// Module for interfacing with file system #include "module.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "platform.h" #include "vfs.h" #include static int file_fd = 0; static int rtc_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; static void table2tm( lua_State *L, vfs_time *tm ) { int idx = lua_gettop( L ); // extract items from table lua_getfield( L, idx, "year" ); lua_getfield( L, idx, "mon" ); lua_getfield( L, idx, "day" ); lua_getfield( L, idx, "hour" ); lua_getfield( L, idx, "min" ); lua_getfield( L, idx, "sec" ); tm->year = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 2016 ); tm->mon = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 6 ); tm->day = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 21 ); tm->hour = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 0 ); tm->min = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 0 ); tm->sec = luaL_optint( L, ++idx, 0 ); // remove items from stack lua_pop( L, 6 ); } static int32_t file_rtc_cb( vfs_time *tm ) { int32_t res = VFS_RES_ERR; if (rtc_cb_ref != LUA_NOREF) { lua_State *L = lua_getstate(); lua_rawgeti( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, rtc_cb_ref ); lua_call( L, 0, 1 ); if (lua_type( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) == LUA_TTABLE) { table2tm( L, tm ); res = VFS_RES_OK; } // pop item returned by callback lua_pop( L, 1 ); } return res; } // Lua: on() static int file_on(lua_State *L) { enum events{ ON_RTC = 0 }; const char *const eventnames[] = {"rtc", NULL}; int event = luaL_checkoption(L, 1, "rtc", eventnames); switch (event) { case ON_RTC: luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, rtc_cb_ref); if ((lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TFUNCTION) || (lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TLIGHTFUNCTION)) { lua_pushvalue(L, 2); // copy argument (func) to the top of stack rtc_cb_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); vfs_register_rtc_cb(file_rtc_cb); } else { rtc_cb_ref = LUA_NOREF; vfs_register_rtc_cb(NULL); } break; default: break; } return 0; } // Lua: close() static int file_close( lua_State* L ) { if(file_fd){ vfs_close(file_fd); file_fd = 0; } return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_BUILD_SPIFFS // Lua: format() static int file_format( lua_State* L ) { file_close(L); if( !vfs_format() ) { NODE_ERR( "\n*** ERROR ***: unable to format. FS might be compromised.\n" ); NODE_ERR( "It is advised to re-flash the NodeMCU image.\n" ); luaL_error(L, "Failed to format file system"); } else{ NODE_ERR( "format done.\n" ); } return 0; } static int file_fscfg (lua_State *L) { uint32_t phys_addr, phys_size; vfs_fscfg("/FLASH", &phys_addr, &phys_size); lua_pushinteger (L, phys_addr); lua_pushinteger (L, phys_size); return 2; } #endif // Lua: open(filename, mode) static int file_open( lua_State* L ) { size_t len; if(file_fd){ vfs_close(file_fd); file_fd = 0; } const char *fname = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); const char *basename = vfs_basename( fname ); luaL_argcheck(L, strlen(basename) <= CONFIG_FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN && strlen(fname) == len, 1, "filename invalid"); const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r"); file_fd = vfs_open(fname, mode); if(!file_fd){ lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } return 1; } // Lua: list() static int file_list( lua_State* L ) { vfs_dir *dir; vfs_item *item; if ((dir = vfs_opendir(""))) { lua_newtable( L ); while ((item = vfs_readdir(dir))) { lua_pushinteger(L, vfs_item_size(item)); lua_setfield(L, -2, vfs_item_name(item)); vfs_closeitem(item); } vfs_closedir(dir); return 1; } return 0; } static int file_seek (lua_State *L) { static const int mode[] = {VFS_SEEK_SET, VFS_SEEK_CUR, VFS_SEEK_END}; static const char *const modenames[] = {"set", "cur", "end", NULL}; if(!file_fd) return luaL_error(L, "open a file first"); int op = luaL_checkoption(L, 1, "cur", modenames); long offset = luaL_optlong(L, 2, 0); op = vfs_lseek(file_fd, offset, mode[op]); if (op < 0) lua_pushnil(L); /* error */ else lua_pushinteger(L, vfs_tell(file_fd)); return 1; } // Lua: exists(filename) static int file_exists( lua_State* L ) { size_t len; const char *fname = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); const char *basename = vfs_basename( fname ); luaL_argcheck(L, strlen(basename) <= CONFIG_FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN && strlen(fname) == len, 1, "filename invalid"); vfs_item *stat = vfs_stat((char *)fname); lua_pushboolean(L, stat ? 