/* * Copyright 2015 Robert Foss. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @author Robert Foss * * Additions & fixes: Johny Mattsson */ #include "module.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "platform.h" #include "c_stdlib.h" #include "c_stdio.h" #include "c_string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "user_interface.h" #include "espconn.h" #include "flash_fs.h" #include "task/task.h" #define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define LITLEN(strliteral) (sizeof (strliteral) -1) #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL (1 << 0) #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL (1 << 1) #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NO_RETURN (1 << 2) #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 1 #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND 2 #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR 3 #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_OPEN 4 /** * DNS Response Packet: * * |DNS ID - 16 bits| * |dns_header| * |QNAME| * |dns_body| * |ip - 32 bits| * * DNS Header Part | FLAGS | | Q COUNT | | A CNT | |AUTH CNT| | ADD CNT| */ static const char dns_header[] = { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* DNS Query Part | Q TYPE | | Q CLASS| */ static const char dns_body[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, /* DNS Answer Part |LBL OFFS| | TYPE | | CLASS | | TTL | | RD LEN | */ 0xC0, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x04 }; static const char http_html_filename[] = "index.html"; static const char http_header_200[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCache-control:no-cache\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n"; /* Note single \r\n here! */ static const char http_header_302[] = "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved\r\nLocation: /\r\n\r\n"; static const char http_header_401[] = "HTTP/1.1 401 Bad request\r\n\r\n"; static const char http_header_404[] = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not found\r\n\r\n"; static const char http_header_500[] = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Error\r\n\r\n"; /* The below is the un-minified version of the http_html_backup[] string. * Minified using https://kangax.github.io/html-minifier/ * Note: using method="get" due to iOS not always sending body in same * packet as the HTTP header, and us thus missing it in that case */ #if 0 WiFi Login

WiFi Login

Connect gadget to your WiFi network

Status: Updating...

#endif static const char http_html_backup[] = "WiFi Login

WiFi Login

Connect gadget to your WiFi network

Status: Updating...

"; typedef struct scan_listener { struct scan_listener *next; int remote_port; uint8 remote_ip[4]; } scan_listener_t; typedef struct { struct espconn *espconn_dns_udp; struct espconn *espconn_http_tcp; char *http_payload_data; uint32_t http_payload_len; os_timer_t check_station_timer; int lua_connected_cb_ref; int lua_err_cb_ref; int lua_dbg_cb_ref; scan_listener_t *scan_listeners; } enduser_setup_state_t; static enduser_setup_state_t *state; static bool manual = false; static task_handle_t do_station_cfg_handle; static int enduser_setup_start(lua_State* L); static int enduser_setup_stop(lua_State* L); static void enduser_setup_station_start(void); static void enduser_setup_station_start(void); static void enduser_setup_ap_start(void); static void enduser_setup_ap_stop(void); static void enduser_setup_check_station(void *p); static void enduser_setup_debug(lua_State *L, const char *str); #define ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG_ENABLE 0 #if ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG_ENABLE #define ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(l, str) enduser_setup_debug(l, str) #else #define ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(l, str) do {} while(0) #endif static void enduser_setup_debug(lua_State *L, const char *str) { if(state != NULL && L != NULL && state->lua_dbg_cb_ref != LUA_NOREF) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->lua_dbg_cb_ref); lua_pushstring(L, str); lua_call(L, 1, 0); } } #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR(str, err, err_severity) \ do { \ if (err_severity & ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL) enduser_setup_stop(lua_getstate());\ enduser_setup_error(lua_getstate(), str, err);\ if (!(err_severity & ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NO_RETURN)) \ return err; \ } while (0) #define ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID(str, err, err_severity) \ do { \ if (err_severity & ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL) enduser_setup_stop(lua_getstate());\ enduser_setup_error(lua_getstate(), str, err);\ if (!