2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
// ***************************************************************************
// BMP280 module for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
// Written by Lukas Voborsky, @voborsky
// MIT license, http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// ***************************************************************************
//#define NODE_DEBUG
# include "module.h"
# include "lauxlib.h"
# include "platform.h"
# include "c_math.h"
Initial pass at switching to RTOS SDK.
This compiles, links, and starts the RTOS without crashing and burning.
Lua environment does not yet start due to the different task architecture.
Known pain points:
- task implementation needs to be rewritten for RTOS (next up on my TODO)
- secure espconn does not exist, all secure espconn stuff has been #if 0'd
- lwip now built from within the RTOS SDK, but does not appear to include
MDNS support. Investigation needed.
- there is no access to FRC1 NMI, not sure if we ever actually used that
however. Also #if 0'd out for now.
- new timing constraints introduced by the RTOS, all use of ets_delay_us()
and os_delay_us() needs to be reviewed (the tsl2561 driver in particular).
- even more confusion with ets_ vs os_ vs c_ vs non-prefixed versions.
In the long run everything should be switched to non-prefixed versions.
- system_set_os_print() not available, needs to be reimplemented
- all the RTOS rodata is loaded into RAM, as it apparently uses some
constants while the flash isn't mapped, so our exception handler can't
work its magic. This should be narrowed down to the minimum possible
at some point.
- with each task having its own stack in RTOS, we probably need change
flash-page buffers from the stack to the heap in a bunch of places.
A single, shared, page buffer *might* be possible if we limit ourselves
to running NodeMCU in a single task.
- there's a ton of junk in the sdk-overrides now; over time the core code
should be updated to not need those shims
2016-05-24 07:05:01 +02:00
# include "user_interface.h"
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
/**\name registers definition */
# define BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL (0xF4)
# define BME280_REGISTER_CONFIG (0xF5)
# define BME280_REGISTER_CHIPID (0xD0)
# define BME280_REGISTER_VERSION (0xD1)
# define BME280_REGISTER_CAL26 (0xE1)
# define BME280_REGISTER_TEMP (0xFA)
# define BME280_REGISTER_PRESS (0xF7)
# define BME280_REGISTER_HUM (0xFD)
# define BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T (0x88)
# define BME280_REGISTER_DIG_P (0x8E)
# define BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H1 (0xA1)
# define BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H2 (0xE1)
# define BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1 (0x76)
# define BME280_I2C_ADDRESS2 (0x77)
/* Sensor Specific constants */
# define BME280_SLEEP_MODE (0x00)
# define BME280_FORCED_MODE (0x01)
# define BME280_NORMAL_MODE (0x03)
# define BME280_SOFT_RESET_CODE (0xB6)
# define BME280_OVERSAMP_1X (0x01)
# define BME280_OVERSAMP_2X (0x02)
# define BME280_OVERSAMP_4X (0x03)
# define BME280_OVERSAMP_8X (0x04)
# define BME280_OVERSAMP_16X (0x05)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_1_MS (0x00)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_63_MS (0x01)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_125_MS (0x02)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_250_MS (0x03)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_500_MS (0x04)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_1000_MS (0x05)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_10_MS (0x06)
# define BME280_STANDBY_TIME_20_MS (0x07)
# define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_OFF (0x00)
# define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_2 (0x01)
# define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_4 (0x02)
# define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_8 (0x03)
# define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_16 (0x04)
/**\data type definition */
