2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
# Touch Sensor Module
| Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source |
| :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ |
| 2019-07-20 | [ChiliPeppr ](https://github.com/chilipeppr ) | John Lauer | [touch.c ](../../components/modules/touch.c )|
The touch sensor module enables you to easily interact with ESP32's built-in 10 touch sensors. The touch pad sensing process is under the control of a hardware-implemented finite-state machine (FSM) which is initiated by software (polling mode) or a dedicated hardware timer (interrupt mode). By using the interrupt mode you can offload the sensing away from the main CPU. There are several examples in the docs below on how to implement your code.
For further information please refer to the ESP-IDF docs for Touch Sensor
Click the YouTube video below for a tutorial on how to use this touch library including sample touch sensors, how to set your touch counter thresholds, and what the touch counters look like in the touched/untouched state of a sensor pad.
The touch sensors are on the following GPIO pins
| Touch Pad Number | GPIO | | Touch Pad Number | GPIO |
| :--------------- | :--- | - | :--------------- | :--- |
| 0 | GPIO4 | | 5 | GPIO12 |
| 1 | GPIO0 | | 6 | GPIO14 |
| 2 | GPIO2 | | 7 | GPIO27 |
| 3 | GPIO15 | | 8 | GPIO33 |
| 4 | GPIO13 | | 9 | GPIO32 |
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example Lua Code
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Example code showing how to configure 8 pads.
- Main run file [touch_8pads_showlist_test.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touch_8pads_showlist_test.lua )
- Library [touch_8pads_showlist.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touch_8pads_showlist.lua )
Example code showing how to use 5 touch pads to jog a stepper motor at different frequencies depending on which pad is touched:
- Main run file [touchjog_main.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touchjog_main.lua )
- Library [touchjog_touch.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touchjog_touch.lua )
- Library [touchjog_jog.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touchjog_jog.lua )
- Library [touchjog_jog_drv8825.lua ](../../lua_examples/touch/touchjog_jog_drv8825.lua )
## touch.create()
Create the touch sensor object. You must call this method first. Only one touch object may be created since most settings on the touch driver are global in nature such as threshold trigger mode, interrupt callbacks, and reference voltages.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
tp = touch.create({
pad = 0 || {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, -- 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32
cb = yourFunc, -- Callback on interrupt
intrInitAtStart = true || false, -- Turn on/off interrupt at start.
thres = 0..65536, -- All pads set to this thres.
thresTrigger = touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW || touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE,
filterMs = 0..4294967295 -- Filter is only available in polling mode.
lvolt = touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4 || touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5 || touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6 || touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7,
hvolt = touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4 || touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5 || touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6 || touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7,
isDebug = true || false
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
List of values for configuration table:
- `pad` Required. padNum || {table of padNums}. Specify one pad like `pad = 4` , or provide a table list of pads. For example use `pad = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}` to specify all pads. Pads allowed are 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32.
- `cb` Optional. Your Lua method that gets called on touch event. `myfunction(pads)` will be called where `pads` is a table of pads that were touched. The key is the pad number while the value is true, i.e. `pads = {[2]=true, [3]=true}` if pad 2 and 3 were both touched at the same time. When you specify a callback, interrupt mode is automatically turned on. You can specify `intrInitAtState = false` to manually turn on the interrupt later. If no callback is provided or nil is specified, then polling mode is active where you must call `tp:read()` to get the touch pad values.
- `intrInitAtStart` Optional. Defaults to true. Turn on interrupt at start. Set to false to if you want to configure the touch sensors first and then manually turn on interrupts later with `tp:intrEnable()` .
- `thres` Optional. Defaults to 0. Range is 0 to 65536. Provide a threshold value to be set on all pads specified in the `pad` parameter. Typically you will set thresholds per pad since pad size/shape/wire legnth influences the counter value per pad and thus your threshold is usually differnt per pad. You can set thres later per pad with `tp:setThres(padNum, thres)` .
- `thresTrigger` Optional. Defaults to touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `filterMs` Optional. Range is 0 to 4294967295 milliseconds. Used in polling mode only (if you provide a callback polling mode is disabled). Will filter noise for this many ms to give more consistent counter results. When filterMs is specified you will receive a 2nd return value in the `raw, filter = tp:read()` call with the filtered values in a Lua table.