(err_severity & ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NO_RETURN)) \ return; \ } while (0) static void enduser_setup_error(lua_State *L, const char *str, int err) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(L, "enduser_setup_error"); if (state != NULL && L != NULL && state->lua_err_cb_ref != LUA_NOREF) { lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->lua_err_cb_ref); lua_pushnumber(L, err); lua_pushfstring(L, "enduser_setup: %s", str); lua_call (L, 2, 0); } } static void enduser_setup_connected_callback(lua_State *L) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(L, "enduser_setup_connected_callback"); if(state != NULL && L != NULL && state->lua_connected_cb_ref != LUA_NOREF) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->lua_connected_cb_ref); lua_call(L, 0, 0); } } static void enduser_setup_check_station_start(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_check_station_start"); os_timer_setfn(&(state->check_station_timer), enduser_setup_check_station, NULL); os_timer_arm(&(state->check_station_timer), 1*1000, TRUE); } static void enduser_setup_check_station_stop(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_check_station_stop"); os_timer_disarm(&(state->check_station_timer)); } /** * Check Station * * Check that we've successfully entered station mode. */ static void enduser_setup_check_station(void *p) { (void)p; struct ip_info ip; c_memset(&ip, 0, sizeof(struct ip_info)); wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ip); int i; char has_ip = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct ip_info); ++i) { has_ip |= ((char *) &ip)[i]; } if (has_ip == 0) { return; } enduser_setup_connected_callback(lua_getstate()); enduser_setup_stop(NULL); } /** * Search String * * Search string for first occurance of any char in srch_str. * * @return -1 iff no occurance of char was found. */ static int enduser_setup_srch_str(const char *str, const char *srch_str) { char *found = strpbrk (str, srch_str); if (!found) return -1; else return found - str; } /** * Load HTTP Payload * * @return - 0 iff payload loaded successfully * 1 iff backup html was loaded * 2 iff out of memory */ static int enduser_setup_http_load_payload(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_load_payload"); int f = fs_open(http_html_filename, fs_mode2flag("r")); int err = fs_seek(f, 0, FS_SEEK_END); int file_len = (int) fs_tell(f); int err2 = fs_seek(f, 0, FS_SEEK_SET); const char cl_hdr[] = "Content-length:%5d\r\n\r\n"; const size_t cl_len = LITLEN(cl_hdr) + 3; /* room to expand %4d */ if (f == 0 || err == -1 || err2 == -1) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_load_payload unable to load file index.html, loading backup HTML."); int payload_len = LITLEN(http_header_200) + cl_len + LITLEN(http_html_backup); state->http_payload_len = payload_len; state->http_payload_data = (char *) c_malloc(payload_len); if (state->http_payload_data == NULL) { return 2; } int offset = 0; c_memcpy(&(state->http_payload_data[offset]), &(http_header_200), LITLEN(http_header_200)); offset += LITLEN(http_header_200); offset += c_sprintf(state->http_payload_data + offset, cl_hdr, LITLEN(http_html_backup)); c_memcpy(&(state->http_payload_data[offset]), &(http_html_backup), LITLEN(http_html_backup)); return 1; } int payload_len = LITLEN(http_header_200) + cl_len + file_len; state->http_payload_len = payload_len; state->http_payload_data = (char *) c_malloc(payload_len); if (state->http_payload_data == NULL) { return 2; } int offset = 0; c_memcpy(&(state->http_payload_data[offset]), &(http_header_200), LITLEN(http_header_200)); offset += LITLEN(http_header_200); offset += c_sprintf(state->http_payload_data + offset, cl_hdr, file_len); fs_read(f, &(state->http_payload_data[offset]), file_len); return 0; } /** * De-escape URL data * * Parse escaped and form encoded data of request. */ static void enduser_setup_http_urldecode(char *dst, const char *src, int src_len) { char a, b; int i; for (i = 0; i < src_len && *src; ++i) { if ((*src == '%') && ((a = src[1]) && (b = src[2])) && (isxdigit(a) && isxdigit(b))) { if (a >= 'a') { a -= 'a'-'A'; } if (a >= 'A') { a -= ('A' - 10); } else { a -= '0'; } if (b >= 'a') { b -= 'a'-'A'; } if (b >= 'A') { b -= ('A' - 10); } else { b -= '0'; } *dst++ = 16 * a + b; src += 3; i += 2; } else { char c = *src++; if (c == '+') { c = ' '; } *dst++ = c; } } *dst++ = '\0'; } /** * Task to do the actual station configuration. * This config *cannot* be done in the network receive callback or serious * issues like memory corruption