#include "module.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "platform.h" #include "user_interface.h" #include "rom.h" //#include "driver/easygpio.h" //static Ping_Data pingA; #define defPulseLen 185 #define defProtocol 1 #define defRepeat 10 #define defBits 24 static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR transmit(int pin, int pulseLen, int nHighPulses, int nLowPulses) { platform_gpio_write(pin, 1); os_delay_us(pulseLen*nHighPulses); platform_gpio_write(pin, 0); os_delay_us(pulseLen*nLowPulses); } //rc.send(4,267715,24,185,1,10) --GPIO, code, bits, pulselen, protocol, repeat static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rc_send(lua_State* L) { const uint8_t pin = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); platform_gpio_mode(pin, PLATFORM_GPIO_OUTPUT, PLATFORM_GPIO_FLOAT); //platform_gpio_mode(pin, PLATFORM_GPIO_OUTPUT, PLATFORM_GPIO_PULLUP); //platform_gpio_mode(pin, PLATFORM_GPIO_OUTPUT, PLATFORM_GPIO_PULLDOWN); platform_gpio_write(pin, 0); long code = luaL_checklong(L, 2); //const uint8_t bits = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); uint8_t bits = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3); const uint8_t pulseLen = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4); const uint8_t Protocol = luaL_checkinteger(L, 5); const uint8_t repeat = luaL_checkinteger(L, 6); NODE_ERR("pulseLen:%d\n",pulseLen); NODE_ERR("Protocol:%d\n",Protocol); NODE_ERR("repeat:%d\n",repeat); NODE_ERR("send:"); platform_print_deprecation_note("rc", "in the next release. Use rfswitch module instead."); int c,k,nRepeat; bits = bits-1; for (c = bits; c >= 0; c--) { k = code >> c; if (k & 1) NODE_ERR("1"); else NODE_ERR("0"); } NODE_ERR("\n"); for (nRepeat=0; nRepeat= 0; c--) { k = code >> c; if (k & 1){ //send1 if(Protocol==1){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,3,1); }else if(Protocol==2){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,2,1); }else if(Protocol==3){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,9,6); } } else{ //send0 if(Protocol==1){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,1,3); }else if(Protocol==2){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,1,2); }else if(Protocol==3){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,4,11); } } } //sendSync(); if(Protocol==1){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,1,31); }else if(Protocol==2){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,1,10); }else if(Protocol==3){ transmit(pin,pulseLen,1,71); } } return 1; } // Module function map LROT_BEGIN(rc, NULL, 0) LROT_FUNCENTRY( send, rc_send ) LROT_END(rc, NULL, 0) int luaopen_rc(lua_State *L) { // TODO: Make sure that the GPIO system is initialized return 0; } NODEMCU_MODULE(RC, "rc", rc, luaopen_rc);