# define BME280_S32_t int32_t
# define BME280_U32_t uint32_t
# define BME280_S64_t int64_t
# define BME280_SAMPLING_DELAY 113 //maximum measurement time in ms for maximum oversampling for all measures = 1.25 + 2.3*16 + 2.3*16 + 0.575 + 2.3*16 + 0.575 ms
# define r16s(reg) ((int16_t)r16u(reg))
# define r16sLE(reg) ((int16_t)r16uLE(reg))
# define bme280_adc_T(void) r24u(BME280_REGISTER_TEMP)
# define bme280_adc_P(void) r24u(BME280_REGISTER_PRESS)
# define bme280_adc_H(void) r16u(BME280_REGISTER_HUM)
static const uint32_t bme280_i2c_id = 0 ;
static uint8_t bme280_i2c_addr = BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1 ;
static uint8_t bme280_isbme = 0 ; // 1 if the chip is BME280, 0 for BMP280
static uint8_t bme280_mode = 0 ; // stores oversampling settings
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
static uint8_t bme280_ossh = 0 ; // stores humidity oversampling settings
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
os_timer_t bme280_timer ; // timer for forced mode readout
int lua_connected_readout_ref ; // callback when readout is ready
static struct {
uint16_t dig_T1 ;
int16_t dig_T2 ;
int16_t dig_T3 ;
uint16_t dig_P1 ;
int16_t dig_P2 ;
int16_t dig_P3 ;
int16_t dig_P4 ;
int16_t dig_P5 ;
int16_t dig_P6 ;
int16_t dig_P7 ;
int16_t dig_P8 ;
int16_t dig_P9 ;
uint8_t dig_H1 ;
int16_t dig_H2 ;
uint8_t dig_H3 ;
int16_t dig_H4 ;
int16_t dig_H5 ;
int8_t dig_H6 ;
} bme280_data ;
static BME280_S32_t bme280_t_fine ;
static uint32_t bme280_h = 0 ;
static double bme280_hc = 0.0 ;
static uint8_t r8u ( uint8_t reg ) {
uint8_t ret ;
platform_i2c_send_start ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
platform_i2c_send_address ( bme280_i2c_id , bme280_i2c_addr , PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER ) ;
platform_i2c_send_byte ( bme280_i2c_id , reg ) ;
platform_i2c_send_stop ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
platform_i2c_send_start ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
platform_i2c_send_address ( bme280_i2c_id , bme280_i2c_addr , PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_RECEIVER ) ;
ret = platform_i2c_recv_byte ( bme280_i2c_id , 0 ) ;
platform_i2c_send_stop ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
//NODE_DBG("reg:%x, value:%x \n", reg, ret);
return ret ;
static uint8_t w8u ( uint8_t reg , uint8_t val ) {
platform_i2c_send_start ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
platform_i2c_send_address ( bme280_i2c_id , bme280_i2c_addr , PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER ) ;
platform_i2c_send_byte ( bme280_i2c_id , reg ) ;
platform_i2c_send_byte ( bme280_i2c_id , val ) ;
platform_i2c_send_stop ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
static uint16_t r16u ( uint8_t reg ) {
uint8_t high = r8u ( reg ) ;
uint8_t low = r8u ( + + reg ) ;
return ( high < < 8 ) | low ;
static uint16_t r16uLE ( uint8_t reg ) {
uint8_t low = r8u ( reg ) ;
uint8_t high = r8u ( + + reg ) ;
return ( high < < 8 ) | low ;
static uint32_t r24u ( uint8_t reg ) {
uint8_t high = r8u ( reg ) ;
uint8_t mid = r8u ( + + reg ) ;
uint8_t low = r8u ( + + reg ) ;
return ( uint32_t ) ( ( ( high < < 16 ) | ( mid < < 8 ) | low ) > > 4 ) ;
// Returns temperature in DegC, resolution is 0.01 DegC. Output value of “5123” equals 51.23 DegC.
// t_fine carries fine temperature as global value
static BME280_S32_t bme280_compensate_T ( BME280_S32_t adc_T ) {
BME280_S32_t var1 , var2 , T ;
var1 = ( ( ( ( adc_T > > 3 ) - ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_T1 < < 1 ) ) ) * ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_T2 ) ) > > 11 ;
var2 = ( ( ( ( ( adc_T > > 4 ) - ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_T1 ) ) * ( ( adc_T > > 4 ) - ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_T1 ) ) ) > > 12 ) *
( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_T3 ) ) > > 14 ;
bme280_t_fine = var1 + var2 ;
T = ( bme280_t_fine * 5 + 128 ) > > 8 ;
return T ;
// Returns pressure in Pa as unsigned 32 bit integer in Q24.8 format (24 integer bits and 8 fractional bits).