occur. */ static void do_station_cfg (task_param_t param, uint8_t prio) { struct station_config *cnf = (struct station_config *)param; (void)prio; /* Best-effort disconnect-reconfig-reconnect. If the device is currently * connected, the disconnect will work but the connect will report failure * (though it will actually start connecting). If the devices is not * connected, the disconnect may fail but the connect will succeed. A * solid head-in-the-sand approach seems to be the best tradeoff on * functionality-vs-code-size. * TODO: maybe use an error callback to at least report if the set config * call fails. */ wifi_station_disconnect (); wifi_station_set_config (cnf); wifi_station_connect (); os_free (cnf); } /** * Handle HTTP Credentials * * @return - return 0 iff credentials are found and handled successfully * return 1 iff credentials aren't found * return 2 iff an error occured */ static int enduser_setup_http_handle_credentials(char *data, unsigned short data_len) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_handle_credentials"); char *name_str = (char *) ((uint32_t)strstr(&(data[6]), "wifi_ssid=")); char *pwd_str = (char *) ((uint32_t)strstr(&(data[6]), "wifi_password=")); if (name_str == NULL || pwd_str == NULL) { return 1; } int name_field_len = LITLEN("wifi_ssid="); int pwd_field_len = LITLEN("wifi_password="); char *name_str_start = name_str + name_field_len; char *pwd_str_start = pwd_str + pwd_field_len; int name_str_len = enduser_setup_srch_str(name_str_start, "& "); int pwd_str_len = enduser_setup_srch_str(pwd_str_start, "& "); if (name_str_len == -1 || pwd_str_len == -1 || name_str_len > 31 || pwd_str_len > 63) { return 1; } struct station_config *cnf = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct station_config)); enduser_setup_http_urldecode(cnf->ssid, name_str_start, name_str_len); enduser_setup_http_urldecode(cnf->password, pwd_str_start, pwd_str_len); task_post_medium(do_station_cfg_handle, (task_param_t)cnf); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "WiFi Credentials Stored"); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "-----------------------"); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "name: "); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), cnf->ssid); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "pass: "); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), cnf->password); ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "-----------------------"); return 0; } /** * Serve HTML * * @return - return 0 iff html was served successfully */ static int enduser_setup_http_serve_header(struct espconn *http_client, const char *header, uint32_t header_len) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_serve_header"); int8_t err = espconn_send(http_client, (char *)header, header_len); if (err == ESPCONN_MEM) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_header failed. espconn_send out of memory", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_ARG) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_header failed. espconn_send can't find network transmission", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } else if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_header failed. espconn_send failed", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } return 0; } /** * Serve HTML * * @return - return 0 iff html was served successfully */ static int enduser_setup_http_serve_html(struct espconn *http_client) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_serve_html"); if (state->http_payload_data == NULL) { enduser_setup_http_load_payload(); } int8_t err = espconn_send(http_client, state->http_payload_data, state->http_payload_len); if (err == ESPCONN_MEM) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_html failed. espconn_send out of memory", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_ARG) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_html failed. espconn_send can't find network transmission", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } else if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_serve_html failed. espconn_send failed", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } return 0; } static void serve_status (struct espconn *conn) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_serve_status"); const char fmt[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n" "Content-type: text/plain\r\n" "Content-length: %d\r\n" "\r\n" "%s"; const char *state[] = { "Idle", "Connecting...", "Failed to connect - wrong password", "Failed to connect - network not found", "Failed to connect", "WiFi successfully connected!" /* TODO: