Update master README from dev branch
Given that the 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 versions of NodeMCU are deprecated, it is quite important that the updated README appears in the master branch. That's what people will see when they visit the repository page on github. This commit just squashes all recent dev-branch changes to README.md to get it updated ASAP in advance of pulling the entire dev branch into master. Signed-off-by: Nick Andrew <nick@nick-andrew.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,177 +1,43 @@
# **NodeMCU** #
version 0.9.5
# **NodeMCU 1.4.0** #
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###A lua based firmware for wifi-soc esp8266
Build on [ESP8266 sdk 0.9.5](http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=154)<br />
Lua core based on [eLua project](http://www.eluaproject.net/)<br />
cjson based on [lua-cjson](https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson)<br />
File system based on [spiffs](https://github.com/pellepl/spiffs)<br />
Open source development kit for NodeMCU [nodemcu-devkit](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit)<br />
Flash tool for NodeMCU [nodemcu-flasher](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher)<br />
wiki: [NodeMCU wiki](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki)<br />
api: [NodeMCU api](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki/nodemcu_api_en)<br />
home: [nodemcu.com](http://www.nodemcu.com)<br />
bbs: [Chinese bbs](http://bbs.nodemcu.com)<br />
docs: [NodeMCU docs](http://www.nodemcu.com/docs/)<br />
Tencent QQ group: 309957875<br />
- Build on [ESP8266 NONOS SDK 1.4.0](http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1124)
- Lua core based on [eLua project](http://www.eluaproject.net/)
- cjson based on [lua-cjson](https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson)
- File system based on [spiffs](https://github.com/pellepl/spiffs)
- Open source development kit for NodeMCU [nodemcu-devkit-v0.9](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit) [nodemcu-devkit-v1.0](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit-v1.0)
# Summary
- Easy to access wireless router
- Easy to program wireless node and/or Access Point
- Based on Lua 5.1.4 (without *debug, os* module.)
- Event-Drive programming preferred.
- Build-in json, file, timer, pwm, i2c, spi, 1-wire, net, mqtt, coap, gpio, wifi, adc, uart and system api.
- GPIO pin re-mapped, use the index to access gpio, i2c, pwm.
- Event-driven programming model preferred
- Built-in modules: node, json, file, timer, pwm, i2c, spi, onewire, net, mqtt, coap, gpio, wifi, adc, uart, bit, u8g, ucg, ws2801, ws2812, crypto, dht, rtc, sntp, bmp085, tls2561, hx711 and system api.
- Both Integer (less memory usage) and Float version firmware provided.
# To Do List (pull requests are very welcomed)
- loadable c module
- fix wifi smart connect
- add spi module (done)
- add mqtt module (done)
- add coap module (done)
- cross compiler (done)
## Useful links
# Change log
2015-06-27<br />
fixed ap/station-ap cannot connect to the device.<br />
added wifi.ap.getconfig().<br />
fixed net.dns.getdnsserver().<br />
added new base64 lua example.<br />
added node.bootreason() to inspect boot cause.<br />
optimization of u8g.<br />
| Resource | Location |
| -------------- | -------------- |
| Developer Wiki | https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki |
| API docs | [NodeMCU api](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki/nodemcu_api_en) |
| Home | [nodemcu.com](http://www.nodemcu.com) |
| BBS | [Chinese BBS](http://bbs.nodemcu.com) |
| Docs | [NodeMCU docs](http://www.nodemcu.com/docs/) |
| Tencent QQ group | 309957875 |
| Windows flash tool | [nodemcu-flasher](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher) |
| Linux flash tool | [Esptool](https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool) |
| ESPlorer GUI | https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer |
| NodeMCU Studio GUI | https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-studio-csharp |
# Change log
2015-06-25<br />
move constants to ROM. Frees up 16k+ of RAM.<br />
add dhtlib for DHT11/21/22/33/44, port from Arduino.<br />
add 433MHz transmission.<br />
add crypto library.<br />
re-add ws2812.write().<br />
add wifi.getchannel.<br />
changed wifi_setip() to allow setting SoftAP gateway to<br />
added net.dns.setdnsserver and net.dns.getdnsserver.<br />
add support for lm92 temperature sensor.<br />
implement getStrWidth() and setFontLineSpacingFactor().<br />
add -Os flag to release and debug builds.<br />
changed output format of table that is output by wifi_scan_done.<br />
added ability to set scan configuration to wifi.sta.getap.<br />
added function wifi.sta.getconfig().<br />
allow connecting to unsecured WiFi networks.<br />
add setphymode and getphymode to wifi module.<br />
add multicastJoin and multicastLeave to net module.<br />
add Yeelink Modules.<br />
# Programming Examples
2015-03-31<br />
polish mqtt module, add queue for mqtt module.<br />
add reconnect option to mqtt.connect api, :connect( host, port, secure, auto_reconnect, function(client) )<br />
move node.readvdd33 to adc.readvdd33.<br />
tools/esptool.py supported NodeMCU devkit automatic flash.
