local N = require('NTest')("selftest") local orig_node = node local metatest local async local expected = {} local failed, passed = 0,0 local load_tests2 local function load_tests() -- -- Basic tests -- metatest('simple assert passes', function() ok(2 == 2, '2==2') end, {'2==2'}, {}) metatest('simple negative assert fails', function() nok(2 == 2, '2==2') nok(false, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'2==2'}) metatest('simple assert fails', function() ok(1 == 2, '1~=2') ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'1~=2'}) metatest('simple negative assert passes', function() nok(1 == 2, '1~=2') end, {'1~=2'}, {}) metatest('ok without a message', function() ok(1 == 1) ok(1 == 2) end, {'NTest_NTest.lua:31'}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:32'}) metatest('nok without a message', function() nok(1 == "") nok(1 == 1) end, {'NTest_NTest.lua:36'}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:37'}) -- -- Equality tests -- metatest('eq nil', function() ok(eq(nil, nil), 'nil == nil') nok(eq("", nil), '"" != nil') nok(eq(nil, ""), 'nil != ""') end, {'nil == nil', '"" != nil', 'nil != ""'}, {}) metatest('eq primitives', function() ok(eq('foo', 'foo'), 'str == str') nok(eq('foo', 'bar'), 'str != str') ok(eq(123, 123), 'num == num') nok(eq(123, 12), 'num != num') end, {'str == str', 'str != str', 'num == num', 'num != num'}, {}) metatest('eq arrays', function() ok(eq({}, {}), 'empty') ok(eq({1, 2}, {1, 2}), 'equal') nok(eq({1, 2}, {2, 1}), 'swapped') nok(eq({1, 2, 3}, {1, 2}), 'longer') nok(eq({1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}), 'shorter') end, {'empty', 'equal', 'swapped', 'longer', 'shorter'}, {}) metatest('eq objects', function() ok(eq({}, {}), 'empty') ok(eq({a=1,b=2}, {a=1,b=2}), 'equal') ok(eq({b=2,a=1}, {a=1,b=2}), 'swapped') nok(eq({a=1,b=2}, {a=1,b=3}), 'not equal') end, {'empty', 'equal', 'swapped', 'not equal'}, {}) metatest('eq nested objects', function() ok(eq({ ['1'] = { name = 'mhc', age = 28 }, ['2'] = { name = 'arb', age = 26 } }, { ['1'] = { name = 'mhc', age = 28 }, ['2'] = { name = 'arb', age = 26 } }), 'equal') ok(eq({ ['1'] = { name = 'mhc', age = 28 }, ['2'] = { name = 'arb', age = 26 } }, { ['1'] = { name = 'mhc', age = 28 }, ['2'] = { name = 'arb', age = 27 } }), 'not equal') end, {'equal'}, {'not equal', 'different numbers expected 26 vs. 27'}) metatest('eq functions', function() ok(eq(function(x) return x end, function(x) return x end), 'equal') nok(eq(function(z) return x + z end, function(z) return y + z end), 'wrong variable') -- luacheck: ignore nok(eq(function(x) return x*2 end, function(x) return x+2 end), 'wrong code') end, {'equal', 'wrong variable', 'wrong code'}, {}) metatest('eq different types', function() local eqos = eq({a=1,b=2}, "text") ok(eq(eqos.msg, "type 1 is table, type 2 is string"), 'object/string') local eqfn = eq(function(x) return x end, 12) ok(eq(eqfn.msg, "type 1 is function, type 2 is number"), 'function/int') nok(eq(12, "Hallo"), 'int/string') end, {"object/string", "function/int", 'int/string'}, {}) -- -- Spies -- metatest('spy called', function() local f = spy() ok(not f.called or #f.called == 0, 'not called') f() ok(f.called, 'called') ok(#f.called == 1, 'called once') f() ok(#f.called == 2, 'called twice') end, {'not called', 'called', 'called once', 'called twice'}, {}) metatest('spy with arguments', function() local x = 0 local function setX(n) x = n end local f = spy(setX) f(1) ok(x == 1, 'x == 1') ok(eq(f.called, {{1}}), 'called with 1') f(42) ok(x == 42, 'x == 42') ok(eq(f.called, {{1}, {42}}), 'called with 42') end, {'x == 1', 'called with 1', 'x == 42', 'called with 42'}, {}) metatest('spy with nils', function() local function nils(a, _, b) return a, nil, b, nil end local f = spy(nils) local r1, r2, r3, r4 = f(1, nil, 2) ok(eq(f.called, {{1, nil, 2}}), 'nil in args') ok(r1 == 1 and r2 == nil and r3 == 2 and r4 == nil, 'nil in returns') end, {'nil in args', 'nil in returns'}, {}) metatest('spy with exception', function() local function throwSomething(s) if s ~= 'nopanic' then error('panic: '..s) end end local f = spy(throwSomething) f('nopanic') ok(f.errors == nil, 'no errors yet') f('foo') ok(eq(f.called, {{'nopanic'}, {'foo'}}), 'args ok') ok(f.errors[1] == nil and f.errors[2] ~= nil, 'thrown ok') end, {'no errors yet', 'args ok', 'thrown ok'}, {}) metatest('another spy with exception', function() local f = spy(function() local a = unknownVariable + 1 end) -- luacheck: ignore f() ok(f.errors[1], 'exception thrown') end, {'exception thrown'}, {}) metatest('spy should return a value', function() local f = spy(function() return 5 end) ok(f() == 5, 'spy returns a value') local g = spy() ok(g() == nil, 'default spy returns undefined') end, {'spy returns a value', 'default spy returns undefined'}, {}) -- -- fail tests -- metatest('fail