting so APList scan doesn't take place during (which changes the channel) - More debugging output added to assist in tracking down some issues Added /status.json endpoint for phone apps/XHR to get JSON response Station Status caching for wifi channel workaround + AJAX/CORS - During checkstation poll, cache the last station status - Shut down the station if status = 2,3,4 and channel is different than SoftAP - Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to endpoint responses used by a service - Add a /setwifi GET endpoint for phone apps/XHR to use (same parameters as /update endpoint). Returns a JSON response containing chip id and status code. - Add handler for OPTIONS verb (needed for CORS support) Wi-Fi Channel Issue Workaround - Do a site survey upon startup, set SoftAP channel to the strongest rssi's channel - Compare successful station connect channel to SoftAP's. If different, then defer the Lua success callback to the end. Shut down Station and start the SoftAP back up with original channel. - After the 10 second shutdown timer fires, check to see if success callback was already called. If not, then call it while starting the Station back up. HTTP Response and DNS enhancements - If DNS's UDP buffer fills up, keep going as non-fatal. It's UDP and not guaranteed anyways. I've seen this occur when connecting a PC to the SoftAP and every open program tries to phone home at the same time, overwhelming the EUS DNS server. - Support for detecting/handling pre-gzipped `enduser_setup.html` (and `http_html_backup`) payload. Nice for keeping the size of the `state->http_payload_data` as small as possible (also makes minimization not as critical) - Corrected misuse of HTTP 401 response status (changed one occurrence to 400/Bad Request, and changed another to 405/Method Not Allowed) * Normalized formatting (tabs-to-spaces) * Added documentation * Corrected misuse of strlen for binary (gzip) data. * Added NULL check after malloc * fix vfs_lseek() result checking in enduser_setup and clarify SPIFFS_lseek() return value (#1570) * Fix link * Overhaul flashing docs once again (#1587) * Add chapter about determine flash size plus small fixes * Rewrite chapter, move flash size chapter to end * i2c - allow slave stretching SCL (just loop and check) (#1589) * Add note on dev board usage of SPI bus 0 (#1591) * Turn SPI busses note to admonition note * support for custom websocket headers (#1573) Looks good to me. Thank you. Also: - allow for '\0's in received messages * add client:config for setting websocket headers Also: - headers are case-insensitive now * fix docs * fix typo * remove unnecessary luaL_argcheck calls * replace os_sprintf with simple string copy * Handle error condition in (#1599) * handle error condition in * simplify loop initialization * Fix macro as suggested in #1548 * Extract and hoist net receive callbacks This is done to avoid the accidental upval binding * Fix typo at rtctime.dsleep -> rtctime.dsleep_aligned
2016-12-01 21:37:24 +01:00
/* }================================================================== */
** {==================================================================
@@ LUA_NUMBER is the type of numbers in Lua.
** CHANGE the following definitions only if you want to build Lua
** with a number type different from double. You may also need to
** change lua_number2int & lua_number2integer.
** ===================================================================
/* Define LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL to produce a system that uses no
floating point operations by changing the type of Lua numbers from
double to long. It implements division and modulus so that
x == (x / y) * y + x % y.
The exponentiation function returns zero for negative exponents.
Defining LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL also removes the difftime function,
and the math module should not be used. The string.format function
no longer handles the floating point directives %e, %E, %f, %g, and
%G. */
#define LUA_NUMBER double
@@ LUAI_UACNUMBER is the result of an 'usual argument conversion'
@* over a number.
@@ LUA_NUMBER_SCAN is the format for reading numbers.
@@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing numbers.
@@ lua_number2str converts a number to a string.
@@ LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR is maximum size of previous conversion.
@@ lua_str2number converts a string to a number.
#define LUA_NUMBER_SCAN "%ld"
#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%ld"
#define LUA_NUMBER_SCAN "%lld"
#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%lld"
#endif // #if !defined LUA_INTEGRAL_LONGLONG
#define LUA_NUMBER_SCAN "%lf"
#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT "%.14g"
#endif // #if defined LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL
#define lua_number2str(s,n) c_sprintf((s), LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (n))
#define LUAI_MAXNUMBER2STR 32 /* 16 digits, sign, point, and \0 */
#define lua_str2number(s,p) c_strtol((s), (p), 10)
#define lua_str2number(s,p) c_strtoll((s), (p), 10)
#endif // #if !defined LUA_INTEGRAL_LONGLONG
#define lua_str2number(s,p) c_strtod((s), (p))
#endif // #if defined LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL
@@ The luai_num* macros define the primitive operations over numbers.
