# net Module | Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source | | :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ | | 2014-12-22 | [Zeroday](https://github.com/funshine) | [Zeroday](https://github.com/funshine) | [net.c](../../../app/modules/net.c)| **SSL/TLS support** NodeMCU includes [mbedTLS library](https://tls.mbed.org/). With default config it supports **TLS** 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 and most common cipher suites, including DH/ECDH key exchange methods. Full list of features you may get on [mbedTLS page](https://tls.mbed.org/core-features). ## Constants Constants to be used in other functions: `net.TCP`, `net.UDP` ## net.createConnection() Creates a client. #### Syntax `net.createConnection(type, secure)` #### Parameters - `type` `net.TCP` or `net.UDP` - `secure` 1 for encrypted, 0 for plain #### Returns net.socket sub module #### Example ```lua net.createConnection(net.UDP, 0) ``` #### See also [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) ## net.createServer() Creates a server. #### Syntax `net.createServer(type, timeout)` #### Parameters - `type` `net.TCP` or `net.UDP` - `timeout` for a TCP server timeout is 1~28'800 seconds (for an inactive client to be disconnected) #### Returns net.server sub module #### Example ```lua net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) -- 30s timeout ``` #### See also [`net.createConnection()`](#netcreateconnection) ## net.multicastJoin() Join multicast group. #### Syntax `net.multicastJoin(if_ip, multicast_ip)` #### Parameters - `if_ip` string containing the interface ip to join the multicast group. "any" or "" affects all interfaces. - `multicast_ip` of the group to join #### Returns `nil` ## net.multicastLeave() Leave multicast group. #### Syntax `net.multicastLeave(if_ip, multicast_ip)` #### Parameters - `if_ip` string containing the interface ip to leave the multicast group. "any" or "" affects all interfaces. - `multicast_ip` of the group to leave #### Returns `nil` # net.server Module ## net.server:close() Closes the server. #### Syntax `net.server.close()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua -- creates a server sv = net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) -- closes the server sv:close() ``` #### See also [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) ## net.server:listen() Listen on port from IP address. #### Syntax `net.server.listen(port,[ip],function(net.socket))` #### Parameters - `port` port number - `ip` IP address string, can be omitted - `function(net.socket)` callback function, pass to caller function as param if a connection is created successfully #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua -- server listens on 80, if data received, print data to console and send "hello world" back to caller -- 30s time out for a inactive client sv = net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) function receiver(sck, data) print(data) sck:close() end if sv then sv:listen(80, function(conn) conn:on("receive", receiver) conn:send("hello world") end) end ``` #### See also [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) ## net.server:on() UDP server only: Register callback functions for specific events. #### See also [`net.socket:on()`](#netsocketon) ## net.server:send() UDP server only: Sends data to remote peer. #### See also [`net.socket:send()`](#netsocketsend) # net.socket Module ## net.socket:close() Closes socket. #### Syntax `close()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `nil` #### See also [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) ## net.socket:connect() Connect