two Wemos D! Mini ESP8266 boards, a breadboard area and a number of positions for peripherals. A rendering of the board is below and the [schematics](Test-harness-schematic-v1.pdf)
are available as well: .
- Port B pins 6 and 7 sit on the UART cross-wiring between DUT 0 and
DUT 1. The 23017 will be tristated for inter-DUT UART tests, but
- All of port A, remain available for expansion and are routed to the breadboard area.
#### WS2812s
There are three WS2812s connected on DUT1/D4. The last Ws2812 is positioned so that a TCS34725 module
can be mounted upside down over it to read out the color of the WS2812. That device is connected to
the I2C port on DUT0. A suitable board is [CJMCU-34725 TCS34725 Color Sensor RGB color sensor development board module]( The illuminating
LED is connected to the INT pin and so you can disable the LED under software control.
#### Oled Displays
Each of the D1 Minis is connected to a position for a 128x64 OLED display, again on the primary I2C bus.
#### Servo
On DUT1 pin D4/GPIO 2 there is a connection to a position for a small servo. The servo is powered by the
5V voltage rail.
#### DHTxx
On DUT1 pin D6/GPIO 12 there is a connection to a position for a DHTxx device. The silk screen indicates the
orientation of the device.
#### DS18B20
There are two positions for DS18B20s -- one with the VCC pin connected and one without. The data pin is
connected to DUT1 pin D5/GPIO 14.
#### I2C devices with VCC/GND/SCL/SDA pin order
There are three positions for I2C devices which have the pins in the VCC/GND/SCL/SDA order. These
are on the DUT1 I2 bus.
#### I2C devices with other pin orders
There are three positions for I2C devices with other pin orders. Each of these positions is next
to a crossbar switch and so four blobs of solder can configure each of these headers into any
desired pin order. As far as I can tell, most of the cheap modules use the VCC/GND/SCL/SDA order.
Breadboard Area
All the pins on each D1 Mini and the A port of the MCP23017 are brought out to a breadboard
area. This can be used to solder components and/or wires, or even a header could be soldered
on to transfer all the signals to a conventional breadboard.