// Output value of “24674867” represents 24674867/256 = 96386.2 Pa = 963.862 hPa
static BME280_U32_t bme280_compensate_P ( BME280_S32_t adc_P ) {
BME280_S64_t var1 , var2 , p ;
var1 = ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_t_fine ) - 128000 ;
var2 = var1 * var1 * ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P6 ;
var2 = var2 + ( ( var1 * ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P5 ) < < 17 ) ;
var2 = var2 + ( ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P4 ) < < 35 ) ;
var1 = ( ( var1 * var1 * ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P3 ) > > 8 ) + ( ( var1 * ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P2 ) < < 12 ) ;
var1 = ( ( ( ( ( BME280_S64_t ) 1 ) < < 47 ) + var1 ) ) * ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P1 ) > > 33 ;
if ( var1 = = 0 ) {
return 0 ; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
p = 1048576 - adc_P ;
p = ( ( ( p < < 31 ) - var2 ) * 3125 ) / var1 ;
var1 = ( ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P9 ) * ( p > > 13 ) * ( p > > 13 ) ) > > 25 ;
var2 = ( ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P8 ) * p ) > > 19 ;
p = ( ( p + var1 + var2 ) > > 8 ) + ( ( ( BME280_S64_t ) bme280_data . dig_P7 ) < < 4 ) ;
p = ( p * 10 ) > > 8 ;
return ( BME280_U32_t ) p ;
// Returns humidity in %RH as unsigned 32 bit integer in Q22.10 format (22 integer and 10 fractional bits).
// Output value of “47445” represents 47445/1024 = 46.333 %RH
static BME280_U32_t bme280_compensate_H ( BME280_S32_t adc_H ) {
BME280_S32_t v_x1_u32r ;
v_x1_u32r = ( bme280_t_fine - ( ( BME280_S32_t ) 76800 ) ) ;
v_x1_u32r = ( ( ( ( ( adc_H < < 14 ) - ( ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H4 ) < < 20 ) - ( ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H5 ) * v_x1_u32r ) ) +
( ( BME280_S32_t ) 16384 ) ) > > 15 ) * ( ( ( ( ( ( ( v_x1_u32r * ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H6 ) ) > > 10 ) * ( ( ( v_x1_u32r *
( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H3 ) ) > > 11 ) + ( ( BME280_S32_t ) 32768 ) ) ) > > 10 ) + ( ( BME280_S32_t ) 2097152 ) ) *
( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H2 ) + 8192 ) > > 14 ) ) ;
v_x1_u32r = ( v_x1_u32r - ( ( ( ( ( v_x1_u32r > > 15 ) * ( v_x1_u32r > > 15 ) ) > > 7 ) * ( ( BME280_S32_t ) bme280_data . dig_H1 ) ) > > 4 ) ) ;
v_x1_u32r = ( v_x1_u32r < 0 ? 0 : v_x1_u32r ) ;
v_x1_u32r = ( v_x1_u32r > 419430400 ? 419430400 : v_x1_u32r ) ;
v_x1_u32r = v_x1_u32r > > 12 ;
return ( BME280_U32_t ) ( ( v_x1_u32r * 1000 ) > > 10 ) ;
static int bme280_lua_init ( lua_State * L ) {
uint8_t sda ;
uint8_t scl ;
uint8_t config ;
uint8_t ack ;
uint8_t const bit3 = 0 b111 ;
uint8_t const bit2 = 0 b11 ;
if ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 1 ) | | ! lua_isnumber ( L , 2 ) ) {
return luaL_error ( L , " wrong arg range " ) ;
sda = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 1 ) ;
scl = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 2 ) ;
bme280_mode = ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 6 ) ? BME280_NORMAL_MODE : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 6 ) & bit2 ) ) // 6-th parameter: power mode
| ( ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 4 ) ? BME280_OVERSAMP_16X : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 4 ) & bit3 ) ) < < 2 ) // 4-th parameter: pressure oversampling
| ( ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 3 ) ? BME280_OVERSAMP_16X : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 3 ) & bit3 ) ) < < 5 ) ; // 3-rd parameter: temperature oversampling
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
bme280_ossh = ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 5 ) ) ? BME280_OVERSAMP_16X : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 5 ) & bit3 ) ; // 5-th parameter: humidity oversampling
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
config = ( ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 7 ) ? BME280_STANDBY_TIME_20_MS : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 7 ) & bit3 ) ) < < 4 ) // 7-th parameter: inactive duration in normal mode
| ( ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 8 ) ? BME280_FILTER_COEFF_16 : ( luaL_checkinteger ( L , 8 ) & bit3 ) ) < < 1 ) ; // 8-th parameter: IIR filter
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
NODE_DBG ( " mode: %x \n humidity oss: %x \n config: %x \n " , bme280_mode , bme280_ossh , config ) ;
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
platform_i2c_setup ( bme280_i2c_id , sda , scl , PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_SLOW ) ;
