`green`, `red`, `blue` as values between 0 and 255
## color\_utils.hsv2grbw()
Convert HSV color to GRB color and explicitly return a white value. This can be useful for RGB+W LED strips. The white value is simply calculated as min(g, r, b) and then removed from the colors. This does NOT take into account if the white chip used later creates an appropriate color.
`hue`, `saturation`, `value` as values between 0 and 360, respective 0 and 255
## color\_utils.colorWheel()
The color wheel function makes use of the HSV color space and calculates colors based on the color circle. The colors are created with full saturation and value. This function is a convenience function of the hsv2grb function and can be used to create rainbow colors.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
-`angle` is the angle on the color circle, between 0 and 359