include SSID */ }; const size_t num_states = sizeof(state)/sizeof(state[0]); uint8_t which = wifi_station_get_connect_status (); if (which < num_states) { const char *s = state[which]; int len = c_strlen (s); char buf[sizeof (fmt) + 10 + len]; /* more than enough for the formatted */ len = c_sprintf (buf, fmt, len, s); enduser_setup_http_serve_header (conn, buf, len); } else enduser_setup_http_serve_header (conn, http_header_500, LITLEN(http_header_500)); } /** * Disconnect HTTP client * * End TCP connection and free up resources. */ static void enduser_setup_http_disconnect(struct espconn *espconn) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_disconnect"); //TODO: Construct and maintain os task queue(?) to be able to issue system_os_task with espconn_disconnect. } /* --- WiFi AP scanning support -------------------------------------------- */ static void free_scan_listeners (void) { if (!state || !state->scan_listeners) return; scan_listener_t *l = state->scan_listeners , *next = 0; while (l) { next = l->next; c_free (l); l = next; } state->scan_listeners = 0; } static inline bool same_remote (uint8 addr1[4], int port1, uint8 addr2[4], int port2) { return (port1 == port2) && (c_memcmp (addr1, addr2, 4) == 0); } static void on_disconnect (void *arg) { struct espconn *conn = arg; if (conn->type == ESPCONN_TCP && state && state->scan_listeners) { scan_listener_t **sl = &state->scan_listeners; while (*sl) { /* Remove any and all references to the closed conn from the scan list */ scan_listener_t *l = *sl; if (same_remote ( l->remote_ip, l->remote_port, conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, conn->proto.tcp->remote_port)) { *sl = l->next; c_free (l); /* No early exit to guard against multi-entry on list */ } else sl = &(*sl)->next; } } } static char *escape_ssid (char *dst, const char *src) { for (int i = 0; i < 32 && src[i]; ++i) { if (src[i] == '\\' || src[i] == '"') *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = src[i]; } return dst; } static void notify_scan_listeners (const char *payload, size_t sz) { if (!state) return; if (!state->espconn_http_tcp) goto cleanup; struct espconn *conn = state->espconn_http_tcp; for (scan_listener_t *l = state->scan_listeners; l; l = l->next) { c_memcpy (conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, l->remote_ip, 4); conn->proto.tcp->remote_port = l->remote_port; if (espconn_send(conn, (char *)payload, sz) != ESPCONN_OK) ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "failed to send wifi list"); enduser_setup_http_disconnect(conn); } cleanup: free_scan_listeners (); } static void on_scan_done (void *arg, STATUS status) { if (!state || !state->scan_listeners) return; if (status == OK) { unsigned num_nets = 0; for (struct bss_info *wn = arg; wn; wn = wn->next.stqe_next) ++num_nets; const char header_fmt[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Connection:close\r\n" "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n" "Content-type:application/json\r\n" "Content-length:%4d\r\n" "\r\n"; const size_t hdr_sz = sizeof (header_fmt) +1 -1; /* +expand %4d, -\0 */ /* To be able to safely escape a pathological SSID, we need 2*32 bytes */ const size_t max_entry_sz = sizeof("{\"ssid\":\"\",\"rssi\":},") + 2*32 + 6; const size_t alloc_sz = hdr_sz + num_nets * max_entry_sz + 3; char *http = os_zalloc (alloc_sz); if (!http) goto serve_500; char *p = http + hdr_sz; /* start body where we know it will be */ /* p[0] will be clobbered when we print the header, so fill it in last */ ++p; for (struct bss_info *wn = arg; wn; wn = wn->next.stqe_next) { if (wn != arg) *p++ = ','; const char entry_start[] = "{\"ssid\":\""; strcpy (p, entry_start); p += sizeof (entry_start) -1; p = escape_ssid (p, wn->ssid); const char entry_mid[] = "\",\"rssi\":"; strcpy (p, entry_mid); p += sizeof (entry_mid) -1; p += c_sprintf (p, "%d", wn->rssi); *p++ = '}'; } *p++ = ']'; size_t body_sz = (p - http) - hdr_sz; c_sprintf (http, header_fmt, body_sz); http[hdr_sz] = '['; /* Rewrite the \0 with the correct start of body */ notify_scan_listeners (http, hdr_sz + body_sz); c_free (http); return; } serve_500: notify_scan_listeners (http_header_500, LITLEN(http_header_500)); } /* ---- end WiFi AP scan support ------------------------------------------- */ static void enduser_setup_http_recvcb(void *arg, char *data, unsigned short data_len) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_recvcb"); if (!state) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "ignoring received data while stopped"); return; } struct espconn *http_client = (struct espconn *) arg; if (c_strncmp(data, "GET ", 4) == 0) { if (c_strncmp(data + 4, "/ ", 2) == 0) { if (enduser_setup_http_serve_html(http_client) != 0) ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("http_recvcb failed. Unable to send HTML.