bme280_i2c_addr = BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1 ;
platform_i2c_send_start ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
ack = platform_i2c_send_address ( bme280_i2c_id , bme280_i2c_addr , PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER ) ;
platform_i2c_send_stop ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
if ( ! ack ) {
NODE_DBG ( " No ACK on address: %x \n " , bme280_i2c_addr ) ;
bme280_i2c_addr = BME280_I2C_ADDRESS2 ;
platform_i2c_send_start ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
ack = platform_i2c_send_address ( bme280_i2c_id , bme280_i2c_addr , PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER ) ;
platform_i2c_send_stop ( bme280_i2c_id ) ;
if ( ! ack ) {
NODE_DBG ( " No ACK on address: %x \n " , bme280_i2c_addr ) ;
return 0 ;
uint8_t chipid = r8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CHIPID ) ;
NODE_DBG ( " chip_id: %x \n " , chipid ) ;
bme280_isbme = ( chipid = = 0x60 ) ;
uint8_t reg = BME280_REGISTER_DIG_T ;
bme280_data . dig_T1 = r16uLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_T2 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_T3 = r16sLE ( reg ) ;
//NODE_DBG("dig_T: %d\t%d\t%d\n", bme280_data.dig_T1, bme280_data.dig_T2, bme280_data.dig_T3);
bme280_data . dig_P1 = r16uLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P2 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P3 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P4 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P5 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P6 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P7 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P8 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_P9 = r16sLE ( reg ) ;
// NODE_DBG("dig_P: %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bme280_data.dig_P1, bme280_data.dig_P2, bme280_data.dig_P3, bme280_data.dig_P4, bme280_data.dig_P5, bme280_data.dig_P6, bme280_data.dig_P7, bme280_data.dig_P8, bme280_data.dig_P9);
w8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CONFIG , config ) ;
if ( bme280_isbme ) {
reg = BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H1 ;
bme280_data . dig_H1 = r8u ( reg ) ;
reg = BME280_REGISTER_DIG_H2 ;
bme280_data . dig_H2 = r16sLE ( reg ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_H3 = r8u ( reg ) ; reg + + ;
bme280_data . dig_H4 = ( ( int16_t ) r8u ( reg ) < < 4 | ( r8u ( reg + 1 ) & 0xF ) ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_H5 = ( ( int16_t ) r8u ( reg + 1 ) < < 4 | ( r8u ( reg ) > > 4 ) ) ; reg + = 2 ;
bme280_data . dig_H6 = ( int8_t ) r8u ( reg ) ;
// NODE_DBG("dig_H: %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", bme280_data.dig_H1, bme280_data.dig_H2, bme280_data.dig_H3, bme280_data.dig_H4, bme280_data.dig_H5, bme280_data.dig_H6);
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
w8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL_HUM , bme280_ossh ) ;
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
lua_pushinteger ( L , 2 ) ;
} else {
lua_pushinteger ( L , 1 ) ;
w8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL , bme280_mode ) ;
return 1 ;
static void bme280_readoutdone ( void * arg )
NODE_DBG ( " timer out \n " ) ;
lua_State * L = arg ;
lua_rawgeti ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , lua_connected_readout_ref ) ;
lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
luaL_unref ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , lua_connected_readout_ref ) ;
os_timer_disarm ( & bme280_timer ) ;
static int bme280_lua_startreadout ( lua_State * L ) {
uint32_t delay ;
if ( lua_isnumber ( L , 1 ) ) {
delay = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 1 ) ;
if ( ! delay ) { delay = BME280_SAMPLING_DELAY ; } // if delay is 0 then set the default delay
if ( ! lua_isnoneornil ( L , 2 ) ) {
lua_pushvalue ( L , 2 ) ;
lua_connected_readout_ref = luaL_ref ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX ) ;
} else {
lua_connected_readout_ref = LUA_NOREF ;
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
w8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL_HUM , bme280_ossh ) ;
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
w8u ( BME280_REGISTER_CONTROL , ( bme280_mode & 0xFC ) | BME280_FORCED_MODE ) ;
NODE_DBG ( " control old: %x, control: %x, delay: %d \n " , bme280_mode , ( bme280_mode & 0xFC ) | BME280_FORCED_MODE , delay ) ;
if ( lua_connected_readout_ref ! = LUA_NOREF ) {
NODE_DBG ( " timer armed \n " ) ;
os_timer_disarm ( & bme280_timer ) ;
