-`send(self, data, [response_code])`: Function to send data to client.
-`self`: `res` object
-`data`: data to send (may be nil)
-`response_code`: the HTTP response code like `200`(default) or `404` (for example) *NOTE* if there are several calls with response_code given only the first one will be used. Any further codes given will be ignored.
-`send_header(self, header_name, header_data)`: Function to send HTTP headers to client. This function will not be available after data has been sent. (It will be nil.)
-`self`: `res` object
-`header_name`: the HTTP header name
-`header_data`: the HTTP header data
-`finish([data[, response_code]])`: Function to finalize connection, optionally sending data and return code.
-`data`: optional data to send on connection finalizing
-`response_code`: the HTTP response code like `200`(default) or `404` (for example) *NOTE* if there are several calls with response_code given only the first one will be used. Any further codes given will be ignored.