to a remote server. #### Syntax `connect(port, ip|domain)` #### Parameters - `port` port number - `ip` IP address or domain name string #### Returns `nil` #### See also [`net.socket:on()`](#netsocketon) ## net.socket:dns() Provides DNS resolution for a hostname. #### Syntax `dns(domain, function(net.socket, ip))` #### Parameters - `domain` domain name - `function(net.socket, ip)` callback function. The first parameter is the socket, the second parameter is the IP address as a string. #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua sk = net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) sk:dns("www.nodemcu.com", function(conn, ip) print(ip) end) sk = nil ``` #### See also [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) ## net.socket:getpeer() Retrieve port and ip of peer. #### Syntax `getpeer()` #### Parameters none #### Returns - `ip` of peer - `port` of peer ## net.socket:hold() Throttle data reception by placing a request to block the TCP receive function. This request is not effective immediately, Espressif recommends to call it while reserving 5*1460 bytes of memory. #### Syntax `hold()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `nil` #### See also [`net.socket:unhold()`](#netsocketunhold) ## net.socket:on() Register callback functions for specific events. #### Syntax `on(event, function())` #### Parameters - `event` string, which can be "connection", "reconnection", "disconnection", "receive" or "sent" - `function(net.socket[, string])` callback function. The first parameter is the socket. If event is "receive", the second parameter is the received data as string. #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua srv = net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) srv:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end) srv:connect(80,"") srv:on("connection", function(sck, c) -- Wait for connection before sending. sck:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n") end) ``` #### See also - [`net.createServer()`](#netcreateserver) - [`net.socket:hold()`](#netsockethold) ## net.socket:send() Sends data to remote peer. #### Syntax `send(string[, function(sent)])` `sck:send(data, fnA)` is functionally equivalent to `sck:send(data) sck:on("sent", fnA)`. #### Parameters - `string` data in string which will be sent to server - `function(sent)` callback function for sending string #### Returns `nil` #### Note Multiple consecutive `send()` calls aren't guaranteed to work (and often don't) as network requests are treated as separate tasks by the SDK. Instead, subscribe to the "sent" event on the socket and send additional data (or close) in that callback. See [#730](https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware/issues/730#issuecomment-154241161) for details. #### Example ```lua srv = net.createServer(net.TCP) function receiver(sck, data) local response = {} -- if you're sending back HTML over HTTP you'll want something like this instead -- local response = {"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nServer: NodeMCU on ESP8266\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"} response[#response + 1] = "lots of data" response[#response + 1] = "even more data" response[#response + 1] = "e.g. content read from a file" -- sends and removes the first element from the 'response' table local function send(localSocket) if #response > 0 then localSocket:send(table.remove(response, 1)) else localSocket:close() response = nil end end -- triggers the send() function again once the first chunk of data was sent sck:on("sent", send) send(sck) end