with correct errormessage', function() fail(function() error("my error") end, "my error", "Failed with correct error") ok(true, 'reachable code') end, {'Failed with correct error', 'reachable code'}, {}) metatest('fail with incorrect errormessage', function() fail(function() error("my error") end, "different error", "Failed with incorrect error") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'Failed with incorrect error', 'expected errormessage "NTest_NTest.lua:169: my error" to contain "different error"'}) metatest('fail with incorrect errormessage default message', function() fail(function() error("my error") end, "different error") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:175', 'expected errormessage "NTest_NTest.lua:175: my error" to contain "different error"'}) metatest('fail with not failing code', function() fail(function() end, "my error", "did not fail") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {"did not fail", 'Expected to fail with Error containing "my error"'}) metatest('fail with failing code', function() fail(function() error("my error") end, nil, "Failed as expected") ok(true, 'reachable code') end, {'Failed as expected', 'reachable code'}, {}) metatest('fail with not failing code', function() fail(function() end, nil , "did not fail") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {"did not fail", 'Expected to fail with Error'}) metatest('fail with not failing code default message', function() fail(function() end) ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {"NTest_NTest.lua:196", 'Expected to fail with Error'}) metatest('=== load more tests ===', function() load_tests2() end, {}, {}) end load_tests2 = function() -- -- except tests -- metatest('error should panic', function() error("lua error") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:211: lua error'}) -- -- called function except -- local function subfuncerror() error("lua error") end metatest('subroutine error should panic', function() subfuncerror() ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:220: lua error'}) local function subfuncok() ok(false) end metatest('subroutine ok should fail', function() subfuncok() ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:229'}) --drain_post_queue() -- -- Async tests -- metatest('async test', function(next) async(function() ok(true, 'bar') async(function() ok(true, 'baz') next() end) end) ok(true, 'foo') end, {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}, {}, {}, true) metatest('async test without actually async', function(next) ok(true, 'bar') next() end, {'bar'}, {}, {}, true) metatest('async fail in main', function(--[[ next ]]) ok(false, "async fail") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'async fail'}, {}, true) --drain_post_queue() metatest('another async test after async queue drained', function(next) async(function() ok(true, 'bar') next() end) ok(true, 'foo') end, {'foo', 'bar'}, {}, {}, true) -- -- except tests async -- metatest('async except in main', function(--[[ next ]]) error("async except") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:277: async except'}, true) metatest('async fail in callback', function(next) async(function() ok(false, "async fail") next() end) ok(true, 'foo') end, {'foo'}, {'async fail'}, {}, true) metatest('async except in callback', function(next) async(function() error("async Lua error") next() end) ok(true, 'foo') end, {'foo'}, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:291: async Lua error'}, true) -- -- sync after async test -- local marker = 0 metatest('set marker async', function(next) async(function() marker = "marked" ok(true, 'async bar') next() end) ok(true, 'foo') end, {'foo', 'async bar'}, {}, {}, true) metatest('check marker async', function() ok(eq(marker, "marked"), "marker check") end, {"marker check"}, {}) -- -- coroutine async tests -- metatest('coroutine pass', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) ok(true, "passing") end, {"passing"}, {}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine fail in main', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) ok(false, "coroutine fail") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'coroutine fail'}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine fail in main', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) nok(true, "coroutine fail") nok(false, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {'coroutine fail'}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine fail error', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) fail(function() error("my error") end, "my error", "Failed with correct error") fail(function() error("my error") end, "other error", "Failed with other error") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {'Failed with correct error'}, {'Failed with