- `lvolt` Optional. Low reference voltage
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
- touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4
- touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5
- touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6
- touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `hvolt` Optional. High reference voltage
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
- touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4
- touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5
- touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6
- touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `atten` Optional. High reference voltage attenuation
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `isDebug` Optional. Defaults to false. Set to true to get debug information during development. The info returned while debug is on can be very helpful in understanding polling vs interrupts, configuration, and threshold settings. Set to false during production.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
`tp` touch object
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 1 - Polling
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Touch sensor with 5 touch pads for polling counter state
tp = touch.create({
pad = {0,1,2,3,4}, -- pad = 0 || {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32
lvolt = touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, -- Low ref voltage TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7
hvolt = touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, -- High ref voltage TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7
isDebug = true
function read()
raw = tp:read()
print("Pad", "RawVal")
for key, value in pairs(raw) do
print(key, value)
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 2 - Polling with Filtering
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Touch sensor with 3 touch pads for polling with filtering
tp = touch.create({
pad = {4,5,6}, -- pad = 0 || {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32
filterMs = 20, -- Polling mode only. Will filter noise for this many ms to give more consistent counter.
lvolt = touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, -- Low ref voltage TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7
hvolt = touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, -- High ref voltage TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7
isDebug = true
-- You will get 2 parameters from tp:read() when filterMs is specified in create()
function read()
raw, filter = tp:read()
-- Use sjson to make pretty output
print("Touch raw:", sjson.encode(raw))
print("Touch filt:", sjson.encode(filter))
-- Filtered vals will be similar to raw vals on first read.
-- Read a second later to see how filtered vals are more stable.
tmr.create():alarm(1000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, read)
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 3 - Interrupt Touch / Untouch
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Touch sensor with 1 pad for touch / untouch using threshold trigger mode
-- NOTE: Can only use this technique with 1 pad
pad = 6 -- 6=GPIO14
padState = 0 -- 0 means untouched
tp = nil -- Holds our touch sensor object
function onTouch(pads)
if padState == 0 then
-- we just got touched
-- swap trigger mode to TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE so we get interrupt
-- on untouch
padState = 1
-- we just got untouched
-- swap trigger mode to TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW so we get interrupt
-- on touch
padState = 0
function init()
tp = touch.create({
pad = pad, -- pad = 0 || {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32
cb = onTouch, -- Callback will get Lua table of pads/bool(true) that were touched.
intrInitAtStart = false, -- Turn on interrupt at start. Default to true. Set to false to config first. Turn on later with tp:intrEnable()
thresTrigger = touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW, -- TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW or TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE. Touch interrupt happens if ctr value is below or above.
lvolt = touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, -- Low ref voltage TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7
hvolt = touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, -- High ref voltage TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7
isDebug = true
function read()
local raw = tp:read()
print("Pad", "Val")
for key,value in pairs(raw) do
-- Do not touch during config
function config()
local raw = tp:read()
-- set threshold to 20% of baseline read state
local thres = raw[pad] - math.floor(raw[pad] * 0.2)
tp:setThres(pad, thres)
print("Pad is at " .. raw[pad] .. " when not touched")
print("Will trigger at thres: " .. thres)
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 4 - Interrupt Touch / Untouch with Timer
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Touch sensor with 1 pad for touch / untouch using timer
-- Shows how to detect a touch and then an untouch
m = {}
m.pad = {8} -- 8=GPIO33
m._tp = nil -- will hold the touchpad obj
m._padState = 0 -- 0 means untouched
m._tmr = nil -- will hold the tmr obj
m._tmrWait = 50 -- ms to wait for no callback to indicate untouch
-- We will get a callback every 8ms or so when touched
-- We will reset the tmr each time and after 50ms will presume untouched event
function m.onTouch(pads)
if m._padState == 0 then
-- we just got touched
m._padState = 1 -- 1 means touched
else -- m._padState == 1
-- we will get here on successive callbacks while touched
-- we get them about every 8ms
-- reset the tmr so it doesn't timeout yet
function m.onTmr()
-- if we get the timer triggered, it means that we timed out
-- from touch callbacks, so we presume the touch ended
m._padState = 0
function m.init()
m._tp = touch.create({
pad = m.pad, -- pad = 0 || {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 0=GPIO4, 1=GPIO0, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPIO15, 4=GPIO13, 5=GPIO12, 6=GPIO14, 7=GPIO27, 8=GPIO33, 9=GPIO32
cb = m.onTouch, -- Callback will get Lua table of pads/bool(true) that were touched.
intrInitAtStart = false, -- Turn on interrupt at start. Default to true. Set to false in case you want to config first. Turn it on later with tp:intrEnable()
thresTrigger = touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW, -- TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW or TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE. Touch interrupt will happen if counter value is below or above threshold.