os_timer_setfn ( & bme280_timer , ( os_timer_func_t * ) bme280_readoutdone , L ) ;
os_timer_arm ( & bme280_timer , delay , 0 ) ; // trigger callback when readout is ready
return 0 ;
static int bme280_lua_temp ( lua_State * L ) {
uint32_t adc_T = bme280_adc_T ( ) ;
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
if ( adc_T = = 0x80000 | | adc_T = = 0xfffff )
return 0 ;
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
lua_pushinteger ( L , bme280_compensate_T ( adc_T ) ) ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , bme280_t_fine ) ;
return 2 ;
static int bme280_lua_baro ( lua_State * L ) {
uint32_t adc_T = bme280_adc_T ( ) ;
uint32_t T = bme280_compensate_T ( adc_T ) ;
uint32_t adc_P = bme280_adc_P ( ) ;
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
if ( adc_T = = 0x80000 | | adc_T = = 0xfffff | | adc_P = = 0x80000 | | adc_P = = 0xfffff )
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
return 0 ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , bme280_compensate_P ( adc_P ) ) ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , T ) ;
return 2 ;
static int bme280_lua_humi ( lua_State * L ) {
if ( ! bme280_isbme ) return 0 ;
uint32_t adc_T = bme280_adc_T ( ) ;
uint32_t T = bme280_compensate_T ( adc_T ) ;
uint32_t adc_H = bme280_adc_H ( ) ;
2016-02-27 15:44:15 +01:00
if ( adc_T = = 0x80000 | | adc_T = = 0xfffff | | adc_H = = 0x8000 | | adc_H = = 0xffff )
2016-02-07 14:26:43 +01:00
return 0 ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , bme280_compensate_H ( adc_H ) ) ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , T ) ;
return 2 ;
static int bme280_lua_qfe2qnh ( lua_State * L ) {
if ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 2 ) ) {
return luaL_error ( L , " wrong arg range " ) ;
int32_t qfe = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 1 ) ;
int32_t h = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 2 ) ;
double hc ;
if ( bme280_h = = h ) {
hc = bme280_hc ;
} else {
hc = pow ( ( double ) ( 1.0 - 2.25577e-5 * h ) , ( double ) ( - 5.25588 ) ) ;
bme280_hc = hc ; bme280_h = h ;
double qnh = ( double ) qfe * hc ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , ( int32_t ) ( qnh + 0.5 ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static int bme280_lua_altitude ( lua_State * L ) {
if ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 2 ) ) {
return luaL_error ( L , " wrong arg range " ) ;
int32_t P = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 1 ) ;
int32_t qnh = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 2 ) ;
double h = ( 1.0 - pow ( ( double ) P / ( double ) qnh , 1.0 / 5.25588 ) ) / 2.25577e-5 * 100.0 ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , ( int32_t ) ( h + ( ( ( h < 0 ) ? - 1 : ( h > 0 ) ) * 0.5 ) ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static double ln ( double x ) {
double y = ( x - 1 ) / ( x + 1 ) ;
double y2 = y * y ;
double r = 0 ;
for ( int8_t i = 33 ; i > 0 ; i - = 2 ) { //we've got the power
r = 1.0 / ( double ) i + y2 * r ;
return 2 * y * r ;
static int bme280_lua_dewpoint ( lua_State * L ) {
const double c243 = 243.5 ;
const double c17 = 17.67 ;
if ( ! lua_isnumber ( L , 2 ) ) {
return luaL_error ( L , " wrong arg range " ) ;
double H = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 1 ) / 100000.0 ;
double T = luaL_checkinteger ( L , 2 ) / 100.0 ;
double c = ln ( H ) + ( ( c17 * T ) / ( c243 + T ) ) ;
double d = ( c243 * c ) / ( c17 - c ) * 100.0 ;
lua_pushinteger ( L , ( int32_t ) ( d + ( ( ( d < 0 ) ? - 1 : ( d > 0 ) ) * 0.5 ) ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static const LUA_REG_TYPE bme280_map [ ] = {
{ LSTRKEY ( " init " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_init ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " temp " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_temp ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " baro " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_baro ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " humi " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_humi ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " startreadout " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_startreadout ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " qfe2qnh " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_qfe2qnh ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " altitude " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_altitude ) } ,
{ LSTRKEY ( " dewpoint " ) , LFUNCVAL ( bme280_lua_dewpoint ) } ,
} ;
NODEMCU_MODULE ( BME280 , " bme280 " , bme280_map , NULL ) ;