Because Lua is a high level language and several modules are built into the firmware, you can very easily program your ESP8266. Here are some examples!
[more change log](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/wiki)<br />
##GPIO NEW TABLE ( Build 20141219 and later)
<a id="new_gpio_map"></a>
<th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th><th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th>
<td>0 [*]</td><td>GPIO16</td><td>8</td><td>GPIO15 (SPI CS)</td>
<td>1</td><td>GPIO5</td><td>9</td><td>GPIO3 (UART RX)</td>
<td>2</td><td>GPIO4</td><td>10</td><td>GPIO1 (UART TX)</td>
<td>5</td><td>GPIO14 (SPI CLK)</td><td></td><td></td>
<td>6</td><td>GPIO12 (SPI MISO)</td><td></td><td></td>
<td>7</td><td>GPIO13 (SPI MOSI)</td><td></td><td></td>
#### [*] D0(GPIO16) can only be used as gpio read/write. no interrupt supported. no pwm/i2c/ow supported.
#Build option
####file ./app/include/user_modules.h
#define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_STRING // for string.xxx()
#define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_TABLE // for table.xxx()
#define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_COROUTINE // for coroutine.xxx()
#define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_MATH // for math.xxx(), partially work
// #define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_IO // for io.xxx(), partially work
// #define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_OS // for os.xxx(), not work
// #define LUA_USE_BUILTIN_DEBUG // for debug.xxx(), not work
#define LUA_USE_MODULES_WS2812
#endif /* LUA_USE_MODULES */
#Online firmware custom build
For many application, some modules are not used, remove them can free many memory.<br />
Please try Marcel's [NodeMCU custom builds](http://frightanic.com/nodemcu-custom-build) cloud service and you can get your own firmware.<br />
#Flash the firmware
nodemcu_latest.bin: 0x00000<br />
for most esp8266 modules, just pull GPIO0 down and restart.<br />
You can use the [nodemcu-flasher](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher) to burn the firmware.
Or, if you build your own bin from source code.<br />
0x00000.bin: 0x00000<br />
0x10000.bin: 0x10000<br />
*Better run file.format() after flash*
#Connect the hardware in serial
#Write Lua script to filesystem
Victor Brutskiy's [Esplorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) support most platforms such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc. This software is opensource and can write lua/lc files to filesystem.
####NodeMCU Studio
[NodeMCU Studio](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-studio-csharp) is written in C# and support Windows. This software is opensource and can write lua files to filesystem.
