Add support to DHT11 and add some comments.

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Martin Han 2015-04-05 18:20:16 +08:00
parent 99b72a766c
commit 10ccfc6ad2
1 changed files with 166 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -1,90 +1,185 @@
# DHTxx module -- ***************************************************************************
-- DHTxx(11,21,22) module for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
-- Written by Javier Yanez mod by Martin
-- but based on a script of Pigs Fly from forum
-- MIT license,
-- ***************************************************************************
This module is compatible with DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22. --Support list
And is able to auto-select wheather you are using DHT11 or DHT2x --DHT11 Tested ->read11
--DHT21 Not Tested->read22
--DHT22 Tested->read22
No need to use a resistor to connect the pin data of DHT22 to ESP8266. --==========================Module Part======================
local moduleName = ...
local M = {}
_G[moduleName] = M
--==========================Local the UMI and TEMP===========
local humidity
local temperature
--==========================Local the bitStream==============
local bitStream = {}
##Integer Verison[When using DHT11, Float version is useless...] ---------------------------Read bitStream from DHTXX--------------------------
### Example local function read(pin)
PIN = 4 -- data pin, GPIO2
DHT= require("dht_lib") local bitlength = 0
humidity = 0
temperature = 0 -- Use Markus Gritsch trick to speed up read/write on GPIO
local gpio_read =
t = DHT.getTemperature()
h = DHT.getHumidity()
if h == nil then for j = 1, 40, 1 do
print("Error reading from DHTxx") bitStream[j] = 0
-- temperature in degrees Celsius and Farenheit
print("Temperature: "..((t-(t % 10)) / 10).."."..(t % 10).." deg C")
print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).."."..(9 * t / 5 % 10).." deg F")
-- humidity
print("Humidity: "..((h - (h % 10)) / 10).."."..(h % 10).."%")
end end
-- release module
DHT = nil
##Float Verison
PIN = 4 -- data pin, GPIO2
DHT= require("dht_lib") -- Step 1: send out start signal to DHT22
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT)
t = DHT.getTemperature() -- Step 2: Receive bitStream from DHT11/22
h = DHT.getHumidity() -- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin) == 0 ) do end
local c=0
while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and c < 500) do c = c + 1 end
-- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin) == 0 ) do end
while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and c < 500) do c = c + 1 end
if h == nil then -- Step 3: DHT22 send data
print("Error reading from DHT11/22") for j = 1, 40, 1 do
else while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and bitlength < 10 ) do
-- temperature in degrees Celsius and Farenheit bitlength = bitlength + 1
-- floating point and integer version: end
bitStream[j] = bitlength
print("Temperature: "..(t/10).." deg C") bitlength = 0
print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).." deg F") -- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
while (gpio_read(pin) == 0) do end
-- humidity end
print("Humidity: "..(h/10).."%") end
---------------------------Convert the bitStream into Number through DHT11 Ways--------------------------
local function bit2DHT11()
--As for DHT11 40Bit is consisit of 5Bytes
--First byte->Humidity Data's Int part
--Sencond byte->Humidity Data's Float Part(Which should be empty)
--Third byte->Temp Data;s Intpart
--Forth byte->Temp Data's Float Part(Which should be empty)
--Fifth byte->SUM Byte, Humi+Temp
local checksum = 0
local checksumTest
--DHT data acquired, process.
for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[0]
if (bitStream[i] > 3) then
humidity = humidity + 2 ^ (8 - i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[2]
if (bitStream[i + 16] > 3) then
temperature = temperature + 2 ^ (8 - i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do --Byte[4]
if (bitStream[i + 32] > 3) then
checksum = checksum + 2 ^ (8 - i)
end end
-- release module if(checksum ~= humidity+temperature) then
DHT = nil humidity = nil
package.loaded["dht_lib"]=nil temperature = nil
``` end
## Functions
---------------------------Convert the bitStream into Number through DHT22 Ways--------------------------
local function bit2DHT22()
--As for DHT22 40Bit is consisit of 5Bytes
--First byte->Humidity Data's High Bit
--Sencond byte->Humidity Data's Low Bit(And if over 0x8000, use complement)
--Third byte->Temp Data's High Bit
--Forth byte->Temp Data's Low Bit
--Fifth byte->SUM Byte
local checksum = 0
local checksumTest
--DHT data acquired, process.
for i = 1, 16, 1 do
if (bitStream[i] > 3) then
humidity = humidity + 2 ^ (16 - i)
for i = 1, 16, 1 do
if (bitStream[i + 16] > 3) then
temperature = temperature + 2 ^ (16 - i)
for i = 1, 8, 1 do
if (bitStream[i + 32] > 3) then
checksum = checksum + 2 ^ (8 - i)
checksumTest = (, 0xFF) + bit.rshift(humidity, 8) +, 0xFF) + bit.rshift(temperature, 8))
checksumTest =, 0xFF)
if temperature > 0x8000 then
-- convert to negative format
temperature = -(temperature - 0x8000)
-- conditions compatible con float point and integer
if (checksumTest - checksum >= 1) or (checksum - checksumTest >= 1) then
humidity = nil
---------------------------Check out the data--------------------------
----Auto Select the DHT11/DHT22 By check the byte[1] && byte[3]AND ---
---------------Which is empty when using DHT11-------------------------
read(pin) read(pin)
Read humidity and temperature from DHTxx(11,21,22...).
* pin - ESP8266 pin connect to data pin local byte_1 = 0
local byte_2 = 0
### getHumidity for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[1]
getHumidity() if (bitStream[i+8] > 3) then
Returns the humidity of the last reading. byte_1 = byte_1 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
**Returns:** for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[1]
* last humidity reading in per thousand if (bitStream[i+24] > 3) then
byte_2 = byte_2 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
### getTemperature if byte_1==0 and byte_2 == 0 then
getTemperature() bit2DHT11()
Returns the temperature of the last reading. else
**Returns:** end
* last temperature reading in(dht22) 0.1ºC (dht11)1ºC
function M.getTemperature()
return temperature
function M.getHumidity()
return humidity
return M