-- setup SPI and connect display function init_spi_display() -- Hardware SPI CLK = GPIO14 -- Hardware SPI MOSI = GPIO13 -- Hardware SPI MISO = GPIO12 (not used) -- Hardware SPI /CS = GPIO15 (not used) -- CS, D/C, and RES can be assigned freely to available GPIOs local cs = 8 -- GPIO15, pull-down 10k to GND local dc = 4 -- GPIO2 local res = 0 -- GPIO16 local bus = 1 spi.setup(bus, spi.MASTER, spi.CPOL_LOW, spi.CPHA_LOW, 8, 8) -- we won't be using the HSPI /CS line, so disable it again gpio.mode(8, gpio.INPUT, gpio.PULLUP) -- initialize the matching driver for your display -- see app/include/ucg_config.h --disp = ucg.ili9341_18x240x320_hw_spi(bus, cs, dc, res) disp = ucg.st7735_18x128x160_hw_spi(bus, cs, dc, res) end -- switch statement http://lua-users.org/wiki/SwitchStatement function switch(c) local swtbl = { casevar = c, caseof = function (self, code) local f if (self.casevar) then f = code[self.casevar] or code.default else f = code.missing or code.default end if f then if type(f)=="function" then return f(self.casevar,self) else error("case "..tostring(self.casevar).." not a function") end end end } return swtbl end z = 127 -- start value function lcg_rnd() z = bit.band(65 * z + 17, 255) return z end function millis() local usec = tmr.now() return usec/1000 end function set_clip_range() local x, y, w, h w = bit.band(lcg_rnd(), 31) h = bit.band(lcg_rnd(), 31) w = w + 25 h = h + 25 x = bit.rshift(lcg_rnd() * (disp:getWidth() - w), 8) y = bit.rshift(lcg_rnd() * (disp:getHeight() - h), 8) disp:setClipRange(x, y, w, h) end function loop() if (loop_idx == 0) then switch(bit.band(r, 3)) : caseof { [0] = function() disp:undoRotate() end, [1] = function() disp:setRotate90() end, [2] = function() disp:setRotate180() end, default = function() disp:setRotate270() end } if ( r > 3 ) then disp:clearScreen() set_clip_range() else disp:undoClipRange() end r = bit.band(r + 1, 7) end switch(loop_idx) : caseof { [0] = function() end, [1] = function() require("GT_graphics_test").run() end, [2] = function() require("GT_cross").run() end, [3] = function() require("GT_pixel_and_lines").run() end, [4] = function() require("GT_color_test").run() end, [5] = function() require("GT_triangle").run() end, [6] = function() require("GT_fonts").run() end, [7] = function() require("GT_text").run() end, [8] = function() if r <= 3 then require("GT_clip").run() end end, [9] = function() require("GT_box").run() end, [10] = function() require("GT_gradient").run() end, [11] = function() disp:setMaxClipRange() end, default = function() loop_idx = -1 end } loop_idx = loop_idx + 1 print("Heap: " .. node.heap()) end T = 1000 r = 0 loop_idx = 0 init_spi_display() disp:begin(ucg.FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT) disp:setFont(ucg.font_ncenR14_hr) disp:clearScreen() tmr.register(0, 3000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() loop() end) tmr.start(0)