local function TERMINAL_HANDLER(e, test, msg, errormsg) if errormsg then errormsg = ": "..errormsg else errormsg = "" end if e == 'start' then print("######## "..e.."ed "..test.." tests") elseif e == 'pass' then print(" "..e.." "..test..': '..msg) elseif e == 'fail' then print(" ==> "..e.." "..test..': '..msg..errormsg) elseif e == 'except' then print(" ==> "..e.." "..test..': '..msg..errormsg) elseif e == 'finish' then print("######## "..e.."ed "..test.." tests") else print(e.." "..test) end end -- implement pseudo task handling for on host testing local drain_post_queue = function() end if not node then -- assume we run on host, not on MCU local post_queue = {{},{},{}} drain_post_queue = function() while #post_queue[1] + #post_queue[2] + #post_queue[3] > 0 do for i = 3, 1, -1 do if #post_queue[i] > 0 then local f = table.remove(post_queue[i], 1) if f then f() end break end end end end -- luacheck: push ignore 121 122 (setting read-only global variable) node = {} node.task = {LOW_PRIORITY = 1, MEDIUM_PRIORITY = 2, HIGH_PRIORITY = 3} node.task.post = function (p, f) table.insert(post_queue[p], f) end node.setonerror = function(fn) node.Host_Error_Func = fn end -- luacheck: ignore 142 -- luacheck: pop end --[[ if equal returns true if different returns {msg = ""} this will be handled spechially by ok and nok --]] local function deepeq(a, b) local function notEqual(m) return { msg=m } end -- Different types: false if type(a) ~= type(b) then return notEqual("type 1 is "..type(a)..", type 2 is "..type(b)) end -- Functions if type(a) == 'function' then if string.dump(a) == string.dump(b) then return true else return notEqual("functions differ") end end -- Primitives and equal pointers if a == b then return true end -- Only equal tables could have passed previous tests if type(a) ~= 'table' then return notEqual("different "..type(a).."s expected "..a.." vs. "..b) end -- Compare tables field by field for k,v in pairs(a) do if b[k] == nil then return notEqual("key "..k.."only contained in left part") end local result = deepeq(v, b[k]) if type(result) == 'table' then return result end end for k,v in pairs(b) do if a[k] == nil then return notEqual("key "..k.."only contained in right part") end local result = deepeq(a[k], v) if type(result) == 'table' then return result end end return true end -- Compatibility for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2 local function args(...) return {n=select('#', ...), ...} end local function spy(f) local mt = {} setmetatable(mt, {__call = function(s, ...) s.called = s.called or {} local a = args(...) table.insert(s.called, {...}) if f then local r r = args(pcall(f, unpack(a, 1, a.n))) if not r[1] then s.errors = s.errors or {} s.errors[#s.called] = r[2] else return unpack(r, 2, r.n) end end end}) return mt end local function getstackframe() -- debug.getinfo() does not exist in NodeMCU Lua 5.1 if debug.getinfo then return debug.getinfo(5, 'S').short_src:match("([^\\/]*)$")..":"..debug.getinfo(5, 'l').currentline end local msg msg = debug.traceback() msg = msg:match("\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t([^\t]*): in") -- Get 5th stack frame msg = msg:match(".-([^\\/]*)$") -- cut off path of filename return msg end local function assertok(handler, name, invert, cond, msg) local errormsg -- check if cond is return object of 'eq' call if type(cond) == 'table' and cond.msg then errormsg = cond.msg cond = false end if not msg then msg = getstackframe() end if invert then cond = not cond end if cond then handler('pass', name, msg) else handler('fail', name, msg, errormsg) error('_*_TestAbort_*_') end end local function fail(handler, name, func, expected, msg) local status, err = pcall(func) if not msg then msg = getstackframe() end if status then local messageParts = {"Expected to fail with Error"} if expected then messageParts[2] = " containing \"" .. expected .. "\"" end handler('fail', name, msg, table.concat(messageParts, "")) error('_*_TestAbort_*_') end if (expected and not string.find(err, expected)) then err = err:match(".-([^\\/]*)$") -- cut off path of filename handler('fail', name, msg, "expected errormessage \"" .. err .. "\" to contain \"" .. expected .. "\"") error('_*_TestAbort_*_') end handler('pass', name, msg) end local nmt = { env = _G, outputhandler = TERMINAL_HANDLER } nmt.__index = nmt return function(testrunname) local pendingtests = {} local started local N = setmetatable({}, nmt) local function runpending() if pendingtests[1] ~= nil then node.task.post(node.task.LOW_PRIORITY, function() pendingtests[1](runpending) end) else N.outputhandler('finish', testrunname) end end local function copyenv(dest, src) dest.eq = src.eq dest.spy = src.spy dest.ok = src.ok dest.nok = src.nok dest.fail = src.fail end local function testimpl(name, f, async) local testfn = function(next) local prev = {} copyenv(prev, N.env) local handler = N.outputhandler local restore = function(err) if err then err = err:match(".-([^\\/]*)$") -- cut off path of filename if not err:match('_*_TestAbort_*_') then handler('except', name, err) end end if node then node.setonerror() end copyenv(N.env, prev) handler('end', name) table.remove(pendingtests, 1) collectgarbage() if next then next() end end local function wrap(method, ...) method(handler, name, ...) end local function cbError(err) err = err:match(".-([^\\/]*)$") -- cut off path of filename if not err:match('_*_TestAbort_*_') then handler('except', name, err) end restore() end local env = N.env env.eq = deepeq env.spy = spy env.ok = function (cond, msg) wrap(assertok, false, cond, msg) end env.nok = function(cond, msg) wrap(assertok, true, cond, msg) end env.fail = function (func, expected, msg) wrap(fail, func, expected, msg) end handler('begin', name) node.setonerror(cbError) local ok, err = pcall(f, async and restore) if not ok then err = err:match(".-([^\\/]*)$") -- cut off path of filename if not err:match('_*_TestAbort_*_') then handler('except', name, err) end if async then restore() end end if not async then restore() end end if not started then N.outputhandler('start', testrunname) started = true end table.insert(pendingtests, testfn) if #pendingtests == 1 then runpending() drain_post_queue() end end function N.test(name, f) testimpl(name, f) end function N.testasync(name, f) testimpl(name, f, true) end local currentCoName function N.testco(name, func) -- local t = tmr.create(); local co N.testasync(name, function(Next) currentCoName = name local function getCB(cbName) return function(...) -- upval: co, cbName local result, err = coroutine.resume(co, cbName, ...) if (not result) then if (name == currentCoName) then currentCoName = nil Next(err) else N.outputhandler('fail', name, "Found stray Callback '"..cbName.."' from test '"..name.."'") end elseif coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then currentCoName = nil Next() end end end local function waitCb() return coroutine.yield() end co = coroutine.create(function(wr, wa) func(wr, wa) end) local result, err = coroutine.resume(co, getCB, waitCb) if (not result) then currentCoName = nil Next(err) elseif coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then currentCoName = nil Next() end end) end return N end