2016-01-24 00:01:39 +01:00
#if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB)
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#include <math.h>
#include "c_math.h"
2015-09-01 07:11:36 +02:00
#define luai_numadd(a,b) ((a)+(b))
#define luai_numsub(a,b) ((a)-(b))
#define luai_nummul(a,b) ((a)*(b))
#define luai_numdiv(a,b) \
(-1/2? \
(a)/(b): \
((((a)<0)==((b)<0))||(((a)%(b))==0)? \
(a)/(b): \
#define luai_nummod(a,b) \
(-1/2? \
(a)%(b): \
((((a)<0)==((b)<0))||(((a)%(b))==0)? \
(a)%(b): \
#define luai_lnumdiv(a,b) \
((b)==0? \
(luaG_runerror(L,"divide by zero"),0): \
#define luai_lnummod(a,b) \
((b)==0? \
(luaG_runerror(L,"modulo by zero"),0): \
#define luai_numpow(a,b) (luai_ipow(a,b))
#define luai_numdiv(a,b) ((a)/(b))
#define luai_nummod(a,b) ((a) - floor((a)/(b))*(b))
#define luai_lnumdiv(a,b) (luai_numdiv(a,b))
#define luai_lnummod(a,b) (luai_nummod(a,b))
#define luai_numpow(a,b) (pow(a,b))
#define luai_numunm(a) (-(a))
#define luai_numeq(a,b) ((a)==(b))
#define luai_numlt(a,b) ((a)<(b))
#define luai_numle(a,b) ((a)<=(b))
#define luai_numisnan(a) (!luai_numeq((a), (a)))
@@ lua_number2int is a macro to convert lua_Number to int.
@@ lua_number2integer is a macro to convert lua_Number to lua_Integer.
** CHANGE them if you know a faster way to convert a lua_Number to
** int (with any rounding method and without throwing errors) in your
** system. In Pentium machines, a naive typecast from double to int
** in C is extremely slow, so any alternative is worth trying.
/* On a Pentium, resort to a trick */
#if defined(LUA_NUMBER_DOUBLE) && !defined(LUA_ANSI) && !defined(__SSE2__) && \
(defined(__i386) || defined (_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__))
/* On a Microsoft compiler, use assembler */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define lua_number2int(i,d) __asm fld d __asm fistp i
#define lua_number2integer(i,n) lua_number2int(i, n)
/* the next trick should work on any Pentium, but sometimes clashes
with a DirectX idiosyncrasy */
union luai_Cast { double l_d; long l_l; };
#define lua_number2int(i,d) \
{ volatile union luai_Cast u; u.l_d = (d) + 6755399441055744.0; (i) = u.l_l; }
#define lua_number2integer(i,n) lua_number2int(i, n)
/* this option always works, but may be slow */
#define lua_number2int(i,d) ((i)=(int)(d))
#define lua_number2integer(i,d) ((i)=(lua_Integer)(d))
/* }================================================================== */
@@ LUAI_USER_ALIGNMENT_T is a type that requires maximum alignment.
** CHANGE it if your system requires alignments larger than double. (For
** instance, if your system supports long doubles and they must be
** aligned in 16-byte boundaries, then you should add long double in the
** union.) Probably you do not need to change this.
#define LUAI_USER_ALIGNMENT_T union { double u; void *s; long l; }
@@ LUAI_THROW/LUAI_TRY define how Lua does exception handling.
** CHANGE them if you prefer to use longjmp/setjmp even with C++
** or if want/don't to use _longjmp/_setjmp instead of regular
** longjmp/setjmp. By default, Lua handles errors with exceptions when
** compiling as C++ code, with _longjmp/_setjmp when asked to use them,
** and with longjmp/setjmp otherwise.
#if defined(__cplusplus)
/* C++ exceptions */
#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) throw(c)
#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) try { a } catch(...) \
{ if ((c)->status == 0) (c)->status = -1; }
#define luai_jmpbuf int /* dummy variable */
#elif defined(LUA_USE_ULONGJMP)
/* in Unix, try _longjmp/_setjmp (more efficient) */
#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) _longjmp((c)->b, 1)
#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) if (_setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
#define luai_jmpbuf jmp_buf
/* default handling with long jumps */
#define LUAI_THROW(L,c) longjmp((c)->b, 1)
#define LUAI_TRY(L,c,a) if (setjmp((c)->b) == 0) { a }
#define luai_jmpbuf jmp_buf
@@ LUA_MAXCAPTURES is the maximum number of captures that a pattern
@* can do during pattern-matching.