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } else if (c_strncmp(data + 4, "/aplist ", 8) == 0) { scan_listener_t *l = os_malloc (sizeof (scan_listener_t)); if (!l) ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("out of memory", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); c_memcpy (l->remote_ip, http_client->proto.tcp->remote_ip, 4); l->remote_port = http_client->proto.tcp->remote_port; bool already = (state->scan_listeners != NULL); l->next = state->scan_listeners; state->scan_listeners = l; if (!already) { if (!wifi_station_scan (NULL, on_scan_done)) { enduser_setup_http_serve_header (http_client, http_header_500, LITLEN(http_header_500)); free_scan_listeners (); } } return; } else if (c_strncmp(data + 4, "/status ", 8) == 0) { serve_status (http_client); } else if (c_strncmp(data + 4, "/update?", 8) == 0) { switch (enduser_setup_http_handle_credentials(data, data_len)) { case 0: enduser_setup_http_serve_header(http_client, http_header_302, LITLEN(http_header_302)); break; case 1: enduser_setup_http_serve_header(http_client, http_header_401, LITLEN(http_header_401)); break; default: ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("http_recvcb failed. Failed to handle wifi credentials.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); break; } } else { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "serving 404"); enduser_setup_http_serve_header(http_client, http_header_404, LITLEN(http_header_404)); } } else /* not GET */ { enduser_setup_http_serve_header(http_client, http_header_401, LITLEN(http_header_401)); } enduser_setup_http_disconnect (http_client); } static void enduser_setup_http_connectcb(void *arg) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_connectcb"); struct espconn *callback_espconn = (struct espconn *) arg; int8_t err = 0; err |= espconn_regist_recvcb(callback_espconn, enduser_setup_http_recvcb); err |= espconn_regist_disconcb(callback_espconn, on_disconnect); if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("http_connectcb failed. Callback registration failed.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } } static int enduser_setup_http_start(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_start"); state->espconn_http_tcp = (struct espconn *) c_malloc(sizeof(struct espconn)); if (state->espconn_http_tcp == NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Memory allocation failed (espconn_http_tcp == NULL).", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } esp_tcp *esp_tcp_data = (esp_tcp *) c_malloc(sizeof(esp_tcp)); if (esp_tcp_data == NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Memory allocation failed (esp_udp == NULL).", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } c_memset(state->espconn_http_tcp, 0, sizeof(struct espconn)); c_memset(esp_tcp_data, 0, sizeof(esp_tcp)); state->espconn_http_tcp->proto.tcp = esp_tcp_data; state->espconn_http_tcp->type = ESPCONN_TCP; state->espconn_http_tcp->state = ESPCONN_NONE; esp_tcp_data->local_port = 80; int8_t err; err = espconn_regist_connectcb(state->espconn_http_tcp, enduser_setup_http_connectcb); if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Couldn't add receive callback.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } err = espconn_accept(state->espconn_http_tcp); if (err == ESPCONN_ISCONN) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Couldn't create connection, already listening for that connection.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_OPEN, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_MEM) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Couldn't create connection, out of memory.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_ARG) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Can't find connection from espconn argument", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Unknown error", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } err = espconn_regist_time(state->espconn_http_tcp, 2, 0); if (err == ESPCONN_ARG) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Unable to set TCP timeout.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL | ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NO_RETURN); } err = enduser_setup_http_load_payload(); if (err == 1) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_start info. Loaded backup HTML."); } else if (err == 2) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("http_start failed. Unable to allocate memory for HTTP payload.