1 : 0); if (stat) vfs_closeitem(stat); return 1; } // Lua: remove(filename) static int file_remove( lua_State* L ) { size_t len; const char *fname = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); const char *basename = vfs_basename( fname ); luaL_argcheck(L, strlen(basename) <= CONFIG_FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN && strlen(fname) == len, 1, "filename invalid"); file_close(L); vfs_remove((char *)fname); return 0; } // Lua: flush() static int file_flush( lua_State* L ) { if(!file_fd) return luaL_error(L, "open a file first"); if(vfs_flush(file_fd) == 0) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } // Lua: rename("oldname", "newname") static int file_rename( lua_State* L ) { size_t len; if(file_fd){ vfs_close(file_fd); file_fd = 0; } const char *oldname = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); const char *basename = vfs_basename( oldname ); luaL_argcheck(L, strlen(basename) <= CONFIG_FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN && strlen(oldname) == len, 1, "filename invalid"); const char *newname = luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &len ); basename = vfs_basename( newname ); luaL_argcheck(L, strlen(basename) <= CONFIG_FS_OBJ_NAME_LEN && strlen(newname) == len, 2, "filename invalid"); if(0 <= vfs_rename( oldname, newname )){ lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } return 1; } // g_read() static int file_g_read( lua_State* L, int n, int16_t end_char ) { if(n <= 0 || n > LUAL_BUFFERSIZE) n = LUAL_BUFFERSIZE; if(end_char < 0 || end_char >255) end_char = EOF; luaL_Buffer b; if(!file_fd) return luaL_error(L, "open a file first"); luaL_buffinit(L, &b); char *p = luaL_prepbuffer(&b); int i; n = vfs_read(file_fd, p, n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (p[i] == end_char) { ++i; break; } if(i==0){ luaL_pushresult(&b); /* close buffer */ return (lua_objlen(L, -1) > 0); /* check whether read something */ } vfs_lseek(file_fd, -(n - i), VFS_SEEK_CUR); luaL_addsize(&b, i); luaL_pushresult(&b); /* close buffer */ return 1; /* read at least an `eol' */ } // Lua: read() // file.read() will read all byte in file // file.read(10) will read 10 byte from file, or EOF is reached. // file.read('q') will read until 'q' or EOF is reached. static int file_read( lua_State* L ) { unsigned need_len = LUAL_BUFFERSIZE; int16_t end_char = EOF; size_t el; if( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TNUMBER ) { need_len = ( unsigned )luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); if( need_len > LUAL_BUFFERSIZE ){ need_len = LUAL_BUFFERSIZE; } } else if(lua_isstring(L, 1)) { const char *end = luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &el ); if(el!=1){ return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg range" ); } end_char = (int16_t)end[0]; } return file_g_read(L, need_len, end_char); } // Lua: readline() static int file_readline( lua_State* L ) { return file_g_read(L, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE, '\n'); } // Lua: write("string") static int file_write( lua_State* L ) { if(!file_fd) return luaL_error(L, "open a file first"); size_t l, rl; const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); rl = vfs_write(file_fd, s, l); if(rl==l) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } // Lua: writeline("string") static int file_writeline( lua_State* L ) { if(!file_fd) return luaL_error(L, "open a file first"); size_t l, rl; const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &l); rl = vfs_write(file_fd, s, l); if(rl==l){ rl = vfs_write(file_fd, "\n", 1); if(rl==1) lua_pushboolean(L, 1); else lua_pushnil(L); } else{ lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } // Lua: fsinfo() static int file_fsinfo( lua_State* L ) { u32_t total, used; if (vfs_fsinfo("", &total, &used)) { return luaL_error(L, "file system failed"); } NODE_DBG("total: %d, used:%d\n", total, used); if(total>0x7FFFFFFF || used>0x7FFFFFFF || used > total) { return luaL_error(L, "file system error"); } lua_pushinteger(L, total-used); lua_pushinteger(L, used); lua_pushinteger(L, total); return 3; } typedef struct { vfs_vol *vol; } volume_type; #ifdef CONFIG_BUILD_FATFS // Lua: success = file.chdir("/SD0/") static int file_chdir( lua_State *L ) { const char *path = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); lua_pushboolean( L, 0 <= vfs_chdir( path ) ); return 1; } #endif // Module function map static const LUA_REG_TYPE file_map[] = { { LSTRKEY( "list" ), LFUNCVAL( file_list ) }, { LSTRKEY( "open" ), LFUNCVAL( file_open ) }, { LSTRKEY( "close" ), LFUNCVAL( file_close ) }, { LSTRKEY( "write" ), LFUNCVAL( file_write ) }, { LSTRKEY( "writeline" ), LFUNCVAL( file_writeline ) }, { LSTRKEY( "read" ), LFUNCVAL( file_read ) }, { LSTRKEY( "readline" ), LFUNCVAL( file_readline ) }, #ifdef CONFIG_BUILD_SPIFFS { LSTRKEY( "format" ), LFUNCVAL( file_format ) }, { LSTRKEY( "fscfg" ), LFUNCVAL( file_fscfg ) }, #endif { LSTRKEY( "remove" ), LFUNCVAL( file_remove ) }, { LSTRKEY( "seek" ), LFUNCVAL( file_seek ) }, { LSTRKEY( "flush" ), LFUNCVAL( file_flush ) }, { LSTRKEY( "rename" ), LFUNCVAL( file_rename ) }, { LSTRKEY( "exists" ), LFUNCVAL( file_exists ) }, { LSTRKEY( "fsinfo" ), LFUNCVAL( file_fsinfo ) }, { LSTRKEY( "on" ), LFUNCVAL( file_on ) }, #ifdef CONFIG_BUILD_FATFS { LSTRKEY( "chdir" ), LFUNCVAL( file_chdir ) }, #endif { LNILKEY, LNILVAL } }; NODEMCU_MODULE(FILE, "file", file_map, NULL);