# Sigma-delta Module
| Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source |
| :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ |
| 2016-02-20 | [Arnim Läuger](https://github.com/devsaurus), [Espressif example](http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?t=49) | [Arnim Läuger](https://github.com/devsaurus) | [sigma_delta.c](../../../app/modules/sigma_delta.c)|
This module provides access to the [sigma-delta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta-sigma_modulation) component. It's a hardware signal generator that can be routed to any of the GPIOs except pin 0.
The signal generation is controlled by the [`setprescale()`](#sigma_deltasetprescale) and [`settarget()`](#sigma_deltasettarget) functions.
- 0 < target <= 128
thigh = (prescale + 1) / 80 µs
tperiod = thigh * 256 / target
- 128 < target < 256
tlow = (prescale + 1) / 80 µs
tperiod = tlow * 256 / (256 - target)
- target = 0
signal stopped at low
Fixed frequency PWM at ~312.5 kHz is availble with the [`setpwmduty()`](#sigma_deltasetpwmduty) function.
## sigma_delta.close()
Stops signal generation and reenables GPIO functionality at the specified pin.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
`pin` 1~12, IO index
#### Returns
## sigma_delta.setprescale()
Sets the prescale value.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
`value` prescale 1 to 255
#### Returns
#### See also
## sigma_delta.setpwmduty()
Operate the sigma-delta module in PWM-like mode with fixed base frequency.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
`ratio` 0...255 for duty cycle 0...100%, 0 stops the signal at low
#### Returns
#### Example
-- attach generator to pin 2
-- set 50% duty cycle ratio (and implicitly start signal)
-- stop
-- resume with ~99.6% ratio
-- stop and detach generator from pin 2
## sigma_delta.settarget()
Sets the target value.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
`value` target 0 to 255
#### Returns
#### See also
## sigma_delta.setup()
Stops the signal generator and routes it to the specified pin.
#### Syntax
#### Parameters
`pin` 1~12, IO index
#### Returns