other error', 'expected errormessage "NTest_NTest.lua:333: my error" to contain "other error"'}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine except in main', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) error("coroutine except") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {}, {}, {'NTest_NTest.lua:339: coroutine except'}, "co") --local function coasync(f) table.insert(post_queue, 1, f) end local function coasync(f, p1, p2) node.task.post(node.task.MEDIUM_PRIORITY, function() f(p1,p2) end) end metatest('coroutine with callback', function(getCB, waitCB) coasync(getCB("testCb")) local name = waitCB() ok(eq(name, "testCb"), "cb") end, {"cb"}, {}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine with callback with values', function(getCB, waitCB) coasync(getCB("testCb"), "p1", 2) local name, p1, p2 = waitCB() ok(eq(name, "testCb"), "cb") ok(eq(p1, "p1"), "p1") ok(eq(p2, 2), "p2") end, {"cb", "p1", "p2"}, {}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine fail after callback', function(getCB, waitCB) coasync(getCB("testCb")) local name = waitCB() ok(eq(name, "testCb"), "cb") ok(false, "fail") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {"cb"}, {"fail"}, {}, "co") metatest('coroutine except after callback', function(getCB, waitCB) coasync(getCB("testCb")) local name = waitCB() ok(eq(name, "testCb"), "cb") error("error") ok(true, 'unreachable code') end, {"cb"}, {}, {"NTest_NTest.lua:372: error"}, "co") --- detect stray callbacks after the test has finished local strayCb local function rewrap() coasync(strayCb) end metatest('leave stray callback', function(getCB--[[ , waitCB ]]) strayCb = getCB("testa") coasync(rewrap) end, {}, {}, {}, "co") metatest('test after stray cb', function(--[[ getCB, waitCB ]]) end, {}, {"Found stray Callback 'testa' from test 'leave stray callback'"}, {}, "co") -- -- Finalize: check test results -- metatest("finishing up pending tests", function() for i = 1,#expected -1 do print("--- FAIL "..expected[i].name..' (pending)') failed = failed + 1 end print("failed: "..failed, "passed: "..passed) node = orig_node -- luacheck: ignore 121 (setting read-only global variable) end, {}, {}) end -- load_tests() local cbWrap = function(cb) return cb end if not node.LFS then -- assume we run on host, not on MCU. node is already defined by NTest if running on host cbWrap = function(cb) return function(...) local ok, p1,p2,p3,p4 = pcall(cb, ...) if not ok then if node.Host_Error_Func then -- luacheck: ignore 143 node.Host_Error_Func(p1) -- luacheck: ignore 143 else print(p1, "::::::::::::: reboot :::::::::::::") end else return p1,p2,p3,p4 end end end end -- Helper function to print arrays local function stringify(t) local s = '' for i=1,#(t or {}) do s = s .. '"' .. t[i] .. '"' .. ', ' end return s:gsub('..$', '') end local pass -- Set meta test handler N.report(function(e, test, msg, errormsg) local function consumemsg(msg, area) -- luacheck: ignore if not expected[1][area][1] then print("--- FAIL "..expected[1].name..' ('..area..'ed): unexpected "'.. msg..'"') pass = false return end if msg ~= expected[1][area][1] then print("--- FAIL "..expected[1].name..' ('..area..'ed): expected "'.. expected[1][area][1]..'" vs "'.. msg..'"') pass = false end table.remove(expected[1][area], 1) end local function consumeremainder(area) if #expected[1][area] > 0 then print("--- FAIL "..expected[1].name..' ('..area..'ed): expected ['.. stringify(expected[1][area])..']') pass = false end end if e == 'begin' then pass = true elseif e == 'end' then consumeremainder("pass") consumeremainder("fail") consumeremainder("except") if pass then print("+++ Pass "..expected[1].name) passed = passed + 1 else failed = failed + 1 end table.remove(expected, 1) elseif e == 'pass' then consumemsg(msg, "pass") if errormsg then consumemsg(errormsg, "pass") end elseif e == 'fail' then consumemsg(msg, "fail") if errormsg then consumemsg(errormsg, "fail") end elseif e == 'except' then consumemsg(msg, "except") if errormsg then consumemsg(errormsg, "except") end elseif e == 'start' or e == 'finish' then -- luacheck: ignore -- ignore else print("Extra output: ", e, test, msg, errormsg) end end) local async_queue = {} async = function(f) table.insert(async_queue, cbWrap(f)) end local function async_next() local f = table.remove(async_queue, 1) if f then f() end end local function drain_async_queue() while #async_queue > 0 do async_next() end end metatest = function(name, f, expectedPassed, expectedFailed, expectedExcept, asyncMode) table.insert(expected, { name = name, pass = expectedPassed, fail = expectedFailed, except = expectedExcept or {} }) local ff = f if asyncMode then ff = function(...) f(...) drain_async_queue() end if (asyncMode == "co") then N.testco(name,ff) else N.testasync(name, ff) end else N.test(name, ff) end end load_tests()