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } return 0; } static void enduser_setup_http_stop(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_http_stop"); if (state != NULL && state->espconn_http_tcp != NULL) { espconn_delete(state->espconn_http_tcp); } } static void enduser_setup_ap_stop(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_station_stop"); wifi_set_opmode(~SOFTAP_MODE & wifi_get_opmode()); } static void enduser_setup_ap_start(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_ap_start"); struct softap_config cnf; c_memset(&(cnf), 0, sizeof(struct softap_config)); #ifndef ENDUSER_SETUP_AP_SSID #define ENDUSER_SETUP_AP_SSID "SetupGadget" #endif char ssid[] = ENDUSER_SETUP_AP_SSID; int ssid_name_len = c_strlen(ssid); c_memcpy(&(cnf.ssid), ssid, ssid_name_len); uint8_t mac[6]; wifi_get_macaddr(SOFTAP_IF, mac); cnf.ssid[ssid_name_len] = '_'; c_sprintf(cnf.ssid + ssid_name_len + 1, "%02X%02X%02X", mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); cnf.ssid_len = ssid_name_len + 7; cnf.channel = 1; cnf.authmode = AUTH_OPEN; cnf.ssid_hidden = 0; cnf.max_connection = 5; cnf.beacon_interval = 100; wifi_set_opmode(STATIONAP_MODE); wifi_softap_set_config(&cnf); } static void enduser_setup_dns_recv_callback(void *arg, char *recv_data, unsigned short recv_len) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_dns_recv_callback."); struct espconn *callback_espconn = arg; struct ip_info ip_info; uint32_t qname_len = c_strlen(&(recv_data[12])) + 1; // \0=1byte uint32_t dns_reply_static_len = (uint32_t) sizeof(dns_header) + (uint32_t) sizeof(dns_body) + 2 + 4; // dns_id=2bytes, ip=4bytes uint32_t dns_reply_len = dns_reply_static_len + qname_len; uint8_t if_mode = wifi_get_opmode(); if ((if_mode & SOFTAP_MODE) == 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Interface mode not supported.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } uint8_t if_index = (if_mode == STATION_MODE? STATION_IF : SOFTAP_IF); if (wifi_get_ip_info(if_index , &ip_info) == false) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Unable to get interface IP.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } char *dns_reply = (char *) c_malloc(dns_reply_len); if (dns_reply == NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Failed to allocate memory.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_NONFATAL); } uint32_t insert_byte = 0; c_memcpy(&(dns_reply[insert_byte]), recv_data, 2); insert_byte += 2; c_memcpy(&(dns_reply[insert_byte]), dns_header, sizeof(dns_header)); insert_byte += (uint32_t) sizeof(dns_header); c_memcpy(&(dns_reply[insert_byte]), &(recv_data[12]), qname_len); insert_byte += qname_len; c_memcpy(&(dns_reply[insert_byte]), dns_body, sizeof(dns_body)); insert_byte += (uint32_t) sizeof(dns_body); c_memcpy(&(dns_reply[insert_byte]), &(ip_info.ip), 4); // SDK 1.4.0 changed behaviour, for UDP server need to look up remote ip/port remot_info *pr = 0; if (espconn_get_connection_info(callback_espconn, &pr, 0) != ESPCONN_OK) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Unable to get IP of UDP sender.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } callback_espconn->proto.udp->remote_port = pr->remote_port; os_memmove(callback_espconn->proto.udp->remote_ip, pr->remote_ip, 4); int8_t err; err = espconn_send(callback_espconn, dns_reply, dns_reply_len); c_free(dns_reply); if (err == ESPCONN_MEM) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Failed to allocate memory for send.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_ARG) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. Can't execute transmission.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR_VOID("dns_recv_callback failed. espconn_send failed", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } } static void enduser_setup_free(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_free"); if (state == NULL) { return; } if (state->espconn_dns_udp != NULL) { if (state->espconn_dns_udp->proto.udp != NULL) { c_free(state->espconn_dns_udp->proto.udp); } c_free(state->espconn_dns_udp); } if (state->espconn_http_tcp != NULL) { if (state->espconn_http_tcp->proto.tcp != NULL) { c_free(state->espconn_http_tcp->proto.tcp); } c_free(state->espconn_http_tcp); } c_free(state->http_payload_data); free_scan_listeners (); c_free(state); state = NULL; } static int enduser_setup_dns_start(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_dns_start"); if (state->espconn_dns_udp != NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Appears to already be started (espconn_dns_udp != NULL).", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } state->espconn_dns_udp = (struct espconn *) c_malloc(sizeof(struct espconn)); if (state->espconn_dns_udp == NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Memory allocation failed (espconn_dns_udp == NULL).", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } esp_udp *esp_udp_data = (esp_udp *) c_malloc(sizeof(esp_udp)); if (esp_udp_data == NULL) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Memory allocation failed (esp_udp == NULL).", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } c_memset(state->espconn_dns_udp, 0, sizeof(struct espconn)); c_memset(esp_udp_data, 0, sizeof(esp_udp)); state->espconn_dns_udp->proto.udp = esp_udp_data; state->espconn_dns_udp->type = ESPCONN_UDP; state->espconn_dns_udp->state = ESPCONN_NONE; esp_udp_data->local_port = 53; int8_t err; err = espconn_regist_recvcb(state->espconn_dns_udp, enduser_setup_dns_recv_callback); if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Couldn't add receive callback, unknown error.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } err = espconn_create(state->espconn_dns_udp); if (err == ESPCONN_ISCONN) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Couldn't create connection, already listening for that connection.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_OPEN, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err == ESPCONN_MEM) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Couldn't create connection, out of memory.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } else if (err != 0) { ENDUSER_SETUP_ERROR("dns_start failed. Couldn't create connection, unknown error.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR, ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_FATAL); } return 0; } static void enduser_setup_dns_stop(void) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(lua_getstate(), "enduser_setup_dns_stop"); if (state->espconn_dns_udp != NULL) { espconn_delete(state->espconn_dns_udp); } } static int enduser_setup_init(lua_State *L) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(L, "enduser_setup_init"); if (state != NULL) { enduser_setup_error(L, "init failed. Appears to already be started.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR); return ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_UNKOWN_ERROR; } state = (enduser_setup_state_t *) os_zalloc(sizeof(enduser_setup_state_t)); if (state == NULL) { enduser_setup_error(L, "init failed. Unable to allocate memory.", ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return ENDUSER_SETUP_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } c_memset(state, 0, sizeof(enduser_setup_state_t)); state->lua_connected_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; state->lua_err_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; state->lua_dbg_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) { lua_pushvalue(L, 1); state->lua_connected_cb_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } else { state->lua_connected_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; } if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) { lua_pushvalue (L, 2); state->lua_err_cb_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } else { state->lua_err_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; } if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) { lua_pushvalue (L, 3); state->lua_dbg_cb_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } else { state->lua_dbg_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; } return 0; } static int enduser_setup_manual (lua_State *L) { if (!lua_isnoneornil (L, 1)) manual = lua_toboolean (L, 1); lua_pushboolean (L, manual); return 1; } static int enduser_setup_start(lua_State *L) { ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG(L, "enduser_setup_start"); if (!do_station_cfg_handle) do_station_cfg_handle = task_get_id(do_station_cfg); if(enduser_setup_init(L)) goto failed; if (!manual) { enduser_setup_check_station_start(); enduser_setup_ap_start(); } if(enduser_setup_dns_start()) goto failed; if(enduser_setup_http_start()) goto failed; goto out; failed: enduser_setup_stop(L); out: return 0; } static int enduser_setup_stop(lua_State* L) { if (!manual) { enduser_setup_check_station_stop(); enduser_setup_ap_stop(); } enduser_setup_dns_stop(); enduser_setup_http_stop(); enduser_setup_free(); return 0; } static const LUA_REG_TYPE enduser_setup_map[] = { { LSTRKEY( "manual" ), LFUNCVAL( enduser_setup_manual )}, { LSTRKEY( "start" ), LFUNCVAL( enduser_setup_start )}, { LSTRKEY( "stop" ), LFUNCVAL( enduser_setup_stop )}, { LNILKEY, LNILVAL} }; NODEMCU_MODULE(ENDUSER_SETUP, "enduser_setup", enduser_setup_map, NULL);