srv:listen(80, function(conn) conn:on("receive", receiver) end) ``` If you do not or can not keep all the data you send back in memory at one time (remember that `response` is an aggregation) you may use explicit callbacks instead of building up a table like so: ```lua sck:send(header, function() local data1 = "some large chunk of dynamically loaded data" sck:send(data1, function() local data2 = "even more dynamically loaded data" sck:send(data2, function(sk) sk:close() end) end) end) ``` #### See also [`net.socket:on()`](#netsocketon) ## net.socket:unhold() Unblock TCP receiving data by revocation of a preceding `hold()`. #### Syntax `unhold()` #### Parameters none #### Returns `nil` #### See also [`net.socket:hold()`](#netsockethold) # net.dns Module ## net.dns.getdnsserver() Gets the IP address of the DNS server used to resolve hostnames. #### Syntax `net.dns.getdnsserver(dns_index)` #### Parameters dns_index which DNS server to get (range 0~1) #### Returns IP address (string) of DNS server #### Example ```lua print(net.dns.getdnsserver(0)) -- print(net.dns.getdnsserver(1)) -- nil net.dns.setdnsserver("", 0) net.dns.setdnsserver("", 1) print(net.dns.getdnsserver(0)) -- print(net.dns.getdnsserver(1)) -- ``` #### See also [`net.dns:setdnsserver()`](#netdnssetdnsserver) ## net.dns.resolve() Resolve a hostname to an IP address. Doesn't require a socket like [`net.socket.dns()`](#netsocketdns). #### Syntax `net.dns.resolve(host, function(ip))` #### Parameters - `host` hostname to resolve - `function(sk, ip)` callback called when the name was resolved. Don't use `sk`, it's a socket used internally to resolve the hostname. #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua net.dns.resolve("www.google.com", function(sk, ip) if (ip == nil) then print("DNS fail!") else print(ip) end end) ``` #### See also [`net.socket:dns()`](#netsocketdns) ## net.dns.setdnsserver() Sets the IP of the DNS server used to resolve hostnames. Default: resolver1.opendns.com ( You can specify up to 2 DNS servers. #### Syntax `net.dns.setdnsserver(dns_ip_addr, dns_index)` #### Parameters - `dns_ip_addr` IP address of a DNS server - `dns_index` which DNS server to set (range 0~1). Hence, it supports max. 2 servers. #### Returns `nil` #### See also [`net.dns:getdnsserver()`](#netdnsgetdnsserver) # net.cert Module This controls certificate verification when SSL is in use. ## net.cert.verify() Controls the vertificate verification process when the Nodemcu makes a secure connection. #### Syntax `net.cert.verify(enable)` `net.cert.verify(pemdata)` #### Parameters - `enable` A boolean which indicates whether verification should be enabled or not. The default at boot is `false`. - `pemdata` A string containing the CA certificate to use for verification. #### Returns `true` if it worked. Can throw a number of errors if invalid data is supplied. #### Example Make a secure https connection and verify that the certificate chain is valid. ``` net.cert.verify(true) http.get("https://example.com/info", nil, function (code, resp) print(code, resp) end) ``` Load a certificate into the flash chip and make a request. This is the [startssl](https://startssl.com) root certificate. They provide free certificates. ``` net.cert.verify([[ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIHyTCCBbGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADB9MQswCQYDVQQGEwJJTDEW MBQGA1UEChMNU3RhcnRDb20gTHRkLjErMCkGA1UECxMiU2VjdXJlIERpZ2l0YWwg Q2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2lnbmluZzEpMCcGA1UEAxMgU3RhcnRDb20gQ2VydGlmaWNh dGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMDYwOTE3MTk0NjM2WhcNMzYwOTE3MTk0NjM2WjB9 