** CHANGE it if you need more captures. This limit is arbitrary.
@@ lua_tmpnam is the function that the OS library uses to create a
@* temporary name.
@@ LUA_TMPNAMBUFSIZE is the maximum size of a name created by lua_tmpnam.
** CHANGE them if you have an alternative to tmpnam (which is considered
** insecure) or if you want the original tmpnam anyway. By default, Lua
** uses tmpnam except when POSIX is available, where it uses mkstemp.
#if defined(loslib_c) || defined(luaall_c)
#if defined(LUA_USE_MKSTEMP)
#include <unistd.h>
#define lua_tmpnam(b,e) { \
c_strcpy(b, "/tmp/lua_XXXXXX"); \
e = mkstemp(b); \
if (e != -1) close(e); \
e = (e == -1); }
#define LUA_TMPNAMBUFSIZE L_tmpnam
#define lua_tmpnam(b,e) { e = (tmpnam(b) == NULL); }
@@ lua_popen spawns a new process connected to the current one through
@* the file streams.
** CHANGE it if you have a way to implement it in your system.
#if defined(LUA_USE_POPEN)
#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)L, c_fflush(NULL), popen(c,m))
#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)L, (pclose(file) != -1))
#elif defined(LUA_WIN)
#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)L, _popen(c,m))
#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)L, (_pclose(file) != -1))
#define lua_popen(L,c,m) ((void)((void)c, m), \
luaL_error(L, LUA_QL("popen") " not supported"), (int)0)
#define lua_pclose(L,file) ((void)((void)L, file), 0)
@@ LUA_DL_* define which dynamic-library system Lua should use.
** CHANGE here if Lua has problems choosing the appropriate
** dynamic-library system for your platform (either Windows' DLL, Mac's
** dyld, or Unix's dlopen). If your system is some kind of Unix, there
** is a good chance that it has dlopen, so LUA_DL_DLOPEN will work for
** it. To use dlopen you also need to adapt the src/Makefile (probably
** adding -ldl to the linker options), so Lua does not select it
** automatically. (When you change the makefile to add -ldl, you must
** also add -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN.)
** If you do not want any kind of dynamic library, undefine all these
** options.
** By default, _WIN32 gets LUA_DL_DLL and MAC OS X gets LUA_DL_DYLD.
#if defined(LUA_USE_DLOPEN)
#if defined(LUA_WIN)
#define LUA_DL_DLL
@@ LUAI_EXTRASPACE allows you to add user-specific data in a lua_State
@* (the data goes just *before* the lua_State pointer).
** CHANGE (define) this if you really need that. This value must be
** a multiple of the maximum alignment required for your machine.
@@ luai_userstate* allow user-specific actions on threads.
** CHANGE them if you defined LUAI_EXTRASPACE and need to do something
** extra when a thread is created/deleted/resumed/yielded.
#define luai_userstateopen(L) ((void)L)
#define luai_userstateclose(L) ((void)L)
#define luai_userstatethread(L,L1) ((void)L)
#define luai_userstatefree(L) ((void)L)
#define luai_userstateresume(L,n) ((void)L)
#define luai_userstateyield(L,n) ((void)L)
@@ LUA_INTFRMLEN is the length modifier for integer conversions
@* in 'string.format'.
@@ LUA_INTFRM_T is the integer type correspoding to the previous length
@* modifier.
** CHANGE them if your system supports long long or does not support long.
#define LUA_INTFRMLEN "ll"
#define LUA_INTFRM_T long long
#define LUA_INTFRMLEN "l"
#define LUA_INTFRM_T long
/* =================================================================== */
** Local configuration. You can use this space to add your redefinitions
** without modifying the main part of the file.
/* If you define the next macro you'll get the ability to set rotables as
metatables for tables/userdata/types (but the VM might run slower)
#error "Pipes not supported in aggresive optimization mode (LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY=2)"