#Start play
####Connect to your ap
## Connect to your AP
ip = wifi.sta.getip()
@ -184,7 +50,7 @@ Victor Brutskiy's [Esplorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) support most
####Manipulate hardware like a arduino
## Manipulate hardware like an Arduino
pin = 1
@ -193,7 +59,7 @@ Victor Brutskiy's [Esplorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) support most
####Write network application in nodejs style
## Write a network application in Node.js style
-- A simple http client
@ -204,7 +70,7 @@ Victor Brutskiy's [Esplorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) support most
.. "Connection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
####Or a simple http server
## Or a simple HTTP server
-- A simple http server
@ -212,13 +78,13 @@ Victor Brutskiy's [Esplorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) support most
srv:listen(80, function(conn)
conn:on("receive", function(conn,payload)
conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMcu.</h1>")
conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMCU.</h1>")
conn:on("sent", function(conn) conn:close() end)
####Connect to MQTT Broker
## Connect to MQTT broker
-- init mqtt client with keepalive timer 120sec
@ -226,7 +92,7 @@ m = mqtt.Client("clientid", 120, "user", "password")
-- setup Last Will and Testament (optional)
-- Broker will publish a message with qos = 0, retain = 0, data = "offline"
-- to topic "/lwt" if client don't send keepalive packet
-- to topic "/lwt" if client doesn't send keepalive packet
m:lwt("/lwt", "offline", 0, 0)
m:on("connect", function(con) print("connected") end)
@ -240,24 +106,25 @@ m:on("message", function(conn, topic, data)
-- m:connect( host, port, secure, auto_reconnect, function(client) )
-- m:connect(host, port, secure, auto_reconnect, function(client) end)
-- for secure: m:connect("", 1880, 1, 0)
-- for auto-reconnect: m:connect("", 1880, 0, 1)
m:connect("", 1880, 0, 0, function(conn) print("connected") end)
-- subscribe topic with qos = 0
-- subscribe to topic with qos = 0
m:subscribe("/topic", 0, function(conn) print("subscribe success") end)
-- or subscribe multiple topic (topic/0, qos = 0; topic/1, qos = 1; topic2 , qos = 2)
-- or subscribe multiple topics (topic/0, qos = 0; topic/1, qos = 1; topic2, qos = 2)
-- m:subscribe({["topic/0"]=0,["topic/1"]=1,topic2=2}, function(conn) print("subscribe success") end)
-- publish a message with data = hello, QoS = 0, retain = 0
m:publish("/topic", "hello", 0, 0, function(conn) print("sent") end)
m:close(); -- if auto-reconnect == 1, will disable auto-reconnect and then disconnect from host.
m:close(); -- if auto-reconnect == 1, it will disable auto-reconnect and then disconnect from host.
-- you can call m:connect again
#### UDP client and server
## UDP client and server
-- a udp server
@ -271,7 +138,8 @@ cu:connect(5683,"")
####Do something shining
## Do something shiny with an RGB LED
function led(r, g, b)
pwm.setduty(1, r)
@ -288,7 +156,8 @@ cu:send("hello")
led(0, 0, 512) -- blue
####And blink it
## And blink it
tmr.alarm(1, 1000, 1, function()
@ -302,16 +171,18 @@ cu:send("hello")
####If you want to run something when system started
## If you want to run something when the system boots
--init.lua will be excuted
--init.lua will be executed
file.open("init.lua", "w")
file.writeline([[print("Hello, do this at the beginning.")]])
node.restart() -- this will restart the module.
####With below code, you can telnet to your esp8266 now
## Add a simple telnet server to the Lua interpreter
-- a simple telnet server
s=net.createServer(net.TCP, 180)
@ -323,15 +194,197 @@ cu:send("hello")
node.output(s_output, 0) -- re-direct output to function s_ouput.
c:on("receive", function(c, l)
node.input(l) -- works like pcall(loadstring(l)) but support multiple separate line
node.input(l) -- works like pcall(loadstring(l)) but support multiples separate lines
c:on("disconnection", function(c)
node.output(nil) -- un-regist the redirect output function, output goes to serial
node.output(nil) -- un-register the redirect output function, output goes to serial
print("Welcome to NodeMcu world.")
print("Welcome to NodeMCU world.")
# Building the firmware
There are several options for building the NodeMCU firmware.
## Online firmware custom build
Please try Marcel's [NodeMCU custom builds](http://frightanic.com/nodemcu-custom-build) cloud service and you can choose only the modules you need, and download the firmware once built.
NodeMCU custom builds can build from the master branch and dev branch (with the latest fixes).
## Docker containerised build
See https://hub.docker.com/r/asmaps/nodemcu-builder/
This docker image includes the build toolchain and SDK. You just run the docker
image with your checked-out NodeMCU firmware repository (this one). The docker
image can also flash the firmware to your device.
You will need to see BUILD OPTIONS below, to configure the firmware before building.
## Build it yourself
See BUILD OPTIONS below, to configure the firmware before building.
### Minimum requirements:
- unrar
- GNU autoconf, automake, libtool
- GNU gcc, g++, make
- GNU flex, bison, gawk, sed
- python, python-serial, libexpat-dev
- srecord
- The esp-open-sdk from https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk
### Build instructions:
Assuming NodeMCU firmware is checked-out to `/opt/nodemcu-firmware`:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-open-sdk.git /opt/esp-open-sdk
cd /opt/esp-open-sdk
cd /opt/nodemcu-firmware
Disable modules you won't be using, to reduce firmware size on flash and
free more RAM. The ESP8266 is quite limited in available RAM, and running
out can cause a system panic.