MQswCQYDVQQGEwJJTDEWMBQGA1UEChMNU3RhcnRDb20gTHRkLjErMCkGA1UECxMi U2VjdXJlIERpZ2l0YWwgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2lnbmluZzEpMCcGA1UEAxMgU3Rh cnRDb20gQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQDBiNsJvGxGfHiflXu1M5DycmLWwTYgIiRezul38kMKogZk pMyONvg45iPwbm2xPN1yo4UcodM9tDMr0y+v/uqwQVlntsQGfQqedIXWeUyAN3rf OQVSWff0G0ZDpNKFhdLDcfN1YjS6LIp/Ho/u7TTQEceWzVI9ujPW3U3eCztKS5/C Ji/6tRYccjV3yjxd5srhJosaNnZcAdt0FCX+7bWgiA/deMotHweXMAEtcnn6RtYT Kqi5pquDSR3l8u/d5AGOGAqPY1MWhWKpDhk6zLVmpsJrdAfkK+F2PrRt2PZE4XNi HzvEvqBTViVsUQn3qqvKv3b9bZvzndu/PWa8DFaqr5hIlTpL36dYUNk4dalb6kMM Av+Z6+hsTXBbKWWc3apdzK8BMewM69KN6Oqce+Zu9ydmDBpI125C4z/eIT574Q1w +2OqqGwaVLRcJXrJosmLFqa7LH4XXgVNWG4SHQHuEhANxjJ/GP/89PrNbpHoNkm+ Gkhpi8KWTRoSsmkXwQqQ1vp5Iki/untp+HDH+no32NgN0nZPV/+Qt+OR0t3vwmC3 Zzrd/qqc8NSLf3Iizsafl7b4r4qgEKjZ+xjGtrVcUjyJthkqcwEKDwOzEmDyei+B 26Nu/yYwl/WL3YlXtq09s68rxbd2AvCl1iuahhQqcvbjM4xdCUsT37uMdBNSSwID AQABo4ICUjCCAk4wDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAa4wHQYDVR0OBBYE FE4L7xqkQFulF2mHMMo0aEPQQa7yMGQGA1UdHwRdMFswLKAqoCiGJmh0dHA6Ly9j ZXJ0LnN0YXJ0Y29tLm9yZy9zZnNjYS1jcmwuY3JsMCugKaAnhiVodHRwOi8vY3Js LnN0YXJ0Y29tLm9yZy9zZnNjYS1jcmwuY3JsMIIBXQYDVR0gBIIBVDCCAVAwggFM BgsrBgEEAYG1NwEBATCCATswLwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWI2h0dHA6Ly9jZXJ0LnN0YXJ0 Y29tLm9yZy9wb2xpY3kucGRmMDUGCCsGAQUFBwIBFilodHRwOi8vY2VydC5zdGFy dGNvbS5vcmcvaW50ZXJtZWRpYXRlLnBkZjCB0AYIKwYBBQUHAgIwgcMwJxYgU3Rh cnQgQ29tbWVyY2lhbCAoU3RhcnRDb20pIEx0ZC4wAwIBARqBl0xpbWl0ZWQgTGlh YmlsaXR5LCByZWFkIHRoZSBzZWN0aW9uICpMZWdhbCBMaW1pdGF0aW9ucyogb2Yg dGhlIFN0YXJ0Q29tIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IFBvbGljeSBhdmFp bGFibGUgYXQgaHR0cDovL2NlcnQuc3RhcnRjb20ub3JnL3BvbGljeS5wZGYwEQYJ YIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgAHMDgGCWCGSAGG+EIBDQQrFilTdGFydENvbSBGcmVlIFNT TCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAgEAFmyZ 9GYMNPXQhV59CuzaEE44HF7fpiUFS5Eyweg78T3dRAlbB0mKKctmArexmvclmAk8 jhvh3TaHK0u7aNM5Zj2gJsfyOZEdUauCe37Vzlrk4gNXcGmXCPleWKYK34wGmkUW FjgKXlf2Ysd6AgXmvB618p70qSmD+LIU424oh0TDkBreOKk8rENNZEXO3SipXPJz ewT4F+irsfMuXGRuczE6Eri8sxHkfY+BUZo7jYn0TZNmezwD7dOaHZrzZVD1oNB1 ny+v8OqCQ5j4aZyJecRDjkZy42Q2Eq/3JR44iZB3fsNrarnDy0RLrHiQi+fHLB5L EUTINFInzQpdn4XBidUaePKVEFMy3YCEZnXZtWgo+2EuvoSoOMCZEoalHmdkrQYu L6lwhceWD3yJZfWOQ1QOq92lgDmUYMA0yZZwLKMS9R9Ie70cfmu3nZD0Ijuu+Pwq yvqCUqDvr0tVk+vBtfAii6w0TiYiBKGHLHVKt+V9E9e4DGTANtLJL4YSjCMJwRuC O3NJo2pXh5Tl1njFmUNj403gdy3hZZlyaQQaRwnmDwFWJPsfvw55qVguucQJAX6V um0ABj6y6koQOdjQK/W/7HW/lwLFCRsI3FU34oH7N4RDYiDK51ZLZer+bMEkkySh NOsF/5oirpt9P/FlUQqmMGqz9IgcgA38corog14= -----END CERTIFICATE----- ]]) http.get("https://pskreporter.info/gen404", nil, function (code, resp) print(code, resp) end) ``` #### Notes The certificate needed for verification is stored in the flash chip. The `net.cert.verify` call with `true` enables verification against the value stored in the flash. The certificate can be loaded into the flash chip in two ways -- one at firmware build time, and the other at initial boot of the firmware. In order to load the certificate at build time, just place a file containing the CA certificate (in PEM format) at `server-ca.crt` in the root of the nodemcu-firmware build tree. The build scripts will incorporate this into the resulting firmware image. The alternative approach is easier for development, and that is to supply the PEM data as a string value to `net.cert.verify`. This will store the certificate into the flash chip and turn on verification for that certificate. Subsequent boots of the nodemcu can then use `net.cert.verify(true)` and use the stored certificate.