This module supports different interfaces for talking to I²C slaves. All interfaces can be assigned to arbitrary GPIOs for SCL and SDA and can be operated concurrently.
-`i2c.SW` software based bitbanging, synchronous operation
-`i2c.HW0` ESP32 hardware port 0, synchronous or asynchronous operation
-`i2c.HW1` ESP32 hardware port 1, synchronous or asynchronous operation
The hardware interfaces differ from the SW interface as the commands (start, stop, read, write) are queued up to an internal command list. Actual I²C communication is initiated afterwards using the `i2c.transfer()` function. Commands for the `i2c.SW` interface are immediately effective on the I²C bus and read data is also instantly available.
Starts a transfer for the specified hardware module. Providing a callback function allows the transfer to be started asynchronously in the background and `i2c.transfer()` finishes immediately. Without a callback function, the transfer is executed synchronously and `i2c.transfer()` comes back when the transfer completed. Data from a read operation is returned from `i2c.transfer()` in this case.
First argument to the callback is the error code (0 = no error), followed by a string with data obtained from a read operation during the transfer or `nil`.
#### Syntax
`i2c.transfer(id[, cb_fn][, to_ms])`
#### Parameters
-`id` interface id, `i2c.SW` not allowed
-`cb_fn(err, data)` function to be called when transfer finished
-`to_ms` timeout for the transfer in ms, defaults to 0=infinite
#### Returns
-`string` of received data (or `nil` if no read) for synchronous operation