lvolt = touch.TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, -- Low ref voltage TOUCH_LVOLT_0V4, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6, TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7
hvolt = touch.TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, -- High ref voltage TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6, TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7
isDebug = true
-- Setup the tmr for the callback process
m._tmr = tmr.create()
m._tmr:register(m._tmrWait, tmr.ALARM_SEMI, m.onTmr)
function m.read()
local raw = m._tp:read()
print("Pad", "Val")
for key,value in pairs(raw) do
-- Do not touch pad during config
function m.config()
local raw = m._tp:read()
-- set threshold to 20% of baseline read state
local thres = raw[m.pad] - math.floor(raw[m.pad] * 0.2)
m._tp:setThres(m.pad, thres)
print("Pad is at ", raw[m.pad], " as baseline")
print("Will trigger at thres: ", thres)
## touchObj:read()
Read the touch sensor counter values for all pads configured in `touch.create()` method.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
`raw, filter = tp:read()`
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `raw` Lua table of touch sensor counter values per pad
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
- `filter` A 2nd Lua table of touch sensor filtered counter values per pad is returned if `filterMs` is specified during the touch.create() method.
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 1 - Raw
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
raw = tp:read()
print("Pad", "Val")
for key,value in pairs(raw) do
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 2 - Raw / Filter
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- You get a filter Lua table if you specified filterMs in touch.create()
raw, filter = tp:read()
print("Pad", "Raw", "Filt")
print("---", "---", "----")
for key,value in pairs(raw) do
## touchObj:setThres(padNum, thresVal)
Set touch sensor interrupt threshold per pad. The threshold only matters if you are in interrupt mode, which only activates if you specify a callback in the `touch.create()` configuration.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
`tp:setThres(padNum, thresVal)`
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `padNum` Required. One pad number can be specified here. If you did multiple pads you must call this per pad.
- `thresVal` Required. The threshold value to set for the pad interrupt trigger. If you set touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW then the interrupt occurs when the touch counter goes below this threshold value, or vice versa for touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 1
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Set threshold for pad 2 where baseline counter is around 800 and
-- when touched is around 200, so trigger at mid-point around 500
tp:setThres(2, 500)
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 2
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Configure by reading baseline, then setting threshold to 30% below base
local raw = tp:read()
print("Pad", "Base", "Thres")
for key,value in pairs(raw) do
if key ~= nil then
-- reduce by 30%
local thres = raw[key] - math.floor(raw[key] * 0.3)
tp:setThres(key, thres)
print(key, value, thres)
-- Now enable interrupts since our thresholds are correct
## touchObj:setTriggerMode()
Set the trigger mode globally for all touch pads. The trigger mode only matters in interrupt mode where you can tell the hardware to give you an interrupt if the counter on the pad falls above or below the threshold you specify.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
- `mode` Required. touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW or touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE can be specified. If your pad's baseline counter value is around 600 when not touched, and sits around 300 when touched, then you would set your threshold around 450. If you set touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW then when the counter drops to 300 it would fall BELOW the threshold of 450, thus triggering the interrupt. This process works in the reverse for touch.TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 1
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Trigger callback when pad counter goes above threshold value
-- Trigger callback when pad counter goes below threshold value
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example 2
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
-- Configure touch hardware to callback on TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW during touch.create()
-- Then on first callback swap to TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE when detecting touch
-- Then will get 2nd callback on untouch due to mode change
-- This only works with 1 pad since trigger mode is global for all pads
padState = 0 -- Set start padState
function onTouch(pads)
if padState == 0 then
-- we just got touched
-- swap trigger mode to TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE so we get interrupt
-- on untouch
padState = 1
print("Got touch")
-- we just got untouched
-- swap trigger mode to TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW so we get interrupt
-- on touch
padState = 0
print("Got untouch")
print("Pads:", sjson.encode(pads))
## touchObj:intrEnable()
Enable interrupt on the touch sensor hardware. You can specify `intrInitAtStart=false` during `touch.create()` and thus you would want to call this method later on after configuring your pad thresholds.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
tp:intrEnable() -- Enable interrupt
## touchObj:intrDisable()
Disable interrupt on the touch sensor hardware.
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Syntax
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Parameters
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Returns
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00
#### Example
2019-10-27 19:49:56 +01:00
tp:intrDisable() -- Disable interrupt
Fix ledc, otaupgrade, pulsecnt, sdmmc, sjson, touch docs (#3436)
ledc.md - formatting, add object name
otaupgrade.md - formatting, add 'Syntax' section
pulsecnt.md - formatting, fix syntax pulsecnt.create, add object name
sdmmc.md - fix typos
sjson.md - formatting, add `Parameters` section
touch.md - formatting, add object name, fix Returns in tp:read()
2021-05-23 16:29:01 +02:00