The client adheres to version 3.1.1 of the [MQTT]( protocol. Make sure that your broker supports and is correctly configured for version 3.1.1. The client is backwards incompatible with brokers running MQTT 3.1.
-`secure` 0/1 for `false`/`true`, default 0. [As per #539]( secure connections use TLS 1.2.
-`function(client)` call back function for when the connection was established
#### Returns
## mqtt.client:lwt()
Setup [Last Will and Testament]( (optional). A broker will publish a message with qos = 0, retain = 0, data = "offline" to topic "/lwt" if client does not send keepalive packet.
#### Syntax
`mqtt:lwt(topic, message, qos, retain)`
#### Parameters
-`topic` the topic to publish to (string)
-`message` the message to publish, (buffer or string)
-`function(client[, topic[, message]])` callback function. The first parameter is the client. If event is "message", the 2nd and 3rd param are received topic and message (strings).