namespace eval expectnmcu::xfer { } package require expectnmcu::core # Open remote file `which` on `dev` in `mode` as Lua object `dfh` proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::open { dev dfh which mode } { ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "${dfh} = nil" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "${dfh} =\"${which}\",\"${mode}\")" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_res_prompt ${dev} "=type(${dfh})" "userdata" } # Close Lua file object `dfh` on `dev` proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::close { dev dfh } { ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "${dfh}:close()" } # Write to `dfh` on `dev` at `where` `what`, using base64 as transport # # This does not split lines; write only short amounts of data. proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::pwrite { dev dfh where what } { send -i ${dev} -- [string cat \ "do local d,e = encoder.fromBase64(\"[binary encode base64 -maxlen 0 ${what}]\");" \ "${dfh}:seek(\"set\",${where});" \ "print(${dfh}:write(d));" \ "end\n" \ ] expect { -i ${dev} -re "true\[\r\n\]+> " { } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } -i ${dev} -ex "\n> " { return -code error "Bad result from pwrite" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while waiting for pwrite" } } } # Read `howmuch` byetes from `dfh` on `dev` at `where`, using base64 # as transport. This buffers the whole data and its base64 encoding # in device RAM; read only short strings. proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::pread { dev dfh where howmuch } { send -i ${dev} -- "${dfh}:seek(\"set\",${where}); print(encoder.toBase64(${dfh}:read(${howmuch})))\n" expect { -i ${dev} -re "\\)\\)\\)\[\r\n\]+(\[^\r\n\]+)\[\r\n\]+> " { return [binary decode base64 ${expect_out(1,string)}] } -i ${dev} -ex "\n> " { return -code error "No reply to pread" } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while pread-ing" } } } # Check for pipeutils on the target device proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::haspipeutils { dev } { send -i ${dev} -- "local ok, pu = pcall(require, \"pipeutils\"); print(ok and type(pu) == \"table\" and pu.chunker and pu.debase64 and true or false)\n" expect { -i ${dev} -re "\[\r\n\]+false\[\r\n\]+> " { return 0 } -i ${dev} -re "\[\r\n\]+true\[\r\n\]+> " { return 1 } -i ${dev} -ex "\n> " { return -code error "No reply to pipeutils probe" } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while probing for pipeutils" } } } # Send local file `lfn` to the remote filesystem on `dev` and name it `rfn`. # Use `dfo` as the Lua handle to the remote file for the duration of writing, # (and `nil` it out afterwards) proc ::expectnmcu::xfer::sendfile { dev lfn rfn {dfo "xfo"} } { package require sha256 set has_pipeutils [::expectnmcu::xfer::haspipeutils ${dev} ] set ltf [::open ${lfn} ] fconfigure ${ltf} -translation binary file stat ${lfn} lfstat ::expectnmcu::xfer::open ${dev} ${dfo} "${rfn}.sf" "w+" if { ${has_pipeutils} } { # Send over a loader program ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} "do" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " local pu = require \"pipeutils\"" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " local ch = pu.chunker(function(d) ${dfo}:write(d) end, 256)" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " local db = pu.debase64(ch.write, function(ed,ee)" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " if ed:match(\"^%.\[\\r\\n\]*$\") then ch.flush() print(\"F I N\")" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " else print(\"ABORT\", ee, ed) end" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " uart.on(\"data\") end)" # TODO: make echo use CRC not full string; probably best add to crypto module ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt_c ${dev} " uart.on(\"data\", \"\\n\", function(x) db.write(x); uart.write(0, \"OK: \", x) end, 0)" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "end" set xln 90 } else { set xln 48 } set lho [sha2::SHA256Init] set fpos 0 while { 1 } { send_user ">> xfer ${fpos} of ${lfstat(size)}\n" set data [read ${ltf} ${xln}] sha2::SHA256Update ${lho} ${data} if { ${has_pipeutils} } { set estr [binary encode base64 -maxlen 0 ${data}] send -i ${dev} -- "${estr}\n" expect { -i ${dev} -ex "OK: ${estr}" { expect -i ${dev} -re "\[\r\n\]+" {} } -i ${dev} -ex "\n> " { return -code error "Prompt while sending data" } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while sending data" } } } else { ::expectnmcu::xfer::pwrite ${dev} ${dfo} ${fpos} ${data} } set fpos [expr $fpos + ${xln}] if { [string length ${data}] != ${xln} } { break } } if { ${has_pipeutils} } { send -i ${dev} -- ".\n" expect { -i ${dev} -re "F I N\[\r\n\]+" { } -i ${dev} -ex "\n> " { return -code error "Prompt while awaiting acknowledgement" } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while awaiting acknowledgement" } } } ::close ${ltf} ::expectnmcu::xfer::close ${dev} ${dfo} ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "${dfo} = nil" set exphash [sha2::Hex [sha2::SHA256Final ${lho}]] send -i ${dev} "=encoder.toHex(crypto.fhash(\"sha256\",\"${rfn}.sf\"))\n" expect { -i ${dev} -re "\[\r\n\]+(\[a-f0-9\]+)\[\r\n\]+> " { if { ${expect_out(1,string)} != ${exphash} } { return -code error \ "Sendfile checksum mismatch: ${expect_out(1,string)} != ${exphash}" } } -i ${dev} -re ${::expectnmcu::core::panicre} { return -code error "Panic!" } timeout { return -code error "Timeout while verifying checksum" } } ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_prompt ${dev} "file.remove(\"${rfn}\")" ::expectnmcu::core::send_exp_res_prompt ${dev} "=file.rename(\"${rfn}.sf\", \"${rfn}\")" "true" } package provide expectnmcu::xfer 1.0