## Edit `app/include/user_modules.h`
Comment-out the #define statement for unused modules. Example:
// #define LUA_USE_MODULES_U8G
// #define LUA_USE_MODULES_WS2801
// #define LUA_USE_MODULES_WS2812
// #define LUA_USE_MODULES_BMP085
// #define LUA_USE_MODULES_HX711
#endif /* LUA_USE_MODULES */
## Tagging your build
Identify your firmware builds by editing `app/include/user_version.h`
#define NODE_VERSION "NodeMCU 1.4.0+myname"
#ifndef BUILD_DATE
## Setting the boot time serial interface rate
The initial baud rate at boot time is 9600 bps, but you can change this by
editing `app/include/user_config.h` and change BIT_RATE_DEFAULT, e.g.:
## Debugging
To enable runtime debug messages to serial console, edit `app/include/user_config.h`
`DEVELOP_VERSION` changes the startup baud rate to 74880.
# Flash the firmware
## Flash tools for Windows
You can use the [nodemcu-flasher](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher) to burn the firmware.
## Flash tools for Linux
Esptool is a python utility which can read and write the flash in an ESP8266 device. See https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool
## Preparing the hardware for firmware upgrade
To enable ESP8266 firmware flashing, the GPIO0 pin must be pulled low before
the device is reset. Conversely, for a normal boot, GPIO0 must be pulled high
or floating.
If you have a [NodeMCU Development Kit](http://www.nodemcu.com/index_en.html) then
you don't need to do anything, as the USB connection can pull GPIO0
low by asserting DTR, and reset your board by asserting RTS.
If you have an ESP-01 or other device without inbuilt USB, you will need to
enable flashing yourself by pulling GPIO0 low or pressing a "flash" switch.
## Files to burn to the flash
If you got your firmware from [NodeMCU custom builds](http://frightanic.com/nodemcu-custom-build) then you can flash that file directly to address 0x00000.
Otherwise, if you built your own firmware from source code:
- bin/0x00000.bin to 0x00000
- bin/0x10000.bin to 0x10000
Also, in some special circumstances, you may need to flash `blank.bin` or `esp_init_data_default.bin` to various addresses on the flash (depending on flash size and type).
If upgrading from `spiffs` version 0.3.2 to 0.3.3 or later, or after flashing any new firmware (particularly one with a much different size), you may need to run `file.format()` to re-format your flash filesystem.
You will know if you need to do this because your flash files disappeared, or they exist but seem empty, or data cannot be written to new files.
# Connecting to your NodeMCU device
NodeMCU serial interface uses 9600 baud at boot time. To increase the speed after booting, issue `uart.setup(0,115200,8,0,1,1)` (ESPlorer will do this automatically when changing the speed in the dropdown list).
If the device panics and resets at any time, errors will be written to the serial interface at 115200 bps.
# User Interface tools
## Esplorer
Victor Brutskiy's [ESPlorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer) is written in Java, is open source and runs on most platforms such as Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc.
#### Features
- Edit Lua scripts and run on the ESP8266 and save to its flash
- Serial console log
- Also supports original AT firmware (reading and setting WiFi modes, etc)
## NodeMCU Studio
[NodeMCU Studio](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-studio-csharp) is written in C# and supports Windows. This software is open source and can write lua files to filesystem.
####Use DS18B20 module extends your esp8266
-- read temperature with DS18B20
@ -586,3 +639,31 @@ The HX711 is an inexpensive 24bit ADC with programmable 128x, 64x, and 32x gain.
-- Read ch A with 128 gain.
raw_data = hx711.read(0)
####Universal DHT Sensor support
Support DHT11, DHT21, DHT22, DHT33, DHT44, etc.
Use all-in-one function to read DHT sensor.
pin = 5
status,temp,humi,temp_decimial,humi_decimial = dht.readxx(pin)
if( status == dht.OK ) then
-- Integer firmware using this example
"DHT Temperature:%d.%03d;Humidity:%d.%03d\r\n",
-- Float firmware using this example
print("DHT Temperature:"..temp..";".."Humidity:"..humi)
elseif( status == dht.ERROR_CHECKSUM ) then
print( "DHT Checksum error." );
elseif( status == dht.ERROR_TIMEOUT ) then
print( "